Solid State preamp Brands

Hi, I was discussing options for a SS Pre. I have on a list CODA, AYRE, Bryston, Classe, Bal Canto, Holo etc.  I am strongly considering the Classe Delta Pre. Some of my audio buddies are saying that the Classe is not very good even to the point of saying it is low fi. REALLY?? I want to have 2 preamps in my system to alternate. The other is a CJ ET5 tube. any advice is appreciated.


Following with interest. I have tried Schiit, Ayre and Coda, but settled on a Pass XP-12 to mate with my Coda #8. I am always on the lookout for a step up and am interested what others have to say about the Classe. 

I have a Coda #8 with a Holo Audio Serene KTE and it was a wonderful match. Just sold it yesterday for a NEW BAT VK-80 tube preamp. That pairing brought me to a NEW LEVEL. All great equipment!

It might help to know more about what you need, such as remote control, balance control, any other features and function, and price range.  It's been a while since I heard your candidates, but, I liked Ayre and I owned, and liked Coda.  However, I've heard stories that quality control has suffered just a bit at Ayre after the death of its founder.

Nagra makes some nice linestages that sound quite good and work well with solid state and tube amps.  You can even get them with transformer inputs and outputs.  I have tube gear with transformer inputs and outputs and I like the sound of a lot of iron in the path.  

Oops, forgot that I also had the Benchmark LA4, which I liked, but it was a bit on the sterile side. The Pass was a very nice upgrade.

If you don't need remote control, Klyne Audio makes good sounding and exquisitely built line stages stages, phono stages and preamps (built in phono).  That is pretty much all they make or have ever made.

This completely depends on what sound characteristics you’re looking for.  Also, what’s your budget and are you looking for new or used?


+1 .,,Nailed it.

(1) each OEM brand option has its own bespoke sonic signature.System synergy matters =  One size does not fit all. 

(2) Most of us are constrained by budgets in constant tension with a ceaseless urge to improve, including by upgrading . With reference to the two constant competing homilies in this audio hobby:

(a) “ You always get just what you pay for ….” and ,

(b) “Price is what you pay , Value is what you get …” …then,

Your upgrade options are governed by the thickness of your wallet, AND… a distillation of options after comparison to the pricepoint & audio performance strata of the rest of your system.

My fave as a true contender and no pretender : MOON by SIMAUDIO.

@larryi I like the sound on the warmer side but not tubey as I already have a tube pre. I want a remote, balance is an important function. I would like a selection of bith balanced and rca connections. The rest of my system consists of a Holo Spring 3 KTE dac, VPI Classic2 with Dynavector 20X2L cart, Emotiva ERC-3 I am using only as a transport. My own 12 inch 3 way speakers (12"SB, 5 inch mid and Seas Dome) SVS SB3000 sub as well as a pair of GR Research H Frame 2x12 subs.

I have a bunch of Ayre equipment, and have owned tube gear for a long time including a Joule Electra LAP 150 preamp.

For the Ayre stuff, at around $2k used - K-5xeMP. That is not their Variable Gain Tech, but it is REALLY good. Absolutely black hole quiet - zero noise.

If you want the Variable Gain Tech from Ayre, look for a used KX-5 Twenty. It is outstanding. I have an Ayre KX-R Twenty because the KX-5 Twenty was so good I figured I might as well buy the best preamp I was aware of.

If you have not heard the Ayre "Diamond Circuit" stuff, it is worth knowing what that is. It is very different, and I absolutely love it.

My Ayre KX-R Twenty:

I am a tube gear fan.  While I don’t think Ayre gear sounds particularly like tube gear, and their stuff is not tonally warm, I like their sound for some reason. 

Classe is not low-fi. It's actually great value, like most Canadians, serious, no BS, quality materials, good design

Classe is pretty good gear though I wonder if they are still the same company I remember back in the day when I lived in Canada.

I have used a few SS preamps in the past, they include:

  • Benchmark LA4 + HPA4 (use this now with a Schitt Aegir amp)
  • Holo Serene KTE (use this now with a CODA #16 amp)
  • Schitt Mjolnir V3 (use this on a very cheap active speaker, but a good Class A preamp)
  • Schitt Freya+ (not as good as the Mjolnir v3)
  • BAT VK-42SE (very warm and not as detailed as LA4, Serene, Mjolnir V3)
  • Topping pre90 (crap, but it could have been good if played nice with ALL amps)
  • Bryston BP-20 (to bright)

I actually ordered a shipping box for my Benchmark HPA4. The empty box arrives tomorrow. I gave my head a shake and cancelled those plans to sell. I was going to keep the Mjolnir V3 instead. I am keeping the Serene, HPA4, and Mjolnir V3 long-term.

Only preamp that I thought was better than the HPA4 and the Serene was a passive attenuator (I think this is the term) a friend had built. Definitely better than the Serene that I like a lot on my home system.

Add Moon North Collection to the list. Volume control is superb and the pre is fantastic. Also a streamer, DAC, phono stage that you may prefer over some of those separates.

Two of my favorite preamps were both Hybrid. An older ARC SP-9mk2 and a PS Audio, BHK Signature preamp. I truly enjoy being able to change their sound by rolling a couple of tubes.

All the best in your search.

Don’t forget the tried and true proven Parasound JC 2 

There out there on the market used for a bargain

$2000 range.  They would be $6000 if they were made in the USA

Taiwan assembled and very reliable neutral sounding

love mine 

Good luck 




3,911 posts

I am a tube gear fan. While I don’t think Ayre gear sounds particularly like tube gear, and their stuff is not tonally warm, I like their sound for some reason.

I bet I know what you mean... it’s the magic that caught my ear and is draining my wallet.

What Ayre gear have you heard and maybe I can share something that may be of interest.

I own / have owned:

  • KX-R Twenty preamp
  • MX-R monos (upgrading to Twenty soon)
  • QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC / Hub (replaced QB-9 Twenty)
  • VX-5 Twenty amp
  • K-5xeMP Preamp (awesome value / best "non-Variable Gain" preamp I’ve heard)
  • AX-7e Integrated Amp (Awesome Secret)
  • QB-9 Twenty DAC (sold)

@jim2 that is one awesome looking build. wow.

@willy-t  yes the JC2 is very well made. I thought the bass was the very best Ive heard, buy the high end not so much...


Wow! that is quite the collection of Ayre gear.  I like their linestage, amplifiers and integrated amps, never heard a bad one, but, I have not heard their DACs.  I don't mind the odd quirks, like the mechanical movement of their rotary stepped attenuators by remote control making clunking sounds; they apparently prefer this sort of switching to relay switching.

Why the SPL Elector gets such little love! Beyond me. It flies so under the radar, but is IMMENSELY GOOD. Can really scale with very high end pairing components. And not nearly as pricey as many mentioned here.


I have no experience with the Classe Delta, but I like Classe in general a lot - I still run Classe DR3 VHC power amps (x3) and one DR7 preamp which was an over the top model made in small numbers in the 80s with a separate power supply that looks like a power amp and it sound very good.  I'll leave it to others with experience with the same model you are contemplating to offer opinions on that model.

FWIW, I tried a Coda CP and it was incredibly noisy in my system. Contacted Coda and they felt it was operating normally.

I much preferred the Bel Canto Pre5 and Benchmark LA4. 

I've been very impressed with the Naim preamp I picked up. Much better than the tube pre I was using before and dead quiet. 

@riccitone +10 

Why the SPL Elector gets such little love! Beyond me. It flies so under the radar, but is IMMENSELY GOOD. Can really scale with very high end pairing components. And not nearly as pricey as many mentioned here.

My solid state experience has been primarily with Spectral and Moon.  Loved them both .

Bel Canto Pre 5. It’s not this and it’s not that, it’s music, and isn’t that what you want?

The Coda 07X was the main system preamp here for a number of years. On a whim, I purchased an Audible Illusions L2B. The Coda did not compete with the AI sound wise and has since departed. The Coda has great features via the remote control compared to the AI yet the sound quality was at a lower quality. 

Another vote for SPL.  I own the entry level Volume2, and it is very good, if only XLR in and out.  I think the Elector or Director would be fabulous.  I would like to try the upper tier Ayre preamps, as my Codex is something special!

I got lucky buying used 4 yrs ago Krell krc3 preamp. This is the only Krell gear I end up liking. Normally stay away from Krell products not this one.

Wyred4sound STP-SE2  fully balanced hybrid passive/active  preamp: still a favourite after seven years. 

Wow a lot of great input and things to consider. Question: Does anyone else have issues with "digital" preamps. I guess they take analog input convert to digital the back to analog out>. I have a standalone dac so I m think all this extra processing is really not necessary

IMO I wouldn’t use a digital preamp unless you want to also use the included dac or you want to use room correction if it has that. 

What;s fascinating to me is that Spectral never comes up in discussions such as this.  I'm dating myself but some of the best sound I've ever heard came from a dealer using Spectral electronics with MIT cables and conditioner driving Dunlavy 4a's.  

What you haven't told us is why you are so enamored with SS and what kind of sound you are trying to achieve.