Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Thanks @resolution1

@oregonpapa GK is ok when he wears his colander in his head :)

I'll be reading with interest when the mini-me mats are reviewed. Hopefully they might have mini-me prices!

@amg56, no need to write another post clarifying any typo's or mistakes. Simply click on the little gear icon in the top right of your post. You have 30 minutes after posting to fix, add, subtract or rewrite. So, one little click and Bob's your uncle!
With the drastic lowering of the noise floor due to the TC and the Omega E Mats, I’ve discovered a couple of things that improved the system even further.

1. I now leave the record clamp off of my turn table. Its more open and dynamic without it.

2. I have a large built-in curio cabinet in the adjoining dining room. If I leave one of the doors to the cabinet open, I get a more transparent open sound with an improvement in bass defintion.

None of the above was revealed prior to using these two products.


Music recommendation:

This is some really great jazz by some of the giants. Very musical and great sounding. 

Has anyone heard an update on the mini mees?
Tim intimated they would be 1/10 size, effect and cost.
Really would love to try some but not sure what the product release date is.
geoff ...

  • "The drastic lowering of the noise floor? Whoa! Dude!"

You’d have to hear it to believe it. Send a PM to Fleischer and ask him what his results have been. "Drastic" is a very appropriate term to describe what these two products will to for an audio system.   


Drastic is not really the word you were looking for. Perhaps dramatic. Perhaps another synonym of dramatic. Perhaps pronounced. But not drastic. Besides, by your own words you’ve been using that crap record clamp for what, like forever? Hopefully, most people would not (rpt) have to invest in red fuses, black fuses, blue fuses, TC, and umptyump mats before they could hear how crappy their clamp is. I certainly wouldn’t admit it. Carry on. 🕺
I installed 4 more E-Mats several days ago (paid for 12, have 10 now installed).  I doubled the direct equipment only power panel, doubled the Bit20 (with one on top and one under), doubled the EAR Acute CD player and tripled the pre/phono under.  For the first 20 minutes, I wasn't satisfied with the sound, jazz was sounding too forward and just not right.  After an hour, the sound calmed down and then I began noticing the difference.  First, the dynamics and soundstaging grew bigger.  Unusual miking of instruments on one CD had a triangle hit outside of the mix to the left of the left speaker, like it was added later.  It was always in the mix within the soundstage previously.  Separation of instruments and singers is greater.  Percussion and bass are cleaner/more detailed.  The music sounds more organic if there is such a phrase applicable to the sound.  While I could easily live with 6 E-Mats, 10 are better, just like 12 were better at Franks' place.  

The price of an early pressed RCA LS of the the Shafran Shotavovich/Schubert LP has been $1000+  I didn't think my latest CD copy made it sound so special that it was worth anywhere near that.  After the first 6 E-Mats were installed, I was thrown for a loop.  The CD sounded spectacular.  Now I can understand why the LP garners such high prices.  It's that way with the several dozen LPs and CDs I've heard since installing 10 E-Mats.  More spectacular sound from previously good recordings that did not show their true quality.  

This has been some of the most fun I have had with all the tweaks I have tried and purchased. There seems to be a synergy with all existing equipment and tweaks in both of my systems with absolutely no negatives.

Have fun,


Geoff ...

Hopefully you’ve read Fleschler’s last post by now.

These Omega E Mats are cumulative in nature. Its not surprising at all that certain things are revealed by them as the noise floor drops to a more DRAMATIC level. That would include the removal of a turntable clamp. Oh, and the clamp is hardly "crap" as you described it. Are you still indulging in the Christmas cheer? :-)


Jafreeman ...

I feel the same as you. After tweaking the system over the years with a multitude of tweaks, nothing has even come close to what Total Contact and the Omega E Mats have done for the SQ. The improvement has been DRAMATIC.  :>)

  • Uh, if the clamp hurts the sound it’s crap.

Uh, I’m thinking that maybe all record clamps may be "crap." How would one know unless the noise floor was lowered to the point where you could actually hear the "crap?"

Look, I’m not talking about a small reduction in the noise floor here, I’m talking about a DRAMATIC reduction.

Tonight should be fun. Robert and I are going to a house concert to hear a fantastic blue grass group live. It should be a DRAMATIC amount of fun. :-)

I removed the VPI ring outerclamp soon after I got it. It dulled the sound. I kept the VPI heavyweight clamp though on my TNT VI. LPs sound better with it. More focused and solid sounding. I want to try even more elaborate clamps such as Stillpoints. I traded for a copper ring outerclamp from a Canadian manufacturer whose name I forgot. It is better than the VPI but similar overall effect except on truly warped discs. I use it on those discs where it has a marked benefit.

Frank and my LP tables are as different as night and day. His is a well tempered with associated arm, while mine is the mentioned TNT IV with an modified SME IV.
Wow! What a concert! That was a real tight bluegrass group. The place was packed and every foot was tapping. Nothing like live music to get things into perspective. 

I have tried and owned several Bybee products for my Audio system. I do find the Omega E Mat to have a greater positive effect on my music enjoyment.
Like several other posters on this thread , I have found the Mat to improve the sound over the course of several weeks. I also agree that several Mats placed in a system adds progressive improvement.

Over the course of the last two years of careful equipment evaluations, I have found that major audible improvements can be obtained with upgrading to Synergistic Research Blue Fuses, Synergistic Research wall outlets, Total Contact, and finally and importantly the Omega E Mat.

The magnitude of improvement using these devices is significant and is greater than when I switch out my Pass Lab Amplifier for the Art Audio Tube Amplifier.

David Pritchard
   So I now have 9 days on my 2nd mat and there is more improvement.  The 1st thing I noticed after a few hours of placing the 2nd mat there was more bass.  Gradually after a few days of the mat settling in I have noticed that not only has the soundstage again gotten a little taller and wider it has also expanded to where it sounds like it is going farther behind the speakers and my rooms walls.  And yes even more detail in the music and more natural sound.   I love these e mats.
I placed my 2nd mat in the breaker box.  1st mat is under the power conditioner
I have now placed 11 E-Mats in my system.  It's strange that when I placed 1 additional E-Mat after 10 under my CD player, subpanel box and power transformer, the sound became slightly muddled.  I decided to leave no.11 on top of the power transformer, with one under and now two covering the large top.  After 1 day I listened again and the muddled sound was absent; instead, replaced with even more focused sound, more of what Kedoades heard with only his 2 mats.  Amazing!  
For those of you who have the Omega E Mats ... put one under your power conditioner. I did just that last night. Initially, it degraded the sound ... there was less there there. Upon listening this morning, everything was back and then some. Wow! 


FYI, my fridge IS maintaining a colder temperature. The fresh vegetables froze two weeks in a row. I did not put the Mat and freezing together initially but I thought I remembered an earlier post and you were right. I will raise the temperature, like you suggested.


Frank, Tim,

Back to audio. I am thinking of placing the new “Smaller” pads, when released, on my 2 power strips and 2 power conditioners on each system. My question is, do you think I should do them all at once or in any particular order? 


rc ... I'd do mine all at once. That way they can break in together, plus you'll get the maximum effect all at once in the SQ department. That would be fun. 

I placed my one E-Mat to the upper half of my 200 amp service.  Is there any significant benefit to putting an E-Mat to the lower half of the service where the breakers are located?
Nine days ago I placed 3 Emats in my friends system. 1 Mat each on the breaker box 40 ft from his audio system and the others on his dac and transport. The system was on when I arrived and he told me it had been spinning for a couple of hours..I had listened to these same components many time before and was never at ease at how the music made me feel. I brought music that I had just listened to on my home system and then listened to the same music on my friends system prior to placing the Emats as stated above. Same physical sensation...not at ease and not relaxed.

After placing the mats and playing the same music..within a minute or two I was now relaxed and at at total ease. Wow the turn around in how the music made me feel was amazing. No longer were my eyes and head moving around nor was body aimlessly wandering around on the chair in search of all the musical parts coming together. Now what  I saw and heard was in much better alignment and symmetrical form. And yes I was toe tapping..but in no time at all I found myself nodding off..all of this with new found details in the music. Amazing how the Emats enhance the musical experience almost as if I were surrounded by calm waters at the Captiva beach.

Okay that was day 1 now to day 9 or even before. My friend called to tell me his wife and daughter took notice that the 3 TVs in their house were much brighter and more colorful and  less grainy than before the installation of the Emats.The only Mat of the 3 that could have made an impression on the flat screens was the Mat on the breaker panel .They also made positive comments on the sound system and one was caught playing air guitar..never before.  Next day after that visual was announced the same 2 women complained to my friend that he needed to turn the electric water heater down as the water was way to hot. An Emat placed on an audio component would have no impact on an electric water heater but may if there was a Mat attached to the breaker panel.  I think there will be many more common devices and surfaces that will benefit with the placement and use of the Emat.Tom

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djones51 ...

How would you explain the necessity of turning the refrigerator temperature up three different times to keep it from freezing the vegetables in the vegetable crisper, which is the bottom drawer in the fridge?

Also, how would you explain that what used to take two minutes to complete in the micro wave oven now takes 15 seconds less time? (popcorn in the bag).

Sounds weird I know ... but true.


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In the case of a heating element inside a wet tank there maybe a change in the conductive material when the applied voltage is preconditioned in some way. This preconditioning may also alter the chemical build up of deposits on the heating element that may affect the efficiency of the element and its heat transfer to the water held in the tank. The same may be true of the bimetal reaction of the thermo sensor/coupler that may alter its reference calibration range. There may be more examples of such  change in other devices..The fact that these examples are being reported should not be quickly dismissed. It's always good to know more today than yesterday..even the search may teach us more. Tom
At least I would agree your suggestions could hold some water(sic!) until proven otherwise.
But I do also agree that if these mats do have this type of effect on other electronic devices than hifi then Tim should be hammering on every door of every utility company in the world right now!
I haven't noticed any difference on my frig or freezer, lighting or other electrical appliances.  However, both TVs exhibit much brighter pictures (at least 20%) and warmer/denser colors.  I had to adjust the brightness down to match the former custom setting on my 75" Sony TV.  I'm pending a DWP electric bill.  With all this heat, I want to see even a 5% decline from last year.
As a past president stated and was scoffed at..keep your tire pressure at the suggested pressure and you will increase your gas mileage 5% and save $$..Multiply that savings times all the cars and trucks on the planet..Even if it was less it would be huge gain for all of us.

If the E Mat made for some net gain 2% or more that too would be considerable.
I see a test on several types of devices under tight control of temperature and humidity. The same devices held tightly to regulated voltage...and then again on the same line feed but this time an unregulated line voltage. Unregulated is the real world. I suppose we would look for a drop in current draw as well as a drop in operating temperature..maybe more? Tom
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What’s the unit of measure for the vastly improved emotional connection between this man and the playback of music in his room?  Tom
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Yes sir..I know you never discounted anyones take on their listening experience. Just looking for a new weight and measure for the improved emotional connection with the use of the E Mats. Tom
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I like your big picture.  I hope you are correct.  My wife's next car is a Tesla S.  Putting an E-Mat to get 5% more mileage would be worth the cost of the mat over 5 years.  It works for my TVs with only 1 mat on the mains panel box.  Unfortunately, the audio experience is that 6 or 12 mats make a bigger improvement so I wouldn't want to buy 6 mats for my future Tesla S unless it got 25% more miles per charge.
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