Sold speakers you really enjoyed?... But why?

Has anyone ever sold speakers you "really" liked for various reasons. Many members may rightfully respond".... are you crazy after all the looking and comparing" However such a rote answer, does not answer the thread

Why did you sell them?? 1)You needed the money?? 2)Were moving a long distance? 3)Too big (or small) for the new living space?? 4)Just wanted to own a speaker that was newer, different and sounded better??

Unfortunately I will have to dealer with reasons 2 and 3 in the a few months. Nevertheless, I could sell them local and buy the same when I am settled

However, the more interesting and provocative reason for this thread is #4....the itch, bug, jonesing for something "new", and possibly "better" in sound quality.

All opinions, comments, real life stories welcomed!!!


Showing 1 response by tubegroover

"I bet that most audiophiles never get everything out of their speakers that they can. Just a guess."

I totally agree with you Ctsooner. Although I haven't owned nearly as many speakers as some have I can say without reservation that I have left few stones unturned before giving up or moving on. I also had a pair of Vandersteen 2Cs for many years. After moving I spent 5 years trying to get them to sound like they did in the previous room. I couldn't and moved on. I went through 3 speakers several amps, pre-amps and assorted cabling in about as many years before coming to the conclusion that it was the room. Changed rooms and viola, music! If not for that room issue I might still have those Vandies, who knows? By that time I was bitten by the bug and once that happens it can't be turned off. Even so I still take the approach that when you find something you like or sounds right it is more than a little worthwhile to explore all options before moving on.