@russellrcncom What makes me enamored with SS is the consistency with which it operated. Same results every time. I am looking for clarity, dynamics and a good sense of space from the new preamp. I doesnt have to be THE purest in neutrality as I am coming from (what some would say is) a somewhat colored tube pre.
Solid State preamp Brands
Hi, I was discussing options for a SS Pre. I have on a list CODA, AYRE, Bryston, Classe, Bal Canto, Holo etc. I am strongly considering the Classe Delta Pre. Some of my audio buddies are saying that the Classe is not very good even to the point of saying it is low fi. REALLY?? I want to have 2 preamps in my system to alternate. The other is a CJ ET5 tube. any advice is appreciated.
Showing 6 responses by jimbones
@larryi I like the sound on the warmer side but not tubey as I already have a tube pre. I want a remote, balance is an important function. I would like a selection of bith balanced and rca connections. The rest of my system consists of a Holo Spring 3 KTE dac, VPI Classic2 with Dynavector 20X2L cart, Emotiva ERC-3 I am using only as a transport. My own 12 inch 3 way speakers (12"SB, 5 inch mid and Seas Dome) SVS SB3000 sub as well as a pair of GR Research H Frame 2x12 subs. |
@decooney I agree 100% with you. My tubes are stable after 45 min to 1 hr most. I never turn off my solid state equipment (dac etc) |