
Responses from lewm

Phasemation cart on Technics
As long as the tone arm effective mass and the cartridge compliance are not wildly mismatched, I personally tend not to worry about that issue too much. For one thing, we never can know the actual compliance of a given sample of the cartridge. All... 
Phasemation cart on Technics
By the way, you seem to be conflating weight with compliance. At least the numbers you quote look like compliance data. But yes, for a low compliance cartridge, like yours seems to be, you want a tonearm with high ish effective mass ( not “weight”... 
Phasemation cart on Technics
It’s only 5 hours old. It feels like you wanna send your baby for a facelift already. Give it at least 50 hours to break in. Also, the new suspension is usually a bit stiffer, lower in compliance, than spec. For a few of those break in hours, you ... 
Grado Statement 1
The thread is 14 years old, but apparently you can still buy the Statement 1 from LP gear. Its output is only 0.5mV, so you do need around 60 db of phono stage gain, depending on ancillary equipment. The internal resistance is only 2 ohms, but as ... 
Phono Preamp Gain
You cannot really extrapolate from one system to another to estimate the needed phono stage gain, especially if the line stage is passive. But amplifier input sensitivity, and speaker efficiency also play important roles. Anyway, the OP cannot bre... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Yes, I think it makes sense to assure that the single null point falls somewhere on the playable surface of the LP, and for many reasons known to both of us, it seems a good idea to place it nearer to the innermost grooves than the outermost groov... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Raul, I have more or less done such experiments already. The only way to get any null point on the playing surface of an LP, with the Viv or any other tonearm that has zero headshell offset, is to mount the tonearm with underhang. If you mount the... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
The cause of friction is gravity, in this case..  
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Raul, I agree that a strain gauge used without any correction would not conform well to RIAA, because it would not be correct in the region 500Hz to about 2kHz, where the RIAA curve has a plateau. But like you said, because we don't know the ident... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Pindac, in your recent very long post, I am not quite sure what you wanted to say, but I take it that you believe the pleasure of good music enjoyed in the company of good friends is the highest goal of our hobby, and who could possibly disgree wi... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Must be a strain gauge cartridge. It’s not a matter of simply removing offset. The stylus tip must also underhang the spindle. You don’t want one without the other.  
Coil vs. Cart impedance
To be specific, "impedance" is a frequency-dependent reading of resistance.  The impedance is different at different frequencies, so to be completely useful, the frequency or the range of frequencies should be stated, but most often is not stated.... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Just to note that Tom uses the term zenith and the term headshell offset angle as if they were synonymous. For me, and in all my comments above, the term Zenith is used to refer only to the angle of the mounting of the stylus tip in the cantilever... 
Coil vs. Cart impedance
 “On paper” your cartridge should be loaded with 500 ohms or higher. However, whatever floats your boat.  
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
It would seem to me that the skating force does much more to prevent the stylus from being “centered in the groove” than TAE. AS is all we have to counter skating but AS can only be correct at one or two moments of play, because it’s constant in m...