
Discussions rebbi has started

Can you build a digital music streamer around a Raspberry Pi 4 with an external DAC?47454
Differences between cd transports?21519153
LSA Statement Amplifier Service Needed, Recommendations?24533
Great Value in Used Phono Preamp’s?933633
LSA Statement Amplifier versus John Tucker Upgraded "Super Statement"?39270
Screaming bargains in DSD-capable DACs?39769
My review of the Spatial M3 Turbo S open baffle speaker is finally live...1355712
In praise of the mighty SOTA Sapphire490110
Usability of Oppo BDP-93 without a monitor?311310
What kind of lamp to use with a stroboscopic disc?1174010
SOTA Sapphire speed issue786718
Tell Us about an Album That Took a Long Time to Grow on You500852
New blog post on the world of portable hi res audio44298
My New Review of the Spatial Hologram M4 Open Baffle Speaker1146240
New blog post on the Fritz Carrera Rev 7 BE67168