RIP Jeff Beck

Damn I'm stunned.  One guy I was committed to seeing if he ever came back to Denver.  Huge loss.😪


I didn’t grow up on Jeff Beck, but I always knew him as the guitar players’ kind of guitar player. The tributes from all the legendary players pouring in certainly seems to prove it. When I got back into vinyl in ’19 I grabbed a couple of his albums, used, at my local shop and suddenly had to buy a few more. I’m now a huge "new" fan and am stunned.

A legendary talent has been lost. His legend and recordings live forever wherever people have ears. :)

I have a real soft spot for the Jeff Beck Group cover of "Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You". RIP

I recently read a comment from Jeff Beck that Strats were hard to play, which they sort of are compared to a Les Paul or anything with a shorter scale. He thought a more difficult guitar made you work harder. 

Jeff Beck was such an amazing guitarist and his influence will continue to ripple throughout the world of music for many years to come.

I’ve worn through many copies of his work over the years and still listen to it frequently to this day. I’m thankful that I was able to see him perform live and will always appreciate the gift he shared with us all.

We've had some really sad losses recently, the greats, who did what they did because they were born to do it. Money and fame were byproducts, if they were lucky.

I enjoy Truth and play it often, so that will be spinning this weekend, but I look forward to re-reading Jeff's liner notes.


While we can all agree that he was fantastic. There are always differences as to what’s representative. These are a must for me. “Brush w/ the Blues” , “‘Good by Porkpie Hat”  and “She’s a Woman”

He rocked my world. He rocked the world. RIP

Go to the youtubes and watch his performance of NADIA with Wilkenfeld and Colaiuta.  He does most of the song with the tremolo active & cupped in his hand.  Great recording as well with every instrument coming through. Tight, beautiful.  Perfect baseline from Wilkenfeld.

Beck quote:
"The guitar can be a curse, always there challenging you to do something ...."

On my system tonight.  RIP JB.  I spent an entire summer of my life listening to Blow By Blow, over and over.  As someone noted recently in the thread "Favorite Guitarist, his abilities are evident in that no one tried to cover him.  Innovator.  

Terrible news.

I feel fortunate to have caught JB twice in his last decade.

One of the few surviving legends that was still active and blowing the minds of

guitar fans.

One of rare electric innovators that didn't read music, but had the natural talent to create it.

So sad. Saw him back in the 1980's and he was amazing. 

That's the thing about getting old. Way to many deaths and funerals and too few marriages and birth announcements.


Over  Under  Sideways  Down….. another great musician goes to the big gig in the sky. +1 @rlb61 , I streamed that album today. 

Sure wasn’t expecting this.

What a loss to music. The term "unique" is way over-used but is entirely appropriate in this case.


This is a real tragedy!  One of the triumvirate (Beck, Clapton, Page) of the '60s British rock guitarists now gone! So sad! I saw him on his first US tour in July '69. A phenomenal player!

Absolutely awful news. Was just listening to "Beck, Bogert, & Appice" today before hearing about it. R.I.P., Jeff, and thanks for the music.