
Responses from fplanner2010

VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Having said that, I can also agree that going from 1 to 2 200s is probably better than a doubling of goodness, judging from the improvements I got going from 1 300.1 to 2 of them. Huge difference and afterwards had a hard time believing I had been... 
VAC Owners:Outboard Phono Stage?
Even though I am not a phono guy, I've had VAC gear for years. I believe your dealer is correct re:450s - its at a different build/sonic level than the 200's. 
von schweikert feedback on new vr-6 or vr-7
I got the last pair of 7's several years ago. The 77 project is on hold. There are no new 6's or 8's that I know about either. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Correction: High FIDELITY CT-1 ics. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I just replaced my CTS SR demo ics between source and preamp with High End cables' CT-1 from my old buddy Rick Schultz, since I couldn't get what I thought was a fair deal on the SR's from Cable co. Glad I'm trying Rick's cables - big improvement ... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
The Base is the one to get, if you are going to do this. It has the full technology. The Basik does not - which is probably why it has not gotten much attention. 
Software Flaw In New Velodyne Subs?
In the immortal words of Daniel von Recklinghausen, if it measures good and sounds bad, it is bad.If it measures bad and sounds good, you've measured the wrong things. Just a thought... :-) 
Software Flaw In New Velodyne Subs?
Marty-So are other people when they come into my room, including Albert VS several years ago. The room is 19x20, has sloping ceilings left to right from 13' down to 8', and many openings on 1 side, so its impossible to pressurize properly.I have A... 
Software Flaw In New Velodyne Subs?
Yes I have, as have others. 
Software Flaw In New Velodyne Subs?
Irv-You DID call me silly, so I responded. Its not that 25-35hz low pass is necessarily a good thing. As you point out, it is totally system, room, music and preference dependent. When I had this flexibility, I used it. With my newer and improved ... 
Software Flaw In New Velodyne Subs?
You guys are totally missing the point. The flexibility of high-end Full-range speakers that go down to 17hz is totally useless if in order to use the sub, you have to cross it at 40hz. What if I want my speakers to take it to 30 hz and then let t... 
Amp blowing fuses
From a different standpoint, I had something similar happen with my 2 new VAC Statement monoblocks. Turned out that all fuses aren't necessarily the same. There is a greatly increased amount of current when an amp first turns on and if the fuse is... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
I've just acquired a pair of VAC Signature 450 monoblocks that I can't see ever leaving. I inserted 5 Black Treasure CV-181's into the front of each and even more magic happened. Don't really have anywhere to go from here. Finally... :-) 
Burning question about two VAC amps and dead tubes
Try Grant Fidelity 
VSA VR-3 Upgrades. Has anyone done them? Results?
Not necessarily, Drubin. AVS has engineered the replacement drivers, at least my new mids, so they will work with the existing crossovers. I had been a bit skeptical of this, but Albert's managed to keep the specs similar while vastly improving th...