Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Well, I have just been playing with the Galileo speaker cells. Bloody Nora there good. They seem to project the midrange into the room and tighten and extend the bass and generally give a bigger soundstage. I did notice the spikes are vicious. I noticed some blood on the cotton wool that packs the spikes. I hope the factory has a good supply of sticking plasters (band aids in American)
My spikes came in a plastic bag. I have noticed that some were bent on the ends. Nothing like little hooks to grab the carpet.

But I agree that they are a major improvement.
Order 4 sets of MiG footers.


How do they do under your Weiss Dac?

They will go under the Weiss Minerva/MM/Atma-Sphere amp/Dude pre. Replacing the Equarack footers. I hope I am doing the right move here.
I tried both the PR and Accelerator in this position and in my system preferred the Accelerator
Is there a bigger difference between the (PR and Acc) speaker cables than the IC´s?

Yes, the Accel and PR speaker cables are VERY different from each other. I preferred the PR speaker cables in my system. Later, since I could afford it, I tried the Apex and they were preferred over all the other others. All the Tesla cables are different. They must all be tried and the ones you prefer you keep. It is not always the most expensive. This is same for the power cables and sub woofer cables. Get a great dealer like The Cable Company to send you all off them so you can pick and choose. I had so much fun with the experience. ENJOY! ;-)
Thanks, I get the impression that the PR IC can sometimes be a bit too revealing and analytical, is the same true for the speaker cables?
Hi Hasse, yes, with some equipment they are too revealing. My next choice would be, if the PR is too much for your taste, is to try the Acoustic Reference line. The AR is more detailed than the Accel but offers a nice (not overly) warm midrange and bass. These cables balance each other out to create a sound stage that you prefer to have in your system.

Try Accel or PR IC on Amp to pre and Acoustic Reference or Accel on source to Pre. Also, mix in Apex.
I have found that when using the Apex Interconnect from source to Preamp it has sort of a euphoric sound.
But, then add the Precision Reference connection to the Preamp to Amp and it will add the sparkle and pinpoint soundstage.
Dynamite Combo!
Just stick the Galileo cells on the end of your speaker cables and interconnects. I put them on FM acoustics interconnects and the effect was pretty amazing.
the Accel and PR speaker cables are VERY different from each other. I preferred the PR speaker cables in my system.
In what way was PR better than Acc? I am currently using an Accelerator XLR between my CDP (with built in pre) and amp.
Hi Hasse, in your last post you asked about my comment "the Accel and PR speaker cables are VERY different from each other. I preferred the PR speaker cables in my system." That comment was about the speaker cables and NOT the interconnects. The Accel and PR interconnects are different from the speaker cable line even though they have the same name. They are made with different materials and only possess some similarities/traits.

An upgrade for you would be to try a set of Acoustic Reference interconnects from source to amp. Going to the PR might be too much sparkle in my opinion. Or even better, I would keep the Accel and try the Galileo Universal interconnect cell. That will prob be your best option. The best place for the PR interconnects is between Preamp and Amp. The best way is to demo both cables and make your decision on your own testing in your own system.
Sorry joey if I was unclear. I am happy with my Accelerator IC and have no plans on upgrading but was wondering IN WHAT WAY the PR and Acc SPEAKER cables are different.
The PR soundstage is bigger and more pin point. But not as forgiving as the Accel. Tons of resolution and more separation of instruments. They are leaner in the bass only by a little bit and somewhat in the midrange but very noticeable. More on the cool neutral side. The highs are much more extended and more revealing. The Accels are a good for regular equipment. The PR speaker cables are reference class. Add a universal speaker cell to the Accel and that will raise it and surpass the PR speaker cables for sure. They will exhibit exactly as the reviews above and also in a recent thread. But will have all the traits of the Accels. Worth an audition!
Hi Glory, I suggest you contact The Cable Company and get a demo set and compair/see for yourself. You will need to determine the best combination for your system. The cells do greatly increase performance of any cable.
I am looking into a Synergistic research Tesla Reference XLR subwoofer cord for my subwoofer. Are there any differences in RCA and XLR. Anyone experience the differences??? It is a 3M length....

Regards Bacardi
Err, the first is unbalanced and the second is balanced. To use it properly you will need balanced outputs and inputs.
Ok. I know the differences in physicaI looks, I meant differences in quality of sound, background noise, bass extension......Will the XLR eliminate amp hum inside sub(SvS PB13 Ultra). All my other connections via pre-amp & analogue outs are RCA's. thx

Regards Bacardi

You were right in less than 6 months (10.10.9)(3.3.10) Dave b went back to MIT wire.
Bacardi, it is not just physical looks. To use XLRs with your single-ended system, you will have to use XLR to RCA converters. My advice is don't use XLRs unless you have balanced inputs and outputs.
Tbg, my SVS PB13 Ultra has balanced inputs and outputs and so does my Pre processor. My initial question is, what beneficial qualities will I get with the XLR as opposed to using RCA's?? If any positive...

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, I had misunderstood what you posted. Now you are in a quagmire. Some like balanced sound and others do not. I hear no benefit. Much depends on whether the components really have two circuits and thus are truly balanced or whether they merely have transformer coupling and pseudo balanced circuits.
well, for what it's worth, today, I just received 2x Halogram A to go on my ASR Basis Exclusive II amp and a Halogram D to go on my Playback MPS-5. Previously I have T3 on both the amp and Playback.

So far everything sounds very promising. The bass is not yet quite as deep or big as T3 but quite a bit faster cleaner and better control. T3 could be a bit on the fat side there. The sound is more open although mid and high is still a bit hard. Well broken in T3 is darker, warmer, a bit more full body. Halogram has blacker background and more detail. I hope once the Halogram is fully broken in, I will get similar warmth and full body sound as well.
Suteetat, Give the Holograms more time. I went from T3 to Holograms and when they broke in they bettered the T3 in deep controlled detailed bass and highs were transparent and acurate. Just to confirm this I recently pulled the Hologram A for a spare T3 and went back to the Hologram H. No contest. The Hologram A was leaps better in my system.

Give them a week of constant burn in and report back. These cables need proper break-in....Enjoy! Joe
Joe, I am leaving my PD and amp on in energy saving mode when not using it so hopefully it won't take too long to burn them in properly. So far, I am very please. It would have been nice to add Halogram A then D one cable at a time to see the effect of each but I cannot resist plugging them all in. Recently in the thread best PC under $5000, I posted that I tried a few PC in the $3000-5000 recently. They all have their positive and negative side and I ended up replacing one of my old Shunyata Anaconda alpha helix with King Cobra CX. However, I tried some of those cables instead of my T3 on my PD and I did not have a strong urge to upgrade. Then Cable Company notified my of their current sale on SR PC. I am so glad I waited.
I'm going RMAF and looking forward to it BIG TIME (The the only show I look forward to in the whole wide world, but that's a whole different story).

Please shoot as many photos as you can. I'll be sure to include your copy and images on our web-site.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
I have now 3 G MPC'S with 2 more coming. Never have I heard a better wire in my system and I have had plenty. This with a AQ Jaguar form CDP to pre as my front end is in for a power supply upgrade. So the Apex wire sits there and can not be used at this time as I need a 2M with this big ass CDP as a fill in.

The G MPC is a must with this wire!

The same black back ground as the JPS Aluminata but with life and dynamics added.

I feel like Tbg now and TVAD will have to deal with two of us now.
MIG's are mental!

Just had a dem at the UK National Audio Show. It was great to see Elliott. But the MIG's! there amazing how can they do what they do?
Is anyone on this forum using the SR Tesla Vortex speaker cables in a bi-wire configuration and if so I would like to know your comments?
Maxwellssilverhammer, I must admit that at CES when I saw that they were going to be demonstrated on a StillPoints rack, I doubted that they would be very impressive, but I also knew that Denny would not do so were they not. Like everyone in the demonstration, I was very impressed.

Like you, I have no real understanding of why they would improve the sound., but I now have six sets. I also know that where you place them under a component makes a big difference. I do wonder if what is under them has any further impact, but I have not really tried to assess this.
I now have 5 sets of the Migs and shocked when I heard the 1st set under my CD player and just got better when more sets were added to the system. I've now found that going all pinpoint config gives me a more organic real type of sound with great focus.
I'm wondering has anyone placed Migs with 2 along the depth of the amp and one oppersite center position because my amps are one sided heavy due to the placement of the transformers.
Flashunlock, my H-Cat amp has its transformer on one side and I do put one MIG under it there.

I have found that on many components, I have to place MIGs to assure the balance of the component on them. I have light components and heavy SR pcs. This means that I have to put a MIG under the IEC mount or put support under the pc. The MIGs are slippery on purpose.

I have also found that slight changes in the placement can greatly enhance the benefit of the MIGs. Trial and error are your only recourse.

I agree with you about pinpoint orientation, but it took me a long time to come to this conclusion and your equipment has to be first rate.
Thanks Tbg, I will try your suggestion when I'm feeling strong and post the result.

>.09-23-10: Glory
I feel like Tbg now and TVAD will have to deal with two of us now.<<

I'll bet old Tvad is quaking in his boots.
No difference in sound quality by placing the 2 x Migs along the side edge of the amps where the transformers are located so moved them back to 2 front and 1 centre back in pinpoint config.
I want to try some Migs under my 2 x Velodyne DD-18 subs when they are avaliable again from the UK distributor ABC Audio. Anyone tried them under subs and what are your findings?.


Glad you showed up again to add your wisdom/knowledge to this thread.

Both you and TV make a great pair together with your humor an all.
Thanks Glorious

And you and TBG make a great pair of lightweights.

How's Barney Frank?
Flashunlock, I have mine in pipoint position inbetween my SVS PB13 Ultra and my Hifi Pyon sub platform and I noticed great differences. The throw of bass is greater and sub is even less detected. The pitch is more controlled, well defined....I might try a set under my platform to the floor and take my custom feet off.

I wonder if Ted D. has had feedback on these under sub at all and with positive results maybe make a larger scale to accomodate a subwoofer or large speaker. Hint Hint....

Regards Bacardi

Your Homo stuff is getting out of hand and is old. Your reference to that being my life style is not true so please refrain yourself from doing so in the future.

Any new material to write?

Have you even heard the SR line? Maybe Ted will let you be a dealer and you can be part of the family. Wire your whole system and report back. We all know how much you believe in high $$$ wire.

I don't think are friend TV ever make it over to SR to have a listen.
We've got a sub in our room at RMAF with MIG's, perhaps even new BIG MIG's. You never know ;)

One thing is for sure- we've got a lot of surprises in store for Denver. Our demo promises to be one of our best yet so it might be fun to get a list going of people who are attending from AG. Perhaps we can have an after hour party with extended listening tests not possible during show hours.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.

Looking forward to meeting you @ RMAF. Your wire has taken my system to an all new high. Good news is I can upgrade to the Cells without selling the Tesla wire.

Please send Billy some wire so he can hear what a great product you have. The old dog might change his ways once he hears it.
Anybody see or hear the new Powercell 4. Would it be overkill for powering Galileo mpc's???

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, The concept for the Powercell 4 is for an amplifier not in reach of another Powercell in the system or for a small system. Ted currently recommends getting a QLS-6 or QLS-9 powered by a T2 for the active shields as the best option. Let’s see what Synergistic has up its sleeves after RMAF! ;-)
I have had several pairs of the MG's for quite some time. I have all of them in the PinPoint set up with 2 in the front and one in the back.
My Preamp always seemed to be back heavy.
Today, I just moved the 2 MG's from the front to the back and the one MG from the back to the front.

Well, after that exchange, the Preamp does seem much more stable.
But, the sound also seems to have improved. There is a tighter sound , with much more body and dynamics.

Who would have thunk it...
Ozzy, I believe it, in fact I have experienced it. Because of the weight of the SR cables and the slipperiness of the MIGs on the acrylic shelves of the StillPoint rack, I have to carefully place the MIGs under my preamp. I have thus moved the MIGs around in the Pin Point setup and heard major changes in the sound.

I also recently had an instance where the Exemplar/Oppo was suspended by only two of the MIGs and the SR Hologram D. I moved the MIGs around until all three MIGs alone where suspending the player. The sound was, not surprisingly, much better.
Replacing T3 on pre amp. Thoughts on a Hologram A or D. Anybody have advice? Ted D. supports the D. I have a D on my Oppo SE and a Hologram A on power amp. Anyone...

Regards Bacardi
Don't forget to mention your pre-amp is also a digital processor (Pre-Pro) hence my recommendation you try the Hologram D in this application. As others have stated, you may also wish to audition a Hologram A to perform a direct comparison between the Hologram A and D giving each cable at least one week in your system without removal before switching to the next cable. After listening to each cable in your system for at least one week, you should know which of the two power cords is best suited to you and your personal preferences, or if you should just stick with your current T3 (one of my favorite personal sayings, "It's paid for,” applies to your existing T3 :).

Yours in music,
Ted Deneny III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.