Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Sabai, sonic improvements have been discussed previously in this forum and on my system page. The improvements are not subtle and you should demo one from your dealer and you decide.
Joeyboynj, I found your 2 system pages but I could not find your comments on the sonic improvements. No problem.
Dear Sir,
I was reading this thread and noticed Ted's comments concerning the newer products. I'm expecting the new Power Cell 4 tomorrow. I have been told it is about 75% of the 10SE.

If you have heard from any other Power Cell 4 users and have heard any feedback about the unit I would appreciate any evaluation information.



I'm looking at my next upgrade. perhaps a powercell 4 for a simple system (cd transport -> dac -> integrated amp -> speakers) or the SR Acoustic Art Bass station and one Gravitron for the front wall. Both options about the same, cost wise.

Where I live in Europe, I can't demo to ascertain which of the above options is the better, hence my post here and interest in the powercell 4.

08-17-10: Glory
I am to wait for 200 hrs. to really hear the Plex, so I am told.

200 hours to burn in an outlet? How on earth can you attest to differences between outlets at such length---not like you are doing A/B testing.

Keithr, you can assess each with no time on them or put all into a strip and break them all in before deciding which you want. Do you have the new Teslaplex mk II?
Hi anyone tried the X4 or Vortex speaker cables, and combined them to others in the market that price range?

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to hear the Precision Reference ACÂ’s on my Martin Logan CLÂ’s. Being perfectly happy with the T3Â’s I figured that it would be an interesting comparison. They came along with a second Hologram A for my recent upgrade to Krell MonoÂ’s. After listening to the Hologram for a couple weeks and being completely blown away with the improvement over the stock power cords I inserted the Precision reference cords, and then went hunting for two weeks.

Upon returning I warmed up the Krells, and sat down for some listening. First thoughts were very favorable; everything was sounding its usual great. I listened to my usual dozen favorite recordings Eva Cassidy, Mary Black, Sissel, [yea I like female vocals] I got really caught up in listening that I forgot that I was supposed to be critically listening.

I kept the PR’s in the system for about a week noting the complete lack of any glare on Eva’s ‘Fields of Gold” The drum intro on Mark Knopfler’s “Cannibals”, and the piano decay on Dr. John’s “Goodnight Irene” Again I keep getting distracted by the music. These are some great cables.

It is now ShowTime; I put the T3Â’s back and settle back into the sweet spot. Playing all the usual suspects I donÂ’t think that I am missing anything. Toes are tapping along with my fingers, and the smile is on my face. Listening further I do detect a slight improvement in the very bottom end. And possibly a bit more air end extension at the very top end. Swapping them back and forth a few times confirms my initial thoughts.

It is now decision time, I think that that took longer than the audition. When the dust in my head cleared, I decided to keep the T3Â’s not that the PR is not a great cable but in my application {the speakers only draw 5 watts at full power] The T3 was my choice I went and got the stock cables that I had never used and once again I was blown away the sound collapsed. Top to bottom everything fell apart especially the sound stage.

Thanks to Synergistic Research and Scott Walker Audio for the opportunity to audition these cables.
I just got my PowerCell 10SE and will connect it tomorrow when my electrician arrives to install a 20-amp dedicated line from the power pole directly into my music room. In the meantime I have installed MiGs under my step-down transformer, CDP and integrated amp. Well, if there is a single no-brainer tweak in the audio world it is the MiGs -- and for the price a super no-brainer. They have already elevated my system -- sound stage width and depth -- resolution -- dynamics -- you name it -- far beyond what it was when I had my old power conditioner connected to the system -- one of the best names in the business. Before the MiGs I experienced the wow factor a few times in my system -- Ric Schultz's EVS Ground Enhancers being a recent example. But these MiGs ... man, they are outta sight.
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Tvad, it just goes to show you how we all have to take the measure of things in each of our systems. Sharing this information is extremely valuable but YMMV with each element added. I will not put a number on the EVS and the MiGs. I give them both a very high rating. In my system they transform the sound in a way that is not subtle at all -- like a major component upgrade.
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Tbg- no i do not have a Teslaplex. I am looking to run another dedicated line and have Sound Application outlet on my only line currently--wondering which direction to take. But 200 hours of alleged break-in on a socket is really pretty mindblowing for me to accept.
Also I might add---

why isn't there any measurements of Synergistics cables on the website? Other manufacturers (Kimber, Cardas, off the top of my head) do and it is extremely helpful. I'm curious if their cables just jack up capacitance to extremely high levels.
Keithr, ironically I replaced an old Sound Applications outlet with the Teslaplex. I did notice improvement over several days in it but short of the eight days that 200 hours represents. I think the key to the Teslaplex and to their cheater plugs is purely the Tesla coil zapping.

I think the charging is the key to the SR cables along with zapping. They are also a mix of three entirely different sounding circuits and are hand made.
Sabai, are you enjoying your new Powercell 10 SE? Please let us know. Thanks, Joe

Also, earlier this week. I received my new Hologram A and D SE power cords. As soon as I get them all settled, I will let you know what I think of them. Changing the active shields is a lot of fun using the new Gray, Black and Silver active shields. More soon!
Couple of questions if anyone here can give advice and input.

1: Anyone tried having the Mig's configuration with one at the front and two behind because of lack of room near the edge with the feet?.

2: Will a pair of power hungry Krell mono amps sound better through a seperate dedicated spur on their own rather than plugging them into the powercell 10SE with everything else in a different clean spur?.
I have 2 options.... a clean spur for the 10-SE and eveything plug into it or 2 clean spurs... one for 10-SE and one just for the Krell mono amps with Tesla Plex SE?.

Thaks in advance.
Flashunlock, I am using the Mg's the way you have asked for both my Amp and Preamp due to the weight and balance of the componenta.
Also with my Pass Labs Amp I found it to be more dynamic plugged into its own dedicated 20 Amp Tesla outlet than plugging it into the SR Powercel 10SE and sharing one outlet with everything else.

Thanks for the info :)

If by placing the Mig's the way you mentioned, for example for the pinpoint configuration, do you have the front single Mig pointing upwards and rear 2 down or just as original instructed like the 2 front 1 rear setup to have the front one downwards and the rear two pointing upwards?.

Also have you compared the Tesla Plex-SE to other top brands like Furutech?.

Thanks again.
Joeyboynj and Flashunlock, I'm enjoying my PowerCell 10SE very much. I have my old Tesla Plex as my wall receptacle at the end of a 20-amp dedicated line. I had the new Tesla Plex SE plugged into the Tesla Plex on the end of a stock PC with a stock plug. Last night I took the stock plug off the stock PC and replaced it with an Oyaide P-004. NIGHT AND DAY !! SUPER WOW !! The PowerCell was transformed in every way especially the sound stage and fullness and dynamics and inner detail. I cannot over-emphasize what Oyaide plugs have done for my system. I also installed MiGs under all components -- two at the back and one at the front. I put the first set under my step-down transformer and this produced a massive change in the sound. Pin-point works best for most people so I tried pin-point under everything. I had to change to ambient under my amp and step-down transformer because the resolution was too bright with all pin-point. Now it's perfect.
Can anyone comment on the new SE series power cords and how the differences in the three coloured adaptors make in the sound? How do they compare to the previous line?

Regards Bacardi
Hi Bacardi, I have the new Precision Reference plugged into the PowerCell 10SE and the Galileo PMC. There are 3 circuits -- silver, gray and black. I can't compare with the previous line but Ted Denney says that they were using the equivalent of the gray with the earlier Precision Reference. Each circuit is has a different sonic "coloring" -- the silver is the coolest and the black is the warmest. They are all very resolving. Hope this helps.
Hi Sabai, what improvement if any would one notice with the SE version of a Hologram D PC over the standard one that it replaced when not used with a power conditioner such as the 10ES ?
Thaxn Sabai, Have you tried the Teslaplex SE or the Big miggs at all?

Regards Bacardi
Hi Violin, I don't have a Hologram D in my system so I cannot comment. All I know is that the PowerCell SE (with Precision Reference power cord and Galileo MPC) has made a huge difference in my system -- sound stage, low level detail, dynamics. Bacardi, I have 4 sets of MIGS, one set under each component. They are out of sight -- very impressive. I am using the Tesla Plex SE in series with the Tesla Plex. When I removed an older power cord and swapped my Gabriel Gold Reflection power cord into the Tesla Plex which is my wall receptacle that leads to the Tesla Plex SE it was a day and night difference. The synergy changed completely. It was like taking the lid off the box. Everything opened right up. I hope this helps.
Sabai, I don't understand what you mean in the sentence, 'When I removed an older power cord and swapped my Gabriel Gold Reflection power cord into the Tesla Plex which is my wall receptacle that leads to the Tesla Plex SE it was a day and night difference.' Can you explain?
Hi Tbg, sorry for the confusion. I have a 20-amp dedicated line from the pole outside the house for my music system. My Tesla Plex is my in-wall receptacle. My electrician installed my Tesla Plex SE into the Tesla Plex using a stock copper line terminated with a stock plug. I cut off the stock plug and spliced an Oyaide P-004 plug onto the end of the cord. That was a major improvement. Then I plugged the P-004 via a cryo-ed Schurter into a Gabriel Gold Reflection power cord that I plugged into the Tesla Plex. That's what made the really big difference. Previously the GG was my CDP to PowerCell power cord.

One more thing. Last night I piggy-backed two XLR ICs together and connected them from my CDP to integrated amp. I will not provide any description here about the sonic results because of the inevitable spammers who I will no longer reply to. Anyone who is interested and who has not spammed in the past can PM me.
Hi Sabai, thank you for the review of the new Powercell 10 SE. I placed an order with The Cable Company early this week to upgrade all my Synergistic Research power cables to the SE versions, a Teslaplex SE and a new Powercell 10 SE Mk.II Power conditioner. I will let you know how it goes.
I have had a brand new Hologram D SE for a few days now and have only tried the grey bullets so far. Out of the box I likey....Definitely more dynamics, resolution and impact. Still some break-in time so lots of testing to do. Waiting for my new T3SE and Hologram A SE to follow. Pretty good so far compared to the old version. My thumbs are up.

Regards Bacardi
I only have the Tesla SE Precision AC cord that comes with the SR PowerCell 10SE MkII to experiment with the new choice of resistor plugs and everyone has different tastes, but I much prefer the silver plugs. There is more information and realism of the soundstage.
Hasse, the upgrades to the T3 SE are new Synergistic made G07 wall plug and IEC. The G07 plugs are a great improvement in Dynamics, clarity, resolution and impact. Also, new is the upgraded active shield. Now you can choose your active shield filter of choice. The older cables the filter was built in and was not changeable and if it went dead the whole cable had to be sent back to Synergistic. Now the filter is a plug in module and if it goes dead Synergistic just sends you a new one. Also, there are 3 flavors of plugs a Black, Silver and Gray. You select between three different circuits- Black (warm and rich), Grey (hybrid of both Silver and Black circuits with positive attributes of both- these are the circuits we would have selected were the circuits to remain built into the cable) and a Silver Circuit (open, airy, detailed and hugely holographic).
Joeyboynj, it would be interesting to side by side compare the new and old SR pcs.
Anyone try the new Teslaplex SE and what are the differences to the old version in sound quality?

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi,just emailed SR to find out what the difference between the two plexes are physically.Will get back when I find out.
Lifeengineer, the Teslaplex SE looks quite different. I have one and may today put it into my system replacing the Teslaplex.
Tbg,Ted says they used different conductive materials and 3rd generation quantum tunneling and says you can easily here the difference between the two.Tbg do you have the original on hand or memory for comparison?
Lifeengineer, I have it but took it out to put in the SE. It does have many of the attributes of the original but a good deal more so. It is very quiet, dynamic, and open.
Please see the attached link explaining the new SE power cords. I have upgraded to these new SE versions and I agree with what is being said in this video.

I have also bought the universal cells as well and here is a little more information on how they work.
Tbg, does the Precision AC have two connectors for the coloured plugs and one for the MPC or one and one?

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, there are a pair of connectors at the wall plug on the Precision AC. One is from the MPC and one is for the resistors. The MPC has two connectors as in the past. One charges the PowerCell 10 SE MkII and the other the Precision AC. The resistor choice is also on the Galileo Element cables.
Tbg, are the Galileo element cables new and can you describe them.

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, yes, they are new. They are silver, thinner than the Apex, and are charged as all their cables. They are shown as costing $5000 for one meter.

I own Designer's Reference loudspeakers cable. I own olso Designer XLR interconnects and Digital Quantum tunneled cable.

Today I have 4 MPC (2 with jacks for loudspeakers cable, 2 with new TESLA series plugs for interconnects and digital).

Is it a good way to buy two dual Galileo MPC to replace the four older MPC. Can I expect a good improvement?

Is it better to wait and buy Galileo speaker cables with Galileo Cells?

Thank you,

Ulysse21, the Galileo MPCs sound much better than the older MPCs, especially on ics. I expect that the Galileo spinoff speaker cables will come with Galileo MPCs as the Galileo Element Silver cables did. If you are going to buy these new speaker cables, I would keep your older MPCs.
Hi Tbg and thank you for your answer :-)

Perhaps is there a misunderstanding. My idea is :
- replace Designers Reference speakers cable with old MPC by Galileo BASIK speaker cable + Galileo Cells.
- Keep Designers Reference speakers cable but replace the four old MPC by 2 dual Galileo MPC. I could also add a Quantum tunneled treatment and Galileo Cells.

Any idea about the best performance/price ratio?

Thank you,
