Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 37 responses by glory


Glad you showed up again to add your wisdom/knowledge to this thread.

Both you and TV make a great pair together with your humor an all.
Took out the Isoclean outlet and in went the Plex. What ever they zapped it with it sure worked. Just from a cheap ass red outlet all that upgrade in sound? Impressed I am.

Maybe SR can zap Obama to get hia A.. in gear and help our economy.
Wow, so much extra stuff to add to your audio system adds up to big $$$ for....

Is there any room left in the room of tweeks and stuff to sit down for a listen?

On Monday there will be a new efferator released to the market that will tie into your speakers that will cause the music to jump out and touch you in a 3D way. It comes in two models, one where the music hits you with a mild swat in the face and the more $$$ one slams you in the face and says, "Hand over to me more $$$ for the 3rd version and see what I will do".
Well boys and girls I bought the Apex SC off the Gon today. I just don't know if i can run with the big dogs here with all your cells/plugs and feet.

Also got a T-3 UHC 20 amp for my DMitri. I just cused using the D word.

Atma Sphere S-30 amp/TRL Dude pre/Zu Audio Presence with built in subs.

As stated I am going to use the T3 on the D. I can not bring myself to spell it, sorry. What would one think that I should use on the amp (30W) and pre amp?

My IC's are from outer space ( charged with space dust) so I will not change them.

I am a half breed here.

I do like the zeal here for the SR products but in my world I can not keep up with you guys. Can't sell my Eqarack footers/DMitri/IC's.

Open to one day getting the Cells when they go on the 'Gon @ 50 off.
This thread is dead.

Bought the T-2 and 1M Apex IC.

Need one more T-2/PR AC Cord and a 1M PR IC.

If you SR boys don't wake up I am going to go out and get the 25K G Speaker cells/wire.
Apex SC/IC are in. T2 on pre. T3 on D. Two more T3's for my subs with SR jumpers are coming.

Can not afford a 2M PR IC. Because the AS amp hooks up in the front of the amp this makes a 1M IC impossible.

What would one use for a IC from Pre to AMP?
Order 4 sets of MiG footers.


How do they do under your Weiss Dac?

They will go under the Weiss Minerva/MM/Atma-Sphere amp/Dude pre. Replacing the Equarack footers. I hope I am doing the right move here.

You were right in less than 6 months (10.10.9)(3.3.10) Dave b went back to MIT wire.
I have now 3 G MPC'S with 2 more coming. Never have I heard a better wire in my system and I have had plenty. This with a AQ Jaguar form CDP to pre as my front end is in for a power supply upgrade. So the Apex wire sits there and can not be used at this time as I need a 2M with this big ass CDP as a fill in.

The G MPC is a must with this wire!

The same black back ground as the JPS Aluminata but with life and dynamics added.

I feel like Tbg now and TVAD will have to deal with two of us now.

Your Homo stuff is getting out of hand and is old. Your reference to that being my life style is not true so please refrain yourself from doing so in the future.

Any new material to write?

Have you even heard the SR line? Maybe Ted will let you be a dealer and you can be part of the family. Wire your whole system and report back. We all know how much you believe in high $$$ wire.

I don't think are friend TV ever make it over to SR to have a listen.

Looking forward to meeting you @ RMAF. Your wire has taken my system to an all new high. Good news is I can upgrade to the Cells without selling the Tesla wire.

Please send Billy some wire so he can hear what a great product you have. The old dog might change his ways once he hears it.
New ac cables @ the show. No price increase.

Next to the SR room all others rooms seem flat.
New ends and new power shield hook up. Called the SE. Same price as older AC wire.
I will be adding the IC Cells to my Apex/PR wire in two weeks.

Has anyone tried different cables besides what come as stock wire jumpers with the Cells?

Before the year is out I will have the SC Cells to run with my Apex SC's and will complete the task of pulling the most out of the Tesla cables.
Weather vs Whether
The words weather and whether have nothing in common other than their pronunciation, but English speakers are sometimes unsure which one to use. Find out whether you need to correct your spelling.


Weather is usually a noun:

How's the weather?

The weather is always great this time of year

What's the weather like in Spain?

Weather is also a verb that means "to be affected by the weather":

That house is really weathered

Figuratively, weather means "to get/live through":

I know we can weather this crisis


Whether is a conjunction that introduces possibilities or alternatives:

Do you know whether he is coming?

You'll do it whether you like it or not

Whether you win or lose, you'll have done your best

The Bottom Line

The words weather and whether are pronounced identically, hence the confusion in spelling. Just remember that whether is more or less interchangeable with "if," while weather indicates the temperature and atmospheric conditions.

Can you really hear a difference between SR/MIT with your system setup?
Like selling snow to the Eskimo. Truck loads of snow. Speacial snow that is colder than normal snow. Silver snow and black snow and even gold snow. $2850.00 a scoop.

It's the 3 generation quantum tunneling that makes it better than the Stillpoint stuff. I got 4 upper end platforms under my gear As I write.

Yes had all the G MPC coming out of the ying yang and a full loom of Apex/PR and AC H. Migs all over and power strip.

Sold it all LoL.
Oh it did sound unnatural/hyped up and plastic sounding. Thank God I never got the 10SE as they go for penny's now that the MK2/3/4/5 and 6 are out with the different QT MK1/2/3 and 7 that are fired into them.
I remember Steve at GG let me demo his Reflection IC and as I remember it was as good and in fact better than the SR Apex cable with out all the BS MPC dookickies all over the place.

SR knows how to keep a $$$ flow going with SE/MK/Gold/silver/copper/QT MK3 ect... $1200.00 cable now is better than $3600.00 Apex of yesteryear.
Mk1/ MK2/ MK2.5/ MK3SE/ Super MKZx4 SE soon to come with new Tesla Power bolts made from the new and improved SE Quantum Tunnel with a wider more dynamic shot to components it comes in contact with.

The Super MKZx4 will cause the dead musicians you have listened to for years to come back to life and play in your very own sound system. As far as the living musicians go you will have to wait till the MKZx5T comes out in 45 days after the MKZx4 has been released.

Enjoy spending the coin LOL.
Teddy did not near a word about the concerns of SR buyers on all the MK's going on. Very sad indeed.

Cash flow baby. Keep it coming!!

Why are you so uptight? You drank the SR Kool-Aid and so did I. You still own it yes?

Sold it all, because to me IMO it produced an unnatural sound.

Thanks for being a stand up guy. Your thoughts are well thought out and appreciated.
When will the Power Cell Mk5 SE be coming out? Anyone hearing the prototype version please give us your feedback.

2010 wrote,

didn't realize my Tesla Apex ics were a system choke point until I put in the new demos (Element series: Copper-Tungsten-Silver) between my CD player and preamp. Sound-stage also got wider, deeper and the imaging got even better

3.7 K Apex IC killing and choking the system. WOW.

Two/three yrs. ago it was doing the huge/wide/deep SS. It must decrees its magic over the years. Must be the new QT MK 13 doing its thing.
Wait till SR comes out with the active base you place under the chair/seat you place your butt on.Wider deeper taller bigger fuller

After that for all new home construction we have the new active base that is installed in the foundation of the new home with 220 power running on it. Massive sound stage with deeper wider taller and all that other lingo.
HD is just a copper cable and cheap ends. You get what you pay for. $600.00 for a AC cable is a fair price for a copper cable.