Sold speakers you really enjoyed?... But why?

Has anyone ever sold speakers you "really" liked for various reasons. Many members may rightfully respond".... are you crazy after all the looking and comparing" However such a rote answer, does not answer the thread

Why did you sell them?? 1)You needed the money?? 2)Were moving a long distance? 3)Too big (or small) for the new living space?? 4)Just wanted to own a speaker that was newer, different and sounded better??

Unfortunately I will have to dealer with reasons 2 and 3 in the a few months. Nevertheless, I could sell them local and buy the same when I am settled

However, the more interesting and provocative reason for this thread is #4....the itch, bug, jonesing for something "new", and possibly "better" in sound quality.

All opinions, comments, real life stories welcomed!!!

Funny as I heard the DQ10's and DQ 20's fairly recently and they just didn't sound how they used to ;)....they were rebuilt by a DQ guy and he said they were more detailed than the original 20i's (the more detailed of the two 20's) and they still had that special mid and were dynamic. To me they were just dark sounding. Things have really changed in speakers. I think that's why Stuart Tyler was always taken so seriously. He was one of the first designers who really made his speakers disappear. He also helped make the British sound what it is today. That mid bass hump that so many love and think is natural sounding is what folks still love today. It's very pleasant and masks the design difficulties in this price range.
Yep, I had some nicely modified Dahlquist DQ-10s back in the early '80s. They did just about everything well (except rock/roll, as I recall). But, man, I just had to have those Quad ESL 63s. So different, so sexy. Yep, the Quads were lovely, especially for small ensembles. But they always lacked the dynamic punch I had with the DQ-10s, and the Quads didn't rock either. So, I gained some air, liquidity and sex appeal but lost in the larger orchestral department. And, I had to change amps, too. Although I had a long-lasting love affair with my Quads, I don't think I would sacrifice the dynamics again.
Selling my Zu Omen Def's right now, I know I'm going to regret it but I need the funds plus I'm downsizing because were moving soon.
Tempting Ct, but I'm really quite satisfied and enamored with a little unknown, under the radar speaker - Paisley Research AE500's. They are quite amazing, only selling for $900 back in the day, but I swear if ProAc or Celestion made them, they could sell them for $2500-$3K all day long and they'd sell like hotcakes. I just installed new grill cloth on them and because the logos were missing, I obtained some original "Spendor" logos and now these are my faux Spendors :)
Wife acceptance factor...Classic Quad ESL-57s, with Pyramid ribbons to extend the top end (possibly not really necessary, but the combination was sweet). More than twenty years ago, and I can't say I've heard anything better since. (My Spendor LS-3/5A's have been station-keeping until I can jump back in.) To be fair, while they sound amazing, the original Quads are a bit, um, "awkward" looking. Certainly never bothered me, but FWIW, we're still married...
Lou, I'm selling my teak Studio 1's as well as my teak Proac Supertowers if you have interest, lol. New surrounds in the 1's and newer drivers in the towers. Both in awesome shape, lol...
ProAc Studio 1's - sold b/c as a soon-to-be father, I needed baby proof speakers, and up on spiked Chicago spkr stands, they were anything but baby-proof

Chateau Research 1.5's - sold b/c with a young infant, I got out of audio for a few years

Tannoy D50 - traded for Omega Grande 8's - wanted to try single driver speakers

Linn Helix LS150 - great speakers but the integrated stands, while nice looking, attach very funky and make them sound bad, IMO. After a while, one of the stands became permanently affixed to the speaker and to fix it would require some surgery to the speaker cabinet so I decided to get rid of them
The issue first raised by " Ctsooner", and reiterated by Tubegroover and other members is worthy of its own separate thread

Nevertheless, "getting the most from my speakers" is a haunting fear a large majority of audiophiles struggle with, whether they still own that "favorite" speaker or regretfully sold it.

Either way, the quest can burn a person out. I think I know what I need to max out the performance of my speakers; unfortunately, at this point, I either can't find it with qualitative better speaker cable, and a high-end CD player. How much improvement of the speaker?? Who knows, even if it could be measured. Another problem is that speaker manufacturers are reluctant to recommend a speaker cable based on their own experience and from voicing their product, but don't want to generally offend the other cable manufacturers.

Yea, we all know, everything is system or synergy dependent, so the consumer is generally left sitting with his thumbs up his/her butt unless they want to play "The Cable Merry Go Around"

There is NO REST FOR THE WEARY, and obsessive audiophile.
What Mapman said.

I love my Reference 3A De Capo BE's, but I'm pretty certain I haven't gotten all I could out of them. If I had a dedicated listening room I'd look at room treatments that would probably milk even more performance out of them.
"I bet that most audiophiles never get everything out of their speakers that they can. Just a guess."

Most people will not.

Smart audiophiles probably have the best odds, but not always, at least early on.
"I bet that most audiophiles never get everything out of their speakers that they can. Just a guess."

I totally agree with you Ctsooner. Although I haven't owned nearly as many speakers as some have I can say without reservation that I have left few stones unturned before giving up or moving on. I also had a pair of Vandersteen 2Cs for many years. After moving I spent 5 years trying to get them to sound like they did in the previous room. I couldn't and moved on. I went through 3 speakers several amps, pre-amps and assorted cabling in about as many years before coming to the conclusion that it was the room. Changed rooms and viola, music! If not for that room issue I might still have those Vandies, who knows? By that time I was bitten by the bug and once that happens it can't be turned off. Even so I still take the approach that when you find something you like or sounds right it is more than a little worthwhile to explore all options before moving on.

Have heard the Rockports now and I enjoyed them very much. Honestly, though for the money, the Vandersteens for me are still as good as anything else. I've heard them on different amps and no matter what they are revealing, stage, image and are flat out musical. I'm into just wanting to enjoy music as this point in my life. I go to concerts to enjoy the music and listen for every mic movement or breath. It has to be there of course and in a great speaker it will be. Vandy gives me even more information than most as it's designed that way. there are a lot of good speakers out there, but some real dogs for me. Many of the dogs are the speakers everyone is talking about or posting in this thread about. I often wonder if our ears are that much different or if folks just don't listen or have never heard a proper set up. Coherency is lacking in so many speakers and most of the upper ranges make my ears bleed. Some are just toooo rolled off. I can't believe that people don't spend the money on cables and amps too. it's a system and I've heard less expensive speakers sound awesome with more money being put into cables and amps/front ends than getting very expensive speakers and using average components at best. Even at the dealers they are often pushing you into higher priced speakers and less expensive amps/cables/front ends. If your speakers are good, they will keep getting better and better with major upgrades. Even the smaller Vandy's have sounded awesome with some major Ayre gear and higher end AQ cables. That told me a lot about the speaker. Most dealers I have gone into have said to get the most expensive speaker you can and then save on the other gear. I bet that most audiophiles never get everything out of their speakers that they can. Just a guess.
I hear you Timrhu,
As a matter of fact, I have. So I perfectly understand what you're saying.

I've been visiting my local dealer in South FL for years and, one day as I walked in to pay a visit to my friend Larry (owner), I was floored by the sound!

A pair of unassuming Spiral Groove Canalis Anima driven by top of the line Rogue Audio. Simply breathtaking!

So much satisfaction that I'm saving to buy me a pair.

On another note, that is what I call a bargain! $400.00 for a pair of speakers with a $2,000.00 price tag.

Lucky you :-)
Sold Sonus Faber Stradivari's to move up to Sonus Faber Aida's. Huge mistake. They didn't work in my room and I had no way to test drive the Aida's ahead of time. The Strads on the other hand were perfect in my room and likely would still have them now if not for that mistake.
Timrhu, I appreciate your response. It's hard for me to audition a speaker for just 6 - 8 hours and familiarize myself with them well enough. I feel more comfortable keeping them for at least a month or so before I make a conscientious decision. Congrats on your Thiel CS 1.6s, they are remarkable speakers for the price.

Kiko, have you never walked into a dealer showroom and listened to a speaker and decided within a few minutes whether or not the speaker could be a contender? It's the same thing for me except I don't have a showroom to visit.

A couple examples are the Dynaudio 1.3SE and the Sequerra SET7 MK6. Both of these speakers have been well reviewed, although the Sequerra was also panned by at least two reviewers. With the Dynaudio I could hear the virtues of the speaker and really tried hard to like it. It was also a thing of beauty to look at. Unfortunately it just didn't work in my room/system. I kept turning the volume down, not a good sign.

The Sequerra speaker, on the other side, was just awful. I know some people here enjoy that speaker, but for me it like I was listening to music through my laptop speakers.

I do enjoy the Thiel speakers. And for what I paid, $400 for the pair with the optional outriggers, a super bargain. When I saw them listed by a seller less than 50 miles away I did not hesitate. Almost asked him if he meant $400 per speaker.

I think we've had this discussion before Shakey! I auditioned the GMA Eos HD, and although I cannot rule out bad dealer set up, I was not remoely tempted. I'd have said "edgy"; since you think the PBNs "plodding," and I hear "natural" and "relaxed," I'm guessing we've got different ears.

Timrhu, I appreciate your response. It's hard for me to audition a speaker for just 6 - 8 hours and familiarize myself with them well enough. I feel more comfortable keeping them for at least a month or so before I make a conscientious decision. Congrats on your Thiel CS 1.6s, they are remarkable speakers for the price.
Wow Timrhu!

50 speakers in 15 years? That is one pair of speakers every 3.6 months! I'm curious as to how you were able to appreciate the sound of each pair in such a short time?

Honestly interested, not trying to be a smart-ass.

Kilo, Your question made me take a few minutes and count them. I came up with 48 speakers, a couple of them were repeats. I'm sure I missed a few which would bring the actual total to 50, "wow" is right.

As for appreciating the sound of a speaker, I would say between 5 to 10 hours is all that's required. Especially when the listening is done in your room with your system components and choice of music. YMMV

Some of these speakers were in use less than a week, some were purchased just to try out with little expectation they would stay. Most were purchased in an attempt to upgrade. Early on I found The Meadowlark Kestrel speaker which just sounded right to my ears and sensibilities. The quest was to better their sound. A few speakers stayed in the system for 6 months or so but I would eventually stick the Kestrels back in and fall in love again.
I now cycle in a pair of Soliloquy 5.0s or Thiel CS 1.6s for a slightly different flavor.
Islandmandan No problem. The old eyes curse is a problem for me. Started about 5 years ago. I could not read the print in a phonebook if my life depended on it.

Hopefully, I don't ever have to use a large silver horn to hear.
Sunnyjim, please pardon me for confusing you with "Sunnyboy". A lot gets by these old eyes these days.

I had the SP2, SPX, and EPS2. Of the three I would say the SP2 was the sweet spot, I just never really connected with their bigger brothers. I ended up replacing the EPS2 with a pair of Green Mountain Audio Callistos. They actually made the PBN speakers sound boxy and plodding.

PBN Montana EPS2s. Although biggish, these speakers were easy to look at and just lovely to live with. Got out of the way of the music, non-fatiguing, and do very little wrong (at the pricepoint).

But, I got bitten by the "Class A" bug in the form of the Pass INT-30A, and although the Montanys are respectably efficient, the pairing allowed neither piece to shine.

Wanted to stick with a "downsized" system and the integrated, so I rather reluctantly sold the Montanas.

Current Vaughn Zinfandels make better pairing, and very nice.

I"ve never heard the utopias. I've had Focals when they were JM Labs and loved them. The 1000BE series just haven't done it for me, but I'd love to hear the Utopia lines. Today I'll be listening to the Magico's and Avalon's (I have loved the Avalon's back in the day). I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks to all for sharing.
JBL 250Ti's.. Just to big for the apartment. They (seriously modified to eliminate resonance and increase detail) were a musical pleasure for over 27 years. Not a bad investment.
I sold a pair of Alon Lotus speakers I really enjoyed when I moved to a much smaller 800 sq ft living space. Traded them actually for the speakers I still use today a pair of original JMlabs Micro-Utopias, which I love and are by far the favorite speakers I have owned. They are also perfect for my space and my PP 17 watt tube amp so I feel lucky to have made the trade. Plus my gf was thrilled the Lotus's were very tall and very black and quite imposing.
Thanks to all who have responded so far. For some, it was probably painful to state you sold a favorite speaker especially if you never rebought, like some have confessed

I did not think the thread would become like a class reunion for "speakers I have know and loved" However, that only confirms to me the emotional investment many of us make in hi-end audio.

Unlike MoFImadness, I have not owned hundreds of speakers, but there was a time I proably heard almost everything that was available. Nevertheless, here is my list of speakers I have owned starting with the current ones:

Acoustic Zen Adagios( current and holding)

Silverline Prelude II's

Vandersteen 1C

Green Mountain: Europa

B&W Matrix 3 MK II

Kef 104's

Large Advents

JBL L-26

ESS model 7 ( prior to Dr Heil's take over)

Rectilinear 11's; 12; and XO's

Beginning with the Advents, the descending order is shrouded in ancient history

I will be moving back to SoCal in November, and I fear the AZ Adagio's may have to go. They weigh 95lbs each boxed and however they calculate price vs weight in container cargo, it will be at least 500.00 to ship. or $700 via FED Ex if I ship. to L.A. or San Diego. Also, my new neighbors may not appreciate or tolerate loud music. I have been lucky most neighbors 80+ in my building are taking their daily nap deep in REM sleep, or just sailing away to Elysium.

At 50 inches high, the Adagios are big speakers.

However, parting with a speaker you like, only let's out, the upgrade bug from the bottle, as if to say: "maybe there is something out there better sounding, possibly in a smaller box or tower that will rival or possibly exceed the speaker I sold. ( BTW, this also is the template for breaking up with your favorite ladyfriend......LOL)

Ever since Audiogon changed its format, and fees, it has become harder to sell a component or a pair of speakers, especially if you ask between $2000-$2500. The audio market across the board seems sluggish,and legitimate buyers less available.
I had a pair of Acoustat 2+2s from new in the early 80s until around 2005. They were part of the system I had when I met my wife, so she just accepted them along with my other idiosyncrasies (they're 82 inches tall - very low WAF). They got stored when we moved over seas for a few years. By the time we moved back, I'd been using stand mount speakers and knew the 2+2s would never fly in our living room again. They're long gone and replaced by probably better speakers, but I'd still like to be able to hear them again.
Also a pair of B&W P6 floorstanders for similar reasons, though I would like to be able to hear those now off my current setup, particularly with the CLass D BEl Canto amps and ARC tube pre-amp.
I sold a pair of 80's vintage Magnepan MG1c speakers I enjoyed for many years in that they were not a good fit in my current house/rooms compared to our prior home.
Enjoyed a pair of the original Vandersteen 2C's from the mid 1980's for many years. Sold them due to new, smaller listening room and very low WAF. ;-) No regrets, though: started me on a trade up path that has resulted in a much better (to my ears) system.

One amplifier designer I know sold his Rosinante speakers then bought them back from the guy a few years later.

Agree the Rosinante speakers (Gabrielle) are keepers. They have been the pillar for my system for many years. Can not beat 95db efficiency with response under 30 hz not to mention its transparent sound.

They do not make the silver wires used for the drivers in speakers today.

Sold my Wilson Audio Witt MKII speakers paired with a Pass Labs X250 to see if I could down-size and still enjoy the music. What was I thinking? That didn't last very long.
Here are the KEF speakers that I've sold in the past:

KEF 103/2
KEF Q300
KEF Q15.2

I sold a pair of Tannoy Mercury M2 speakers because to get the best out of them in my system I needed a sub.

I sold a pair of Glow Audio Voice One full range speakers because I wanted to try single Full Range speakers on a budget. The sound wasn't for me and they didn't match the decor in my house so they had to go.

So I guess most of the reasons as to why I've sold gear is:

4)Just wanted to own a speaker that was newer, different and sounded better.
Post removed 
Sold Proac 3.5 as I was dwelling in an apartment and they only came to life at apartment unfriendly volumes.

Ctsooner: Wondering if you compared the Treos to the "Big 5K" contenders:
Revel 208, Bryston "Middle T" and Golden Ear Triton One?

I own Thiel 2.4SE.s which have great sound but don't hit me in the gut like I think they should.

"Great sound under extreme pressure" that's why I pay the (poor man's) big money.
Pradeep, as you may know, I sold a pair of Dynaudio Contour 5.4's that I thought I'd keep forever, due to the nagging feeling I had unfinished business with Tannoy loudspeakers.

When I started this venture, it was just after the economy crashed, so I wound up taking a bath on them. I purchased HPD 315 drivers and crossovers on Ebay UK, had custom enclosures and crossovers made, and converted the surrounds to Hard Edge, as on the Prestige line of drivers.

I have been rewarded with the most satisfying music listening I've had yet at home, with the added benefit of being able to drive them with a meager 9 Wpc SET 300B amplifier.

These are the speakers that will never leave, until my time here is up. Then my two sons can fight over them.

I just purchased the Vandersteen Treo's. I am currently trying to sell the Proac Supertowners that I've owned since the late 90's as well as the matching teak Proac Studio 1's. I have loved the Proacs, however the Treo's are special. They are just the only speakers that have wanted for over 15 years. The price range was right for me and they will be in my system for many years to come. I don't like to flip things.
07-07-14: Mofimadness
I've owned hundreds and hundreds of different speakers

That was vintage JBL 4912 powered by H.H.Scott Stereomaster vintage stereo tube receiver(2xEL84 per channel).
The reason was to save them all from toddlers. The minute I recall that day, I'm ready to pull hair from my arz in anger, but had to build a budget for SS/heavier speaker based system.

I swapped to Aerial 10T with substantially wider footprint so it takes guts to flip-em over. Sunfire 300 amp/Classe 30 preamp replaced Stereomaster.
Sold a pair of Rosinante about fifteen years ago.
About a year ago the guy I sold them to had to move out of state.
Guess what? He sold them back to me for way less then he paid me for them. The funny thing is I think they sound better now then when I owned them before. They won't leave again.
Wow Timrhu!

50 speakers in 15 years? That is one pair of speakers every 3.6 months! I'm curious as to how you were able to appreciate the sound of each pair in such a short time?

Honestly interested, not trying to be a smart-ass.
I've owned hundreds and hundreds of different speakers, (that's what happens when you're in the high-end business for as long as I was).

I had a guy that worked for me many moons ago that had the philosophy that you should find electronics that you really like, that tend to work with a wide(r) range of speakers, then own 10 or 12 different speakers. That would allow you to listen to whatever suits your certain mood at the time. I always thought that was kinda weird, but after so many years, he was right.

I have well over 15 pairs of speakers right now in my house. Not all of them are hooked up, but I have a choice.

The only pair of speakers that I really wish I still had were the Infinity Betas. Had to sell them because I needed the money. What a GLORIOUS speaker system, (if you have the room for it). I guess that I should also add the Acoustat Model Sixes. Sold those because I moved and just couldn't take those behemoths with me.
Various reasons:

Sold my first audiophile speakers (Linn Kan MKI) and "upgraded" to Spendor S8e. Both outstanding speakers!!!!

After many years with the S8e, I "upgraded" to Audes Blues, which, IMHO, have been the best speakers I have ever owned.

Unfortunately I ended up moving my system to a much smaller room and I had to sell the Blues for a pair of Totem Acoustic Model 1.

About 5 years later I moved to a new home with a much bigger listening room and I ended up selling the Totem Acoustic Model 1 for, believe it or not, a pair of Swans Diva 6.1 which I lived happily with for a full decade. These speakers have been favorably compared to the B&W 804 Diamond (for a fraction of the cost). Trully remarcable speakers for the price.

Then my mother and sister in law moved in so my system is now on a second room; too small for the Diva 6.1 so I sold them and now I am a proud owner of the GE Triton 7s which, in my opinion, are unassuming giant killers if you value soundstage and imaging (like the Totem Model 1) but with surprisingly punchy, clean, and tout bass response.

However, I am saving, not in any rush but certainly saving for the best speakers I have ever auditioned, a pair of Spiral Groove Canalis Anima.

This time I'm keeping both the Triton 7s and the Canalis Anima.

To answer your thread, we all do it for the same reasons; trade bug, moving, budget, needing something smaller, needing something bigger, experimenting, changing ancillary equipment, you name it!!!!!

Happy listening.
I sold my Gershman Acoustics Avant Garde RX-20 because I got into tube/SET amplifiers and they were just too difficult to drive. I now own Von Schweikert dB99 speakers paired with a 2 watt Yamamoto A-08S. That amp would struggle with the Avant Gardes.
Joined Audiogon more than ten years ago and started "churning" equipment. I would not be exaggerating if I said I've owned 50 different speaker models over the last fifteen years. The one speaker I sold and wished I hadn't is the Revel M20.

Why did I sell them? The answer is in the first sentence of my reply. There are several speakers I have sold and later bought the same model because I missed them and couldn't resist a good deal. At some point I'll probably buy another pair of M20s. Just waiting for a nice pair within pickup distance.

One of these days I'll compile a list of the speakers I've owned and post it to the thread titled "personal speaker evolution." Probably not.