Responses from v-fi
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found @denon1 Need more listening time but so far so good with regards to both tone and resolution. In my experience a lot of cables can do a good job with one or the other but it can be hard for them to nail both, Of the power cables I was using befo... | |
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found I spent a few hours on Saturday and much of the day Sunday, off and on listening to my system with the new Aeris cables added. I used them with an Auralic Aries G2.2 streamer, a Lampizator Golden Gate 2 DAC, and a Primaluna EVO 300 hybrid integrat... | |
Has anyone heard Esoteric K-01XS and K-01XD - or Grandioso K1X The XD models have the new proprietary Esoteric discrete DAC on board, while the prior models use AKM D/A chips. They sound very different to my ears. Personally I prefer the new discrete DAC. I always felt like the AKM-based models were beautifu... | |
Innuous Zenith MK3 When I was shopping for a new playback device recently, I strongly considered the Zenith mk3. It's a great sounding device. As someone said above, it is getting a bit old as far as the CPU platform, which was one of the main reasons I didn't choos... | |
Ypsilon DAC-100? Very nice DAC that I've always been curious about. I agree with your thoughts completely in both the pro and con categories, and my main concern would be the age of those caps. They have a built in shelf life and there's no avoid it. Not an insur... | |
My Esoteric DV-50S died. Where do I go next? The problem with all these classic audiophile disc spinners is that the higher up the chain you went, the more likely they were to use proprietary or custom modified parts. Since CD players and disc players in general have fallen out of fashion, i... | |
Sony XA7ES vs Opera Consonance Reference CD-2.2 If I were you, I would pick up the Eversolo first and then play around with both CD transports. See if a winner emerged after direct comparisons. I've always thought the Consonance gear looked very appealing. Never heard any of it though. | |
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found @darrinm Haven't had as much time as I would like to report any definitive opinions at this point. So far very impressed with initial listening, we'll see how it goes this weekend since I should have more time. | |
Vinshine X Collaboration with Kinki Studio, TheTai Hang power enhancer Keeping an eye on this one as well, it looks intriguing. I just wish it had maybe 2 more outlets. 4 is probably enough for most systems but I personally need a few extra. Or maybe they will launch a bigger version later with more outlets. | |
Tampa Audio Expo 2025 Thanks for the write up, sounds like you had a fun time there. Had my eye on Soundfield speakers for a bit so it's nice to hear feedback on those. | |
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found I received the 3 Aeris power cables which I ordered last week. Just got them installed in the system yesterday so I can't really talk about the sound yet. So far, what I can say is that the appearance and build quality is off the charts. I've pai... | |
Streamer, no DAC please? The Matrix Audio Element S is worth a look. Very highly regarded dedicated streaming with only digital outputs. The Eversolo DMP-A6 is also very popular. It's actually a multi function device that can be used as all in one streaming source, or j... | |
Audience Frontrow USB vs Stealth Audio USB In my system the Frontrow USB sounded excellent. Really great detail retrieval, lots of treble energy and air. I wouldn't call it bright though I could see how it might not be an optimal fit if a system did tend that way already. After comparing ... | |
Cayin D30 DAC outperforms Weiss, Playback, CH and MSB Some of the forum discussion on the CS100 DAC that I've read seem to put it up there with the top Denafrips models and other quality units. As with anything else it's a matter of implementation, and you can have really great or really poor result... | |
DAC break-in question As @jl35 mentioned above, the DAC has no way of knowing what is connected to its outputs. It will try to spit out a signal even if nothing is powered up or even connected to its outputs. So you can definitely warm it up or break it in that way. |