Sold speakers you really enjoyed?... But why?

Has anyone ever sold speakers you "really" liked for various reasons. Many members may rightfully respond".... are you crazy after all the looking and comparing" However such a rote answer, does not answer the thread

Why did you sell them?? 1)You needed the money?? 2)Were moving a long distance? 3)Too big (or small) for the new living space?? 4)Just wanted to own a speaker that was newer, different and sounded better??

Unfortunately I will have to dealer with reasons 2 and 3 in the a few months. Nevertheless, I could sell them local and buy the same when I am settled

However, the more interesting and provocative reason for this thread is #4....the itch, bug, jonesing for something "new", and possibly "better" in sound quality.

All opinions, comments, real life stories welcomed!!!


Showing 2 responses by islandmandan

Sunnyjim, please pardon me for confusing you with "Sunnyboy". A lot gets by these old eyes these days.

Pradeep, as you may know, I sold a pair of Dynaudio Contour 5.4's that I thought I'd keep forever, due to the nagging feeling I had unfinished business with Tannoy loudspeakers.

When I started this venture, it was just after the economy crashed, so I wound up taking a bath on them. I purchased HPD 315 drivers and crossovers on Ebay UK, had custom enclosures and crossovers made, and converted the surrounds to Hard Edge, as on the Prestige line of drivers.

I have been rewarded with the most satisfying music listening I've had yet at home, with the added benefit of being able to drive them with a meager 9 Wpc SET 300B amplifier.

These are the speakers that will never leave, until my time here is up. Then my two sons can fight over them.
