Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Bacardi- i'm sorry, i'm still confused. minimal bass compared to longer running components? what does that mean?

in general, i'm not sure why a MIG should have break-in at all---no current is running through it at all. either they work or don't.
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Tvad, THX. I should have mentioned your exact words in my earlier post

Keithr, When I had to move my 155lb subwoofer & 45lb platform to put the miggs under/between them I had to disconnect the active power cord/interconnect. Therefore the cord would need a re-charge to settle from being moved, thus the "a few weeks"....

Regards Bacardi
There is breakin with some footers. Depends on material makeup, geometry of device and the mass of the unit sitting atop the footer. Some components will over a period of time develop a vibrational pattern that will exist even when a highly resolute footer or shelf is replaced by a different footer or shelf. The speaker the chassis or the musical instrument is much like a capacitor in that its material makeup is a storage device with a memory of signals that pass thru. I have recorded this process happen and was shocked and dismayed at first, soon to be excited by the understanding of why it happened. Tom
Tvad, "Clearly, hard metal bowls do not break-in." Are you presuming yourself the expert? I thought it improbable myself until I heard it. Ted Denny thinks it is some adjustment of both the component and the MIGs to their combined resonance. As always, you are more confident that man knows all natures secrets and I that we have only begun. Needless to say, I reject your dismissal.
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Let me know when you land back in Texas I will send you a recording of breakin as it happens and the residual memory and disapation left behind from the exchange of one coupling device to another. Tom
Anybody taking Norm seriously is most likely unaware he was fired from 2 audio ezines within a 12 month period for ethical and performance related issues.

Hope that helps.
Well, there is some truth to what Feil says. I was asked to be a reviewer for Dagogo and with many misgivings I agreed and thought had an agreement that I could review what I wanted. It did not work out. I then joined SoundStage and took two reviews that I had done originally for Dagogo, the LSA1 Statement speakers and the Synergistic Research cables with me.

All was going well until on the Tidal thread here, when asked about various amps I said that the Gryphons were not what I consider "world class." This caused much discomfort for SoundStage and I was asked to leave. My remaining reviews were published and in many respects I was relieved to review no longer. A reviewer cannot really be free to say what his or her experiences are in postings.

Feil knows that I do this often, and he has often taken exception to this, but not with any basis, just jibes that he thinks are cute. I have learned to ignore him. As to his warning, I think that I only say what are merely my experiences. I trust few reviewers and think you too should be critical.
I had an experience, yesterday, that I almost cannot believe. I continue to seek good reproduction in my summer home. I had SR MIGs under the Weiss Dac202, the H-Cat linestage, and the Sanders Magtech. I was getting satisfying sound, but nothing special. At home I had been using MIGs under the Mac that serves as my server but had yet to do that here.

It was easy to do as the Mac is a laptop. I let the music play and put the MIGs in the pin-point position. The apparent sound stage went up about three feet and became much wider and more open.

I guess this has limited application, but if you do use a computer as a source, try MIGs under it.
Theaudiotweak, I will be back in Texas in late September or early October.
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Tvad, no what I said was true. I bought the PowerCell at retail before I became a reviewer for Dagogo. Reviewers are considered in the industry and get accommodation prices from almost all manufacturers. It has nothing to do with their reviews. Manufacturers do, however, like reviews that end with the reviewer saying that they could not allow the component to go back and bought it.

When are you going to get around to hearing the Synergistic Products that you seem so convinced are worthless?
I currently have on demo a set of Synergistic Research Galileo universal speaker cells. I installed the cells with the included Galileo Basik speaker cables to compare my current speaker cables the Apex. Initial impressions are good. A lot more detail is present with a blacker background and deeper soundstage compared to the Apex SC. The midrange is not as holographic as the Apex speaker cables and the frequency extremes are missing a little bit. A step or two backwards but it has some qualities the Apex does not. Next I installed the Apex speaker cables with the universal cells. These blow away the Galileo Basik speaker cables and cells. All that was missing was now in place. All the holographic midrange that was missing is back. The high frequencies are more extended and much clearer. The soundstage is forward again with some instruments. Listening at lower levels is a complete joy as the details are all there. This alone is worth the price. These are not subtle changes in sound quality. I really am enjoying the speaker cells and possibly going to place an order soon. Next I'm going to going to demo the universal interconnects cells and report back.
Joeyboynj, yep. The ic Cells will do the same.

I am presently using all of my Cells with Basik cabling in a small room at my summer home. Even with just the Basik, the sound is quite good.
I read the entire thread over this weekend---one thing that interested me was that some people on this thread spend more on SR cabling and power products than on their speakers.

Would some of you care to comment? or is the discount to be had on these products very high?

Don't get me wrong- i actually want to try a pair of ICs or speaker cables. However, I'm concerned that to outfit my system in SR gear would costs 2x my speaker cost which has to be a poor choice of funds. If one cable won't do it, then why bother.


KeithR, the used prices on Audiogon are really good discounts and if you dont like them they will be easy to sell since they are very popular.

You dont need the most expensive cables from Synergistic. Start at the Accelerator level for SC & I/C. And T series power cables. And demo them in your system. You will know if you like them or not.
" thing that interested me was that some people on this thread spend more on SR cabling and power products than on their speakers."

My powercell SE cost more than my left AND right speakers.
Tbg, I laughed out loud at your post on the reasons behind your firing. Thanks for that!

On the one hand, you warn people about taking reviewers seriously. While on the other, even in admitting to being relieved at your being thrown out, give the impression that if they didn't, you would not have stepped down, we'd still be getting BS'd by you. I'm left wondering if you warn us about about the credibility of reviewers because you who were fired and did not resign, have none yourself.

To be sure, this isn't the first meatball of a contradiction you've thrown right down the middle of the plate for us to whack out of the park, and I'm confident neither will it be the last.

Surprisingly enough (not), there's more than a little revisionist history around Tbg's account of being kicked to the curb. Thankfully, he doesn't get to write the history books without others getting equal time.

While Tbg lists his criticism of the Gryphon amplifier as the reason, most of us following along at home will instead recall it seemingly being the out and out impropriety regarding he and the Tidal loudspeakers themselves. Let's remember back to that thread, shall we? He announces his love and devotion after several auditions of the speakers at RMAF2009. Along with that, he told everyone he was moving ahead on a purchase. Nothing wrong with any of that. But, he couldn't help also announcing that a review would be appearing in Soundstage at some point in the future; the implication and/or worry being that it would be over the top glowing.

That's when a bunch of folks here raised the red flag for the obvious reason - a classic case of "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours."

Displaying to everyone's exasperation, including Tidal devotees and those more closely allied with the operation (folks who took the right road and deserve to be commended for it), that he missed his true calling in life (obviously be politics), he never backed off an inch. We all know there was no shortage of discussion on the matter at the time. With all of the other things they have to stay up at night worrying about, I'm sure that incident was the last thing Soundstage wanted. And, so Sounstage did the obvious thing, and a slot opened up for an aspiring (hopefully, more ethical) reviewer to get his or her chance.

Now, Synergistic has the chance to be soiled by Tbg. Hopefully, like Tidal and Soundstage, they'll figure out a way out before they get too much crap on them.
We all make investments in our sound reproduction. If we fine a greater improvement in cabling than in electronics, is there something wrong with this? Over the years, I have read countless articles about what percentage of your investment should be in speakers, etc. All I can say is that the author must have lacked thoughts about what to write about. I have never seen an article on how much of the investment in a house should go to doors.
Come on Norm, what's the deal?

You respond within seconds of other posts.

Somebody hit a nerve?
Come on Norm, what's the deal?

You respond within seconds of other posts.

Somebody hit a nerve?

He's got to have the last word, even when it's not relevant to the question asked.
Wow, guys, please take it easy. Norm has always been very hospitable to me personally and I consider him a friend, so it hurts to see the thrashing he is taking on Audiogon forums due to his tendency to be a bit too enthusiastic toward the products he owns and prefers.

I will not get into the whole thing about his reviewer history (primarily because I don't know the facts nor wish to), but I will say that his equipment purchases and his posts are, in my opinion, based on his love for the hobby and genuinely reflect what he personally feels about these products.

I did not wish to enter into this fray, but feel compelled to stand up for a gentleman I believe to be a genuinely dedicated audiophile and a good friend.

I thought this was a Synergistic thread, character assassinations are on another website.
Norm is a good guy and quite knowledgeable. I welcome his insight and value his comments.

This thread is about Synergistic products, information and experiences. Let's please leave it at that... Thank you.
Joeyboynj, I was waiting for someone to say that, perfectly said. Especially with you owning the thread.LOL. Anyhow..

I recently purchased an Oppo BDP 83SE and I am using 5.1 analogue and 2 channel analogue to my Onkyo Pro SC885 processor.

I have 8 old Monster cable series 1. 400 rca's and need to upgrade to S.R Tesla. Which do you recommend for the 2channel and which for the 5.1?????? THX

Regards Bacardi
Get real, this thread is about Synergistic Research, if someone has issue with somebody else, please take it elsewhere that is more appropriate.
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Can anyone help me as to 5.1 channel analogue interconnects from my Oppo SE to my Onkyo SC 885 processor. I am tossing up either Active Alpha sterling X2 all around or maybe go for Tesla Accelerators. I have old Monster series 1 400's which are 20+ years old which I am using now(ARGGH!!).THX.....

Regards Bacardi
Fplanner2010, I did a switch to HDMI from Onkyo to analogue Oppo SE on-the-fly and the Oppo sounds better. For movies and easily the better for 2 channel. I think it openned a can of worms. Lol.

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, Synergistic no longer makes the Active Sterling X2, you will have to find used. Another option is the Galileo Basik Strings interconnects and speaker cables. They are non active are sound really nice. These are the cheapest now. Then up from that is the Magnetic Tricon then Accelerator. All depends on your budget and your equipment. As you know, these cables are system dependent.
Try the SR D3 digital Bacardi. I have a 5.1 setup and the the D3 works well in stereo and home theater stuff.
Bacardi - That's what I was getting at - the SR D-3. Probably the most underpriced cable they make (once you hear it)
For My Oppo BP 83SE ananlog outputs I am using Electraglide Silver signatures. I dont think they are made anymore.
I also think Morrow MA4's would be great with the Oppo. Great cables at a great price.
Of course, you can also buy SR Apex or PR you would need 3 pairs...
Analog outs is the only way to go with the Oppo BP-83SE.
Thx all for the suggestions, I do like the analogue 5.1 from my Oppo SE so I will try slowly upgrading my old monster rca's to Alpha Sterlings X2 used or even Tesla Accelerator used. That would mean I will need more outlets for the MPC's so I will add a QLS 6 to the budget as my QLS 9 is full.

Regards Bacardi
Well boys and girls I bought the Apex SC off the Gon today. I just don't know if i can run with the big dogs here with all your cells/plugs and feet.

Also got a T-3 UHC 20 amp for my DMitri. I just cused using the D word.

Atma Sphere S-30 amp/TRL Dude pre/Zu Audio Presence with built in subs.

As stated I am going to use the T3 on the D. I can not bring myself to spell it, sorry. What would one think that I should use on the amp (30W) and pre amp?

My IC's are from outer space ( charged with space dust) so I will not change them.

I am a half breed here.

I do like the zeal here for the SR products but in my world I can not keep up with you guys. Can't sell my Eqarack footers/DMitri/IC's.

Open to one day getting the Cells when they go on the 'Gon @ 50 off.
This thread is dead.

Bought the T-2 and 1M Apex IC.

Need one more T-2/PR AC Cord and a 1M PR IC.

If you SR boys don't wake up I am going to go out and get the 25K G Speaker cells/wire.
Has anyone tried the Galileo speaker cable and interconnect? Is it worth the money? Has anyone bought any?
Glory, lol...I agree with you. I think it is because the summer season everyone is outdoors enjoying weather, camping etc.... The fall will pick up for sure. If I win the lottery some day, I will have lots to spend and I will fill this thread with lots of fortune. My last piece to my system is a Hologram D for my Oppo BDP SE. Then onto speaker upgrades...

Regards Bacardi
Maxwellssilverhammer, are you speaking of the Galileo speaker cables or the Galileo Universal Speaker Cells? I have heard the expensive Galileo cables at CES, but they are beyond my means. The Universal Cells, I have. They are great!
Took out the Isoclean outlet and in went the Plex. What ever they zapped it with it sure worked. Just from a cheap ass red outlet all that upgrade in sound? Impressed I am.

Maybe SR can zap Obama to get hia A.. in gear and help our economy.
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Sts, I agree with Glory about the electrical benefits of Tesla but zapping myself!!!

Glory, I am not in the least surprised. I too was shocked. The obvious question is what would a really well made outlet sound like were it treated by SR.
Apex SC/IC are in. T2 on pre. T3 on D. Two more T3's for my subs with SR jumpers are coming.

Can not afford a 2M PR IC. Because the AS amp hooks up in the front of the amp this makes a 1M IC impossible.

What would one use for a IC from Pre to AMP?
Glory, I have always liked the Accelerator but have never tried it between my preamp and amp.
Glory, The Accelerator is an excellent Pre to Amp cable. I tried both the PR and Accelerator in this position and in my system preferred the Accelerator. So you can always upgrade later... The PR had a different presentation and I picked my preference.