Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 18 responses by suteetat

I replaced IC between my DA Converter and integrated amp with Accelerators am using accelerator speaker cables and T3 power cords on DAC, integrated amps over a year ago. I eventually replaced IC between my DA converter/integrated amp with Apex IC and I could not be happier.
Using T3 on my DAC may be a bit overkilled but I happened to come across used one locally at a very good price so I could not let it pass :)
Anyhow, so I recently ordered Apex speaker cables with Galileo MPC and could not wait to try them out.

Eventually I think I will still need to replace my IC between my phono and integrated amp which is still the Accelerator.

A few questions I have, for possible future upgrade, if I want to add more Galileo, it would make most sense for me to do the T3 power cords to my integrated amp first as that would affect the entire system whether I am using digital or analog. Right now MPCs are just plugged into regular strips but look like everyone seems to recommend using QLS.

As far as mix and match IC/speaker cables, since I am using integrated amp (ASR) with Apex speaker cables, for phono preamp, should I stick with Apex? What would I be giving up if I go with Precision Reference?
thg, yes, I plan to use one Galileo on 2 T3 (both go to my ASR integrated amp). As far as IC goes, since I have integrated amp, I only need IC between source to integrated amp to go along with Apex speaker cables. In this case, should I stick with Apex?
Thanks for the information. I think I will stick with Apex as well. It is a bit annoying that I can't mix and match cables for two lead Galileo as I have 3 power cords currently and may be a digital cable in the future so 1 Galileo would be better than two :) considering that I would need to 230v version.
I just got my Apex speaker cables with Galileo today. After burning them for a few hours, I could not resist listening to my system. In comparison to well broken in Accelerator speaker cables, there was no contest. The Apex cables are still a bit rough, a bit more forward but they throw bigger soundstage, more 3 dimensional body to the instruments, more detail and quite a bit faster. I can't tell how much was from the Apex and how much from the Galileo. I expect the sound to continue to improve over the next several days.
Now I have Apex IC between my DAC and amp, just have to save up more money for my phono to amp and get a few more Galileo :)
I wonder if somebody has any experience using SR power cord on any battery powered equipment?
I have ASR integrated and phono. The pre amp section and phono are battery powered. They require special cables between battery/power unit to the main unit. Considering that the power is stored in the battery first, would that negate any benefit of using expensive power cords between the wall and battery units. I have 2 T3 power cords to the amp section of ASR but both are 20 amps version so I could not try them on the pre/phono sections. Unfortunately I don't live in the US so I cannot use Cable Company library's loan (althought I get most of my cables from them).
For the Galileo Universal Speaker Cell, since it has its own MPC (I think), do you still need to use separate MPC for the speaker cables? I am also wondering if I can use Galileo MPC with 2 leads to power one Speaker Cell as well as one Speaker cable. This way, I can just get Speaker Cell with MPC with 2 leads then move my Galileo MPC from my speaker cables to use them elsewhere in the system.

Also, is there any listed maximum weight that the MIG can handle?
Tbg, thanks for the information regarding MPC on speaker cells. My only concern is that the cells are at speaker end so if one pair comes with one MPC with double leads, placement of MPC may be a bit difficult as my wall sockets nor extension cords are located centrally. However, I should be able to figure something out for placement. MIGs sound interesting. I am using ASR Emitter 2. The main amp is sitting on Symposium Acoustic Ultra already but not the power supplies for the amp nor the battery units for preamp section. They are sitting on acrylic shelf of amp stands currently. They don't seem to like regular cones much but I wonder if MIGs might be better.
Quick question on IC EM cell units. I have Apex IC (single end) between my DAC to my Intergrated amp (ASR Emitter II). There are a few variants of the IC Cell units, source to pre or source to Integrated amp. I plan to get new Apex IC with XLR/Cells unit which then will give me the choice of hooking it to usual balance input on the preamp section or directly to the amp section, using digital variable output on the DAC, bypassing the preamp section all together. I am not sure which route I would choose as I need to experiment with both before deciding. However, now I am not sure which IC Cells I should get and how much would it make a different if I pick source to pre vs source to intergrated. Berkeley DAC recommends bypassing preamp so that might be the way I want to go but I may also be changning from Berkeley to something else again
Cable Company sent my goodies box today. I got the Galileo Speaker and IC cells to go with my Apex speaker cables and IC between my Berkeley DAC to ASR Emitter Exclusive II to Usher Be-20. I am impressed. Granted it has no time to break in yet but after hooking up everything, right away, there seems to be more clarity, bass has better definition and pitch, detail is even better while at the same time, there is no sacrificing of the warmth, rich sound at all. Voice and violin are smoother, more liquid. Background noise is much much reduce (not that it was noisy before but I did not know it could be this quiet).

I got some MIGs for my components and ERS paper for my computer server as well but I think I will wait a few days before installing these toys so I can see the effects of the IC and Speaker Cells first.

My only complains, after being box envy with my friend's MIT stuffs, SR plastic box just does not look quite so impressive :) IC box also is quite light so it would not sit on my shelf behind my DAC with the Apex hanging from it so for now the box is dangling midair. I hope that's ok.

The tails for the speaker cells looks like longer version of SR jumper cables and IC cells tail looks a bit puny next to Apex. So far, my complains have more to do with looks rather than sound which is a good thing, I suppose.
Quick question on speaker cells, each cell has 3 connectors for single, bi and tri-wire, since there is no instruction and no marking on those connectors, can I use any set of connectors for high and low in case of bi-wire or is there any specific order I that I suppose to use.
Currently I have low pass connect to the middle connector (let say middle one is No.2 and the other connector is No. 1 and 3). At least on one cell, there was no sound coming out of the tweeters when I had the high pass connect to connector 3 but when connect to No.1, it was working fine. I am not sure if No.3 connector is broken or if I suppose to use connector going from 1 to 2 to 3 for single, bi and tri wire?
One weakness in my system in the past was in the bass which I contributed to my Berkeley DAC. I feel that Berkeley tends toward slowish, heavy, fat and less articulate bass at least in comparison to my old Esoteric D05 (although everything else is better, at least in my system). After replacing my Accelerator speaker cables with Apex, the added weight and warmth occasionally was a bit too much of a good thing. After rewiring my Usher Be-20, changed some caps in crossover, bass tightened up quite a bit. However, speaker cells (and most likely IC cells as well) really cleaned up the bass. Recently I had home audition of EMM Lab XDS1 for a week, its bass performance was significantly better than Berkeley but I still prefer Berkeley mid range tonality and overall musicality. However the improvement in bass performance by adding Speaker Cells/IC Cells I think is quite a bit more than EMM Lab offer.

I talked to Cable Company who said that all three output on speaker cells are the same and they will replace the unit with one defective output for me.
I continues to be impressed by the cells. After a couple of days, I would say speed, clarity, extended bass without becoming lean or sacrificing fullness or sweetness of the sound is the major benefit here. I tried adding some MIGs today, first under my Berkeley DAC then under ASR battery unit for the line level then under the two power supplies.
In my setup, pin point configuration seems to be more additive to the benefit of the cells. Voice gains more body, strings gain a touch more bloom and nice decay. Last night I went to see Silk Road Ensemble with Yo Yo Ma. May be it is my imaginating things but today, listening to Bernstein performance of Mahler Symphony No.2, opening movement, I feel that for the first time, I could really hear how the sound resonates from a Cello soundboard/body.
The only annoying thing is that brass. Listening to fanfare in Tuba Mirum from Verdi's Requeim seemed bit dull. It seems that at least one ambience configuration either on DAC or ASR battery pack helps quite a bit in this case. However, I am not sure I want to keep flipping MIGs everytime I want to listen to something with trumpet or horn :( and flip it back for everything else!
I have not heard any other footer that change the sound this much, be it metal cone, spike, rubber footer, roller ball etc except for perhaps the new Nordost Titanium something or other cone that I heard recently at a demo at a local hifi show. Unfortunately even with special discount at the show, one single cone would buy me a couple sets of MIGs and some change.

I have not try MIGs under ASR unit itself as I am not sure if ASR acrylic chassis would be able to sustain its weight (about 40 something Kgs, I think) on 3 MIGs without breaking.
I believe that the tails are available in 3 standard length.
A 16 inch pairs come standard with speaker cells but you can get longer lengths. I definitely think that they are worthwhile addition. I did get extension leads for MPC for speaker cells so a Galileo MPC with dual leads can reach both speaker cells.
Yes, you need one MPC for speaker cables and one for speaker cells. The blue LED on speaker cells are significantly brighter but you can rotate them and point them in different direction unlike the LED on cables.
Cable Company told me about 3 choices for tail length. I runs 2 pair of 16 inches tails for biwiring.
One caution as it has been mention, Speaker Cells are quite light and with Apex speaker cables, they may not sit so easily on the floor. Also, my speaker terminals are about 12 inches off the floor so I thought that 16 inches tail would be enough. I was wrong. The tail are not very stiff but not exactly flexible either and 2 pairs of them with Apex speaker cables at the other end, I could not really find a way to have the speaker cells sit on the floor without putting extra weight on them. In the end, I have to get a 2 inches block to put under speaker cells so all spikes on the speaker cells can have solid contact with the floor.
I agree about MIG under computer. While there were noticeable changes with DAC, amp etc, I found the biggest improvement in my system when I placed them under my computer server also. However, it was the fifth set of MIG in my system so I don't know if it is the accumulated effect or if the computer actually benefited more from MIG or what.

The other day, I unplugged speaker cells for a little bit. I was surprise at how big an effect it has on the sound. Not that Apex on its own sounds bad but I don't think I ever wanted to remove speaker cells from my system again :)
Get real, this thread is about Synergistic Research, if someone has issue with somebody else, please take it elsewhere that is more appropriate.
well, for what it's worth, today, I just received 2x Halogram A to go on my ASR Basis Exclusive II amp and a Halogram D to go on my Playback MPS-5. Previously I have T3 on both the amp and Playback.

So far everything sounds very promising. The bass is not yet quite as deep or big as T3 but quite a bit faster cleaner and better control. T3 could be a bit on the fat side there. The sound is more open although mid and high is still a bit hard. Well broken in T3 is darker, warmer, a bit more full body. Halogram has blacker background and more detail. I hope once the Halogram is fully broken in, I will get similar warmth and full body sound as well.
Joe, I am leaving my PD and amp on in energy saving mode when not using it so hopefully it won't take too long to burn them in properly. So far, I am very please. It would have been nice to add Halogram A then D one cable at a time to see the effect of each but I cannot resist plugging them all in. Recently in the thread best PC under $5000, I posted that I tried a few PC in the $3000-5000 recently. They all have their positive and negative side and I ended up replacing one of my old Shunyata Anaconda alpha helix with King Cobra CX. However, I tried some of those cables instead of my T3 on my PD and I did not have a strong urge to upgrade. Then Cable Company notified my of their current sale on SR PC. I am so glad I waited.