Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 7 responses by keithr

Bacardi- so it took you a few weeks to notice any difference in sound? or am i reading you wrong...
Ted- noticed for some time that the Tesla technology is "patent pending"---despite the fact this thread is 3 years old.

I would love to read about it in more detail, but don't see it on the US patent site--can you post up the link if its been approved?


Bacardi- i'm sorry, i'm still confused. minimal bass compared to longer running components? what does that mean?

in general, i'm not sure why a MIG should have break-in at all---no current is running through it at all. either they work or don't.
I read the entire thread over this weekend---one thing that interested me was that some people on this thread spend more on SR cabling and power products than on their speakers.

Would some of you care to comment? or is the discount to be had on these products very high?

Don't get me wrong- i actually want to try a pair of ICs or speaker cables. However, I'm concerned that to outfit my system in SR gear would costs 2x my speaker cost which has to be a poor choice of funds. If one cable won't do it, then why bother.


08-17-10: Glory
I am to wait for 200 hrs. to really hear the Plex, so I am told.

200 hours to burn in an outlet? How on earth can you attest to differences between outlets at such length---not like you are doing A/B testing.

Tbg- no i do not have a Teslaplex. I am looking to run another dedicated line and have Sound Application outlet on my only line currently--wondering which direction to take. But 200 hours of alleged break-in on a socket is really pretty mindblowing for me to accept.
Also I might add---

why isn't there any measurements of Synergistics cables on the website? Other manufacturers (Kimber, Cardas, off the top of my head) do and it is extremely helpful. I'm curious if their cables just jack up capacitance to extremely high levels.