Power cord supplied with Luxman L-509X Integrated Amp

The power cord looks really cheap for such a quality amp. A polarized 2 prong male end to plug into the wall and only 2 prongs on the amp. What can I replace this with and not be unsafe? Seems all aftermarket power cables have 3 prongs.

Go to my virtual system for pictures.

I agree with millercarbon. My CAT SL1 sig pre amp have 3 pong in to pre amp but don't conect with any inside. They explain, that make a best sound.

And all components for intenal Japan power cord have  2 pong.

 I have not had access to try any for a free demo…
And yet, here you are. Every day, several times a day
The majority of ground loop problems are predominantly due to magnetic fields and coupling of those fields.
No, that's not at all true. A ground loop - by definition - is two or more paths to ground of different potential. (Voltage.) It is as simple as that.
Radio. Every wire is an antenna. Do you understand how radio works? Transformers? Same thing.
There are NOT entirely the same thing…
The majority of antennas are primarily designed as E-Field devices, (at least if we ignore loop antennas for tracking bats and fish).

The majority of ground loop problems are predominantly due to magnetic fields and coupling of those fields.
In fact, in a toroidal transformer there are no/little external magnetic fields… So it is clearly not an antenna

And we have not as, of yet been presented with a clear picture of what frequency(ies) the noise is operating at, we don’t really have a lot to go on in any objective sense.
It is sounds like everything/everywhere is a source and there is a Yoda like “Disturbance in the Force” that is picked up be sentient equipment.

I am not saying the stuff doesn’t work, but when Bryson and Pass say don’t waste money on them, and there is no before and after showing some goodness is happening… then it looks it can be higher on magic, BS, nano particles (etc), and somewhat light on provable facts.

If the OP wants a new cord, then “more power to him”. At least they look nice.

The fact that many people I know swear by them is perplexing to me, but I have not had access to try any for a free demo… So I have no subjective opinion on their effectiveness..
I have the 509x and tried comparing the stock PC to an Audioquest Hurricane and the AQ gave a better presentation, clarity and depth and therefore was noticeably better to my ears, so I kept the Hurricane....its whatever makes you and your ears happier....was it worth the $$, maybe to some and maybe not to others, simple as that...
I’ve tried various audiophile power cables on my Bryston Integrated Amp and it doesn’t care what I feed it with. Bryston and Pass have long maintained that there is NO benefit in replacing the stock power cables with expensive "boutique" ones and, based on my experience, they’re right.

Finally.... someone with a bit of sense.
It sounds like you need to do your homework.

Or better yet, experiment. That is if you do own any audio system.

Or don’t. And instead keep reading and posting in the Internet. If that is what gives you a hard on.

Where does the noise come from that gets in there without the shield?
And what is the mechanism that allows it to get in?
Radio. Every wire is an antenna. Do you understand how radio works? Transformers? Same thing.
I still use a shielded power cord however. This covers the AC wires in a shield that is grounded at the outlet and has no connection at the Luxman for noise reduction. 

Where does the noise come from that gets in there without the shield?
And what is the mechanism that allows it to get in?
I will start by saying that I rarely use the stock pc’s on any of my gear.
I have a c900u/m900u combo, and several nice pc’s to try from nordost, audioquest, and others.  I found the supplied pc’s were best, just like with Shindo gear.  Tough to say what was different exactly, they just sounded off.  I even asked the importer about this and they also said the included cords are excellent.  He said some liked a aq hurricane on them, which I had tried also. 
Bear in mind that these things are voiced with that cord.  Often a change is perceived as an improvement, when it may not be long term.
Assuming this was an original US piece, then 2 prongs is all you need, and you'll run into less ground loop / noise problems.

To use 2 prongs the equipment must be double shielded, so that an internal fault won't route the AC's 120V to the chasis.

I still use a shielded power cord however.  This covers the AC wires in a shield that is grounded at the outlet and has no connection at the Luxman for noise reduction.

Most 3 prong cords are not shielded and cheap shielded cords are available on Amazon.
What is physically happening in the cable that produces a better sound out of the system?

And can it all be measured?
I've never had an expensive piece of hifi that DIDN'T come with a cheap looking generic power cord.  Same goes for interconnects.  BYOC (Bring Your Own Cable) is expected.
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"Not putting a nice power cord in your very nice Integrated amp is a crime. You are leaving a lot on the table to extract the best performance from it...."

I’ve tried various audiophile power cables on my Bryston Integrated Amp and it doesn’t care what I feed it with. Bryston and Pass have long maintained that there is NO benefit in replacing the stock power cables with expensive "boutique" ones and, based on my experience, they’re right.
Jason bourne 52 is 100% correct in both his posts.
Manufacture of boutique power cords , power conditioners intended for audio use and expensive glass fuses are a cottage industry exploiting the placebo effect.
Do you think that a company like Luxman would supply an inadequate power cord just to save a few pennies, having charged in excess of $5000 on average for their amplifiers, so that their reputation would be tarnished ?

If the provided cable can handle 15-20 amps, it is MORE THAN ENOUGH. Do not believe some of the myth you hear on this forum about power cables. There is no sense in it since you are limited by the Romex wire in your home electrical installation.

Save your money to buy vinyl and/or CDs instead.....

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Some of these posters have never tried a boutique power cord but they know there is no difference?
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As far as a company including a ‘cheap’ cable. I’ve listened to PS Audio’s Paul McGowan explain, and it makes perfect sense. He considers the power cables they provide a ‘convenience cable’, good and decent quality, but they do not expect any of their serious purchasers not to change it for one they prefer.

He has stated; ‘why should I provide a $500-$1,000 cable when it may not be from a manufacturer that you prefer, trust, or desire?’ All he would be doing then is adding to the cost of his equipment, charging you for *his* choice, and make some upset that is wasn’t the cable they preferred in construction or quality, but you had to pay for as part of the rig.

Thus, he installs a ‘decent’ cord to get you going, knowing that you will probably change it anyway, for one that costs a few hundred to thousands of dollars. He allows you to make that choice, not his company, nor charge you for something you will want to replace anyway. Heck, I’m sure some already have a power cord that will be used on a new piece of equipment anyway. How many of you sell off an old amp, or whatever, with a high end third party cable included? I know I don’t. I’ve given the person a decent inexpensive cable, or the one that was included originally, and put right back into the box.

But, you will do not harm exchanging the cable from a reputable manufacturer. You have choices, and one is to simple use the one ‘given’ to you by the manufacturer.

I guess the moniker JasonBourne09 was taken by somebody else, so this Jason decided to append his IQ instead of his birth year to his moniker. 
Not putting a nice power cord in your very nice Integrated amp is a crime. You are leaving a lot on the table to extract the best performance from it.

Do NOT listen to the usual naysayers like Jason Bourne here. They always post on anything, and everything making no difference. You don’t have to believe me on this, just check their posts / history. It’s all negative posting 100%. That’s their hobby 
Can power cords make a significant difference? Yes, but only if the capacitance is different from a standard or regulated power cable, like hospital grade. Otherwise, your gear is poorly designed.

I’ve used quality power cables on Krell, Pass Labs, Parasound, Vac, Audio Note, Cary, Canary, etc. etc. Too many to remember. There has not been a single case ever when a good power cord, not a $100 piece of junk bought on Amazon, has not made a dramatic and noticeable improvement over the OEM cord on any transport, CD player, DVD player, DAC, pre amp, power amp or integrated amp I have tried it.

Thousands of other audiophiles have experienced the same.

You are warranting that the manufacturer used inferior cable in their own product. Would you also replace all internal wiring?

Not only wiring, but each and every component they use. With a few exceptions, manufacturers use mediocre components and wiring. Thats Economics 101

Wiring is difficult to change and wiring changes really shine at longer lengths than typical lengths of hookup wire. Internal speaker wire I always upgrade. I have, and will continue to upgrade all signal carrying cabling/wire in my amps were possible. That is a mod that I generally do last, and only if fairly easy/convenient. Not possible on PC boards of course.

An improvement in sound quality would have to be entirely subjective

In theory all sound is subjective right? However, after swapping out component for more than 20 years there is no if or buts, swapping out to higher quality components in key areas does 100% improve sound.

BTW The toaster and microwave was tongue in cheek and I stated their sound didn’t improve. The day I start listening to my toaster I need to be carted off to a home for the infirm.
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Think about inbuilt power cords for a second - used with many different kinds of electronics. You wouldn’t think of removing those cables and resoldering "audiophile grade" cables, now would you?

Yes I would and did and so do many others. Each and every component had a dramatic improvement in sound,with the exception of my toaster and microwave. 

Changing to IEC is an easy mod to make to a component, be it an amp, pre, CD or DVD player to get a good bump in sound for very little money. (Given you have a good cable already)

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, there are thousands of products that are engineered in such a way that they do not require a grounded plug, the term for any item like that is 'Double Insulated', so stop worrying about it, Luxman isn’t trying to electrocute you.
I’m not worried about Luxman trying to electrocute me, I am worried about electrocuting myself or frying the amp if I replace the cord with something else.
Good grief what a bunch of ridiculous replies.
Thunderball, there are thousands of products that are engineered in such a way that they do not require a grounded plug, the term for any item like that is 'Double Insulated', so stop worrying about it, Luxman isn’t trying to electrocute you.
My experience with my L-590AX amp is that the supplied power cord is quite good. At one point, I replaced it with a $200 cord from DH Labs, and I couldn’t hear the difference. Later, I bought a more expensive power cord, near the top of their product line, the improvement was quite noticable.
+1 badger_erich! Power cords, fuses, power conditioners are simply there to extract wealth from one party to another party! 
I looked into this when I bought my 509x.  Spent plenty of time researching, including long calls with Luxman USA.  Bottom line is they talked me out of a different cord. Said people have gone backwards at times, and I suspect the grounding reference above might have been why
I suppose I should just leave well enough alone for the time being
I found the power cord choice for my 509 to be very influential, and critical, to get the most out of it
Which one did you choose?
Yep, the one and only. He is quite special in the sense that he can use the same number to indicate his year of birth and IQ. 
I looked into this when I bought my 509x.  Spent plenty of time researching, including long calls with Luxman USA.  Bottom line is they talked me out of a different cord. Said people have gone backwards at times, and I suspect the grounding reference above might have been why.  
The power cord looks really cheap for such a quality amp. A polarized 2 prong male end to plug into the wall and only 2 prongs on the amp. What can I replace this with and not be unsafe? Seems all aftermarket power cables have 3 prongs.

There is nothing unsafe about what you have now. Millions of homes are wired that way, and even more appliances. There are even power cords that LOOK like they have a ground, that is you see a ground pin on the plug, but they are not grounded because nothing is connected inside. They do this because it is one of the easiest ways to improve the sound of any power cord.  

Jeff Smith of Silversmith was at my place recently. Jeff recommends this and even carries around a cheater plug to demonstrate. Sure enough the cheap black rubber power cord everyone gets for free did sound better than expected when used with the cheater plug. So if you already have no ground then don't expect as much improvement as you otherwise would get going from black crap to a quality aftermarket PC. It will be better, just not as much as otherwise.  

MC recommends this PC.
The only thing I don't understand is why Luxman don't include one with every integrated they sell.
Ask MC… I’m sure an acquisition of the best available then painted one way only in rubberized black will net  a Sonic improvement.
Why would a manufacturer of high end audio components provide anyone with a power cord which would degrade the sound of their product?
Ignorance of the impact power cords can have, adherence to UL minimum standards for safety, and profit maximizing selection of components.
I have not demoed it, but the cable listed above by Lak looks interesting. I wish I could demo it to hear its sonic signature. 
Just get the 3 prong of your choice. The ground at the IEC or amp end will not be grounded. What I have found is that the ground connected from the wall end acts as an RFI filter. I do this on my BlueSound Node 2i with an IEC to C7 adapter. I don’t know what your budget is and I don’t know if you have a chance to demo or try one of your power cables at home. My choice would be a Nordost Red Dawn, Puritan Classic Plus. Or a Straightwire Gray Lightning. If you have the budget the Black Thunder by Straightwire would be a better choice to add more detail. The reason for my choices is to get you to a thicker gauge (14 AWG or thicker) which will help the component breath. If it’s an amp you can go to 12 or 10 AWG. If it is integrated you will need to go with something that lets it have detail too. That is why I really like the Straightwire Black Thunder. All the gauge with lots of detail. If you are in the Chicagoland area you can test this for yourself by demoing them before you buy at:
There are so many great cables out there to chose from but the gauge is most important along with picking a good quality cable. These cables I have recommended go from $250 to $700 for two meters. I hope this helps you out.