Several used sonos faber il cremonese for sale. why?

I've noticed lately that many used il cremones speakers by sonus faber are for sale lately.  And the price after being only 2 to 3 years old goes from a list of 55,000 all the way down to 25 to 30,000.  And they seem to be on sale for quite a while, and from dealers too.  I thought these were very nice speakers and don't understand why they're at such a discount and why many seem to be on sale these days.  I know the Amati g5 Sonos is supposed to be very good.  People aren't selling to buy the lower level g5 speaker.

I also know, and as openly acknowledged by sonos, the speakers are a lot more expensive because of all the design work to make them pretty. With these low used prices why would anyone pay 55,000 even if it's discounted by 10% or so? I know it's an older design speaker that hasn't been updated for a while but that may not be a problem.

Any thoughts about this as I was kind of interested in il cremonese. What's a good alternative speaker?



Very happy you are enjoying your system.  I am one of those people who's never satisfied and always hoping to improve.



Look emergingsoul  is NEVER going to buy 50k+ speakers. He will use his all to bright B&W's with his Mac amp and never be happy. Everyone else will be enjoying their setups. 

Depreciation on used audio gear is worse than cars. Since there isn’t much competition for used gear, most buyers are in the market are trying to get it for as cheap as they can on these websites. It is better to trade in for new equipment unless you are getting out of audio altogether.


Try EgglestonWorks speakers as an alternative.


I really like how your room has been set up.  I bet those subwoofers and the bookshelves are really nice.  I've always wondered about bookshelves but seem to have always been involved with floorstanding. I like the idea of effectively suspending them with lots of space underneath which probably is good for sound transfer.  My room size is 22 x 15 but I do have a subwoofer along with the mains.  I also have another listening room which is smaller and at times can be more comfortable but don't spend much time there


@mapman $55k gets you ordinary non-luxury SUV. For luxury you gotta add another $50k


overpriced means investment would not bring desired returns and there are lots of lower priced options for the given performance.

I recall reading he has MC901s in a previous post somewhere here. No idea about preamp.

Out of curiousity, what components does your current system comprise of?


Better exhale.

I had the same concern about the imaging and level of detail being expressed throughout the room. A softened image may not be good at times and was interesting to hear the rel subwoofers helped, I thought the point was not to need subwoofers for these speakers. Dealers offering them for $28,000 used that means a credit of probably 20,000 against any new purchase. Certainly while I prefer buying new a substantial discount off the 55,000 List is necessary. And I’m talking about a sell price of 35 to 40,000 new.

I'm now looking at TAD speakers.


Sonos? Sonus. 

A 50K (30, 25, etc) speaker for a living room or dedicated audio room, the size of a larger hotel room, is a giant waste in my world. There are so many beautiful and beautiful sounding speakers for a 10th of that.

But that's just for my dumb ears and thin wallet devil

I have listened to these a number of times and like them. I have a friend who bought them and loves them. He did add a few Rel subs which definitely helped. They sound better in his room than they did in the dealer's showroom (what a surprise). For 25-30k I think they are a good deal if you like the sound. They are also very pretty if that matters but are big. I went in a different direction based on how they sounded in the showroom (they didn't image as well as I was looking for), but in his room they sound great with much better presence. Why are there several for sale ....don't know but I know he doesn't plan on selling his anytime soon.

.......sounds like we are a little there allenf1963. No ....???? Possibly get a job in those fields and maybe you can move on from your Klipsh Heresy's or Forte's one day.    

And the price after being only 2 to 3 years old goes from a list of 55,000 all the way down to 25 to 30,000

You ever seen the hit a car’s price takes the MINUTE you drive it off the lot brand new? Maybe, just maybe, that’s an indication of what Sonus Faber’s mind boggling dealer mark-up price is....or any "Lifestyle Brand" product for that matter.  Your REALLY think it costs Sonus $55,000 to make that speaker?  Or Wilson Audio $370,000 to make that monstrosity called the Chronosonic?  Or the retail price of any audio gear made by Naim, Gryphon, Dan D'Agostino, or (INSERT ANY BRAND NAME SEEN AT ANY HI END AUDIO SHOW)?


The escalating prices we have seen over the last 20 years will continue as long as there are "New Money" millionaires made in the Bitcoin, Social Media "Influencer", Hedge Fund, etc., avenues that have popped up who keep paying those prices because it makes them look "cool".  The rest of us can just sit back and laugh.

BINGO!!! the kind who considers themselves an expert, loves to throw their opinion around and argue it, all the while you could offer him a brand new pair of speakers, the exact ones hes talking about at 40% off and he would still find an excuse not to close the deal... even after a week of talking like he was serious.


No, it's not a good thing. I meant that you seem to be the type of customer who is all over the place thought wise and uses up a lot of a salesperson's time without making a decision.

You will drive yourself crazy playing this game.  


There are always new speakers being designed, built and released.  There are always speakers on the used market.


If I was looking at a speaker that I thought I might upgrade at some point, I would look at used prices to get a feel for resale value.  If they were half price and a speaker that I wanted, I'd buy used and feel like I got a bargain.  But, if there are a number of used pairs on the market, I would wonder why.....

I haven't seen my speakers show up on the used market, plus I think they're my end game speaker.  At my age (62), I don't plan to ever upgrade.  I suppose that could change, but not likely. 

Overpriced is a relative term. It usually means "I can't afford it". Not every time, but most of the time.

If you are going by parts count and cost, every speaker over 10K is "overpriced". Two questions remain.

Will you get commensurate enjoyment from the speaker?

Can you go to sleep at night knowing what you paid?





Is that a good thing?



It just seems like there’s several used speakers available where the used prices are consistently between 25 and $30,000. That’s not good. Especially when I hear they are one to three years old. No one really knows I guess..

the list price of 55,000 may simply be too high. It just makes me wonder how overpriced these so-called higher end speakers may actually be.

If you are just asking why there might be one or more sets for sale, the answer is pretty straight forward. People constantly buy audio gear, try it out, and move on. Maybe they didn't love it, but maybe they just want to try something new, or move to a new space and need a different setup, or need to downgrade for financial reasons, or... the possibilities are endless.

I have encountered people who seem to think along the lines of "if a product is so good, why would anyone be selling it on the used market?" Which seems like a weird question. No matter how nice the speaker, or amplifier, or turntable, it is virtually guaranteed that we will find a used example out there at some point. For all sorts of reasons. It says nothing about the quality of the actual product. Same thing with cars or pretty much anything else you can think of. 


I'm sure that you're a nice guy, but I was in retail for years, and I can say with some certainty that you're the kind of customer that every salesperson hates.  



I’m not sure about the extremes they seem a bit too exotic and kind of rare since I didn’t make many and maybe for good reason.

They seem much better value around 30,000 and overpriced at 55. The G5 are supposed to be pretty darn good but I want more filling musical presence inside a room

G5 are probably overpriced too


Are you talking about the newish I’l Cremonse EX3ME or an older model?  Either way, I can’t speak on the Il Cremonese, but I just put money down on a pair of the Sonus Faber Amato G5’s. I’ve had a loaner pair since Thursday and they really sound wonderful to me,  but for $25k, I would definitely have taken a chance on the Il Cremonese EX3ME.

I looked at the Ktemas and they were very impressive, however you can't biamp them, huge disappointment

May do just fine without that ability but I'm in a biamp phase.


Love Sonus Faber. The all time best pair I had were the Extremas. I found a pair of Serblin Accordos a few years back and bought them too. Prettiest speaker to come through my doorway. Can’t go wrong with any SF. If you’re going to spend north of $20k, search for a pair of Serblin Ktemas. They retail for around $30k but rarely show up on the used market, particularly in the USA. Shop used and score a great deal.

For me the Serafinos are a nice compromise between price and SQ and I'm saving furiously in the hope of finding a good used pair. FYI I currently have Sonata Vs and really like them  -  but you all know what this hobby is like. 

They are very nice speakers.  Just for market information, my friend is selling his SF Liliums, one step up in the line.  So just for market information, he's looking for $40K

……they are a very nice speaker and I too enjoy the Sonus Faber sound and have owned 4 pairs / types of their speakers in the past. I looked at them but they are a relatively speaking, a very big and tall speaker . This may present a problem to some buyers . The fact that they are an “ older “ design is immaterial due to the note that they are only a few years old in the market place. How much change is there really to say they are of an older design …..

There was a used pair at a local dealer when I was shopping for speakers last June. They weren't set up well to demo them (they could be hooked up in a hallway). Delivery and set up was $3k.  No returns.  No way was I going to do that. 


This looks like a repeat of your last speaker query in a different disguise, but at least now you have finally revealed the speaker that you were considering.

I spent some time auditioning SF II Cremonese earlier this week. They were very nice sounding and looking. Statement speakers indeed! Worth $55k? The cost of a nice luxury SUV? Hmmm…well hold on a second.

I picked up a very nice pair of used SF Concerto Domus for just over $1k earlier this year. I am a SF fan. If I had the urge to just throw money around who knows…..the Cremonese were the cat’s meow in many ways.


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