Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
>>03-10-10: Joeyboynj
BTW, over 100,500 views .... WOW!<<

And an even greater number of laughs.
I got three more sets of MIGs in today. Since I had the amp on a StillPoints component stand, I had to put a Mana glass shelf on it to use the MIGs. I just listened without the MIGs to be certain that the shelf was not affecting the sound. It was not. Then I put the MIGs on in the pin-point configuration, as Ted had recommended.

It sounded very good with a higher image and more transparency on the sound stage. After about one hour the MIGs somehow had settle down and the sound was utterly transparent. I have never heard a trumpet with such realism or a drum with such percussive impact.

In my experience, you need to have all components and your PowerCell on MIGs to realize the full measure of their benefit. All seem to need to be in the ambient position except the amp.

MIGs are not easy to evaluate given their breakin, but given their price and performance, I suspect that they are a winner for SR.

We are going out to supper this evening, but I expect I will be up late tonight.

Oh, Ted advised that I get all of my Acoustic Revive quartz out of the room. I did so, but will gradually reintroduce it to see if it has the benefit it once had.
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As far as I know, no one has suggested that nirvana can be achieved only with all Synergistic Research products. No doubt in the area of cables and isolation, it no doubt is valuable for a company to remain in the light of conversations among audiophiles. But there is also no reason to dismiss the contributions of designers of products where warranted. You seem to be suggesting that such a strategy herds in audiophiles like sheep.

Have you any experience with any of these products, or is it your intention to sow doubts about any successful product?
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Did he say why on the quartz? Not that I have any acoustic revive stuff or any quartz in the room. But I do have some of Alan Maher's CBFs for the panel.
Adwiegert, he thought that perhaps my system was over tweaked. I certainly have experimented with the AR, Harmonix, and Shun Mook tweaks in the past and no doubt found tweaks that complemented my system. So I tried it. I have yet to reintroduce any of the quartz.

So, Tvad, you do think that SR's inventiveness is a hoax. All that I can say is that since the first demonstration of the ARTs at the RMAF, I have been convinced by what I heard. There was a show special on the ARTs and I bought them on the spot. I also bought the PowerCell and Tesla plug on a friend's strong recommendation.

How about you? Do you pay full retail for everything? Why are you so suspicious of designers' works? I see that you got yourself into a tither over the Devialet D-Premier amp. I am sure you are a proponent for truth and justice in the world.
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Which is a better upgrade: Hologram D with 1 set of Miggs or a Powercell 10 SE???

Regards Bacardi
What about Tvad's question from 3/13/10 about level playing field pricing?

Can you answer that?

Thanks in advance.
Since you beat, beat, beat the SR drum and others are encouraged to spend, spend, spend based on your raves,

I don't see your point, or that there is much validity to your statement. Are you claiming that the rest of us rush out to buy buy buy anything and everything SR because TBG says it's so fantastic nothing else will do?

Because that would be quite the false statement. Majority of us ended up with SR cables after demoing several brands. Some of us they came highly recommended as a good system match from places like the cable company. Some of us attend shows such as RMAF and CES and hear the demos and want to try the product. Majority of us once we try one product we want to try others.
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What is the better upgrade: Galileo MPC's or MiG's

The answer to your question depends on far too many factors to make a blanket recommendation. For example- how many Active SR cables do you currently have in your system? Do you have a PowerCell? If so, which PowerCell and what power cord are you using on it (assuming it is not a PowerCell 10SE)? Which Active Cables do you have? Will you be changing more than one standard MPC to a Galileo MPC? And so on. As for MiG's, what components would you be using them with? What are you currently using for "footers"? What are you using for a rack or shelves (what are you setting your components on)? What is the overall balance of your system and what weaknesses do you feel your system has (if any)? The real answer to your question can only come from you doing a direct comparison. I however suspect a few sets of MiG's could outclass a single Galileo MPC, but can't say for sure (this would also be slightly less expensive).

Which is a better upgrade: Hologram D with one set of MiG's or a PowerCell 10SE

Again, the answer depends on too many factors for someone with a different system and room then yours to give you a creditable answer. My suggestion is to have your dealer send you a few sets of MiG's, a PowerCell 10SE, and a Hologram D, and take a few weeks to find your answer based on what you discover in your system. It would be interesting were you to share your findings with the rest of us when you are finished.

I find it impossible to evaluate individual components within a system in a room with which I have no familiarity... How does one approach determining the efficacy of power conditioning products and vibration control tweaks in this scenario?

Tvad, your statement / assertion / concern was addressed by our demonstrations; namely how we conducted our demonstrations at both RMAF and CES.

While at last years' RMAF and at this years' CES, we performed direct comparisons with, and without, specific Synergistic Research technologies. Show goers were given ample time to ascertain benefits of various SR technologies in place, and any change in system performance when SR technologies were removed. At RMAF we were playing music with the Acoustic ART System room treatments in place, and again when they were removed, playing the same music, and back again with and with out the ART System, as many times as attendees wished. We then turned on and off the TESLA PowerCell 10SE which was powering the entire system to demonstrate its effect, and of course, we turned TESLA Active Shielding on and off. In each case listeners could draw their own conclusions.

At CES we added our new MiG's to our usual show demonstration of the Acoustic ART System, the PowerCell, and TESLA Active Shielding, when we placed a set of three MiG's under an Esoteric P-03 transport atop a Stillpoints rack. We then removed the MiG's to dramatic effect. All other components in the system were likewise treated with MiG's, yet the removal of MiG's from only one component was enough for most listeners to walk away with a good impression of what MiG's can do.

Tvad, since you live in LA, and since our design studio is in Long Beach (not that far from you), I would be happy to conduct a personal demonstration of SR technologies- just contact our factory in Irvine and let's set up a meeting.

Bill (Audiopfeil), Tbg buys his SR products the same way everyone else does- through a reputable Synergistic Research dealer.
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To get back on track. I got my third set of MIGs. If you recall I wasn't sure on putting a set on the amp. It sits on an SRA Ohio Class XL-squared stand and SRA is in the camp that footers with their stands might hurt more than help.

Well I'm glad I didn't listen. I put the third set under the amp on the stand, in the pin-point orientation. All others are in the other orientation.

Wow. It really brought things together. Tightened up the soundstage a bit more and the depth and holographicness (is that a word?) is beyond phenomenal. My system has never dreamed of sounding this good! And I'm still on cheap audioquest speaker cables!

Ted... can you tell us when the downloads for the master file project will be available?

Adwiegert, I have been experimenting with MIGs under my amp also. What really shocked me in the SR demonstrations at CES was their using them on the StillPoints rack. I was surprised that there would be further improvement on that rack, but there certainly was.

My amp was already on a StillPoints component stand, so I could not use the MIGs on this four amp stand. I put a glass shelf from my Mana stands on the component stand and added MIGs in the pin point configuration. With the MIGs was somewhat better. I decided to just use Mana stands including the same glass shelf and with the MIGs on top. Initially I thought this was about the same. But I was forgetting about the time it takes for the MIGs to settle down.

The next morning the Mana stand with MIGs was clearly better, but I had to go back to the component stand and let the MIGs settle down. By that evening it was quite clear that the StillPoints component stand with MIGs was clearly better.

One final development. I had never tried the ambient setting of the MIGs. All other MIGs were also in ambient setting. In my system at least, the ambient setting on the StillPoints stand was best. I did briefly try it on the Mana stand, but the sound stage just was as involving and real.

I have no real idea why everything in ambient works best, but for the time being I just going to listen to music.
Regarding the Powercell 10 SE, when putting mpc's in the bottom outlets, how much will the powercell 10SE need to be lifted for the mpc's to fit tale down with some clearance on shelf? Would the miggs lift the unit high enough???

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, the body of the MPC would clear but the leads going to the cables would defeat the function of the MIGs as they would be tightly twisted to make the turn outward.
Quick question on IC EM cell units. I have Apex IC (single end) between my DAC to my Intergrated amp (ASR Emitter II). There are a few variants of the IC Cell units, source to pre or source to Integrated amp. I plan to get new Apex IC with XLR/Cells unit which then will give me the choice of hooking it to usual balance input on the preamp section or directly to the amp section, using digital variable output on the DAC, bypassing the preamp section all together. I am not sure which route I would choose as I need to experiment with both before deciding. However, now I am not sure which IC Cells I should get and how much would it make a different if I pick source to pre vs source to intergrated. Berkeley DAC recommends bypassing preamp so that might be the way I want to go but I may also be changning from Berkeley to something else again
Has anyone compared powercell 10SE to Dimitri (Running Springs Audio)?

I had the Dimitri in since Feb 22, still sounds lean but great in every other aspect. But I am not sure I can live with lean. I 'heard' the powercell 10se may be lush which is what I am looking for I think. Maybe Dimitri shows how my stereo really sounds. Teajay are you there? I am wondering if you tried that comparisoon (Powercell v Dimitri), you had good things to say about Dimitri.

System spendor sp1 spkrs, transparent super cables all around, levinson 27.5 amp, Audio research sp9 preamp mark 3, sim andromoeda cd player, linn lp12 ittok shure v15 type 5 mr cartridge. Records sound more lush than my cd player, but maybe due to ittok arm (midbass bump?).

Good things about Dimitri, tonal purity, dynamics, detail, clarity. Some recording are just not well balanced I am finding out.

Now here is the issue. If my stereo really sounds this way, so be it. Its the old truth versus beauty argument. Thanks for reading.
Joeyboynj, doesn't a Precision with the special chassis mount come with the PowerCell 10SE?
Yes TBG, a Percision AC power cord comes with the Powercell 10SE it has a 32 amp powercon connector and can only be used on the Powercell 10 SE.

Barcardi, no the MPC's in the bottom outlets do not clear the bottom when using the MIGS. I had to place an additional 1 inch under the MIG's for the MPC's to clear. I happened to have 3 Herbie's Audio SuperSonic Stabilizers that are 1 incg thick to raise the MIG's higher. A small piece of wood would also do the trick.
Ok guys, I am going to try one set of the MIGS's.

The BIG quaestion is where will it have the best impact??

1. I have a Cary 306 Pro which has huge spiked feet that I dont think should be removed.

2. I have a Cary XP-10 Preamp

3. Pass Labs X350.5 Amp (150 lbs)

4. and a Powercell 10SE which nows has high sharp composite spikes underneath it.

5. alll SR cables , interconnects, speaker, power.

So, again where is the best place to place one set based on my system???
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Ozzy, I don't have much certainty about this but were I you, I would try the amp first.

Tvad, still beating on the drum?
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I got my first set of MiG's yesterday and installed them under my CDP in the ambient position. My system did sound better but it seemed like some of the "live" attributes went away. I like listening to concert DVD's in 5.1 (Fleetwood Mac, The Dance is a good one). It's almost as if someone dimmed the lights in my living room and everyone started drinking wine during a concert.

Today I switched them to the pin-point position and all is good. My system is back in the "live" mode but with a bigger soundstage, sweeter highs, tighter bass, and better imaging. I can now drink beer again during a concert.
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Airportsyndome, as Tvad suggests, it probably should be Ted that answers, but I cannot imagine that these iron cups would be affected by a 130 pound amp. As I had a set standing around, I put one on the floor and stood on it. I hurt the ball of my foot but the MIG was unaffected. I weigh 190 pounds.
So if the migs do not provide enough clearance for the mpc's on a powercell se, does anyone have any advise
on an alternative method. I am currently using a book
for clearance. I am looking for a more relaxed sound
without losing any sound staging, air or detail.
I don't think there's a weight limitation on the MiGs. If there was one it would be well documented. Last time I checked the manual that came with the MiGs did not have a weight limitation clause.

But I would implement common sense on their placement. Make sure that they are placed in a triangular configuration with proper balance.

Maybe Ted might want to include some kind of weight disclaimer for liability purposes but that's up to him.
Airportsyndrome, just try it. I would be more concerned with what is under the MIGs.

Scottmac62, my solution that works is to move PowerCell to the back of the shelf. I have found the PowerCell sounds better on the MIGs rather than on my Mana stand. It is in the area of sound stage realism and dynamics.
It seems like you already tried it Tbg. Ozzy's amp weighs 150 and you weigh 190.

Yep the concern is what's under the MiGs and the way they are positioned under a component. The manual says to place the MiGs under the HEAVIEST section of your component.

The MiGs are like arches on a bridge and are capable of supporting heavy loads.
Thanks for the help. Presently my 150 lb Amp sits on a 4" block of Maple with a high gloss black finish.
Under the Maple is (4) 2" threaded Audiopoints.

I will try two of the MIGs in the front and one in the back. I hope the MIG's dont dig into the Maple.

A couple of suggestions with the Powercell is to place Mrytle blocks under the MIG's. Of couse only after all your power cords have been attached. That way the MPC's will clear the bottom.

Another idea is to use little jumper cords designed for the wall wart plugs. They will allow you to plug the short jumper into the Powercel and the MPC then into the jumper.
Tbg, thanks for the advise, but unfortunately this is not
an option for my rack since there are support posts in the
way. So, did the increase in sound stage come at the cost
of increased edge or brightness?

Ozzie, does SR offer these jumper plugs, and are they
quantum tunneled?

Also, I would like to know if any of you have achieved
a relaxation effect using the migs.
Scottmac62, SR does have the QLS-6 and 9, which are quantum tunneled. These are quite long and come only with a short pigtail ac lead to the cable male plug. You will probably want a T2 to connect to the QLS. Remember that even the QLS-6 is quite long.

You also could turn the PowerCell upside down so the MPCs to project upwards. I wonder why the outlets are put in that way.

I don't know exactly what you mean about relaxation effect. Speed and transparency improves. You may want to experiment with whether you prefer the ambient or pin-point setting. I still have not resolved which I prefer under the amp.
Hi all,

Is it better to plug in a Galileo MPC to a QLS-9 or directly to the powercell SE?

Right now I have the Galileo (dual leads) plugged into a QLS-9. The two Galileo MPC leads are powering the powercell and precision ref cord. The QLS-9 has a T2 power cord and it's plugged into the powercell se.

I'm just wondering if there will be a major improvement if I moved the Galileo MPC directly into the SE.
Thanks for the advise Tbg. Unfortunately, if I place the
Powercell se upside down then plug for the Precision pc
would be too far away. I also have a qls 6 feed by a T3 UHC,and Tesla plex but I am using this for my Niam gear. The Naim XS integrated amp and also a Teddy cap do not sound right with the Powercell. The prat suffers and there is hardness imparted to the sound.

So, what I am trying is the use of three racket balls and ankle weights on top of the powercell. Kind of a diy gingko isolation method. So, far i am liking the effect. I am getting better front to back layering and
the highs are more relaxed with more texture.

My experience with metal cones has always been an increase
in transparency in addition to an increase in brightness.
Scottmac62, Get some High sharp composite type spikes from Stewart at the Sanctuary of Sound . They will raise the Powercell high enough and also help with the sonics.
Scottmac62, my experience with most metal cones is a hardness also. Brass seems the exception, but I find there are other problems with brass. Everything soft, from wood to rubber, ruins the bass and transient attack. I have found only two exceptions to this-the StillPoints OEM feet and the SR MIGs. But I have never owned any Naim gear.

What is a Teddy cap?

I was kidding about turning the PowerCell upside down, but that would solve the problem as would putting the outlet in the PowerCell upside down.
The cones I have mentioned are not metal. I dont know exactly what they are made of but they are hard like Black Diamond Racing cones.