Solid State preamp Brands

Hi, I was discussing options for a SS Pre. I have on a list CODA, AYRE, Bryston, Classe, Bal Canto, Holo etc.  I am strongly considering the Classe Delta Pre. Some of my audio buddies are saying that the Classe is not very good even to the point of saying it is low fi. REALLY?? I want to have 2 preamps in my system to alternate. The other is a CJ ET5 tube. any advice is appreciated.


Showing 1 response by akg_ca


+1 .,,Nailed it.

(1) each OEM brand option has its own bespoke sonic signature.System synergy matters =  One size does not fit all. 

(2) Most of us are constrained by budgets in constant tension with a ceaseless urge to improve, including by upgrading . With reference to the two constant competing homilies in this audio hobby:

(a) “ You always get just what you pay for ….” and ,

(b) “Price is what you pay , Value is what you get …” …then,

Your upgrade options are governed by the thickness of your wallet, AND… a distillation of options after comparison to the pricepoint & audio performance strata of the rest of your system.

My fave as a true contender and no pretender : MOON by SIMAUDIO.