Solid State preamp Brands

Hi, I was discussing options for a SS Pre. I have on a list CODA, AYRE, Bryston, Classe, Bal Canto, Holo etc.  I am strongly considering the Classe Delta Pre. Some of my audio buddies are saying that the Classe is not very good even to the point of saying it is low fi. REALLY?? I want to have 2 preamps in my system to alternate. The other is a CJ ET5 tube. any advice is appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by jim2

I have a bunch of Ayre equipment, and have owned tube gear for a long time including a Joule Electra LAP 150 preamp.

For the Ayre stuff, at around $2k used - K-5xeMP. That is not their Variable Gain Tech, but it is REALLY good. Absolutely black hole quiet - zero noise.

If you want the Variable Gain Tech from Ayre, look for a used KX-5 Twenty. It is outstanding. I have an Ayre KX-R Twenty because the KX-5 Twenty was so good I figured I might as well buy the best preamp I was aware of.

If you have not heard the Ayre "Diamond Circuit" stuff, it is worth knowing what that is. It is very different, and I absolutely love it.

My Ayre KX-R Twenty:




3,911 posts

I am a tube gear fan. While I don’t think Ayre gear sounds particularly like tube gear, and their stuff is not tonally warm, I like their sound for some reason.

I bet I know what you mean... it’s the magic that caught my ear and is draining my wallet.

What Ayre gear have you heard and maybe I can share something that may be of interest.

I own / have owned:

  • KX-R Twenty preamp
  • MX-R monos (upgrading to Twenty soon)
  • QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC / Hub (replaced QB-9 Twenty)
  • VX-5 Twenty amp
  • K-5xeMP Preamp (awesome value / best "non-Variable Gain" preamp I’ve heard)
  • AX-7e Integrated Amp (Awesome Secret)
  • QB-9 Twenty DAC (sold)