Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Showing 42 responses by hifiman5

@grannyring  You said "2) you don’t understand the technology and what’s at play here".  Boy are you ever right!  I've tried to follow the "Mat" threads here but do not recall anyone discussing the "technology" at work.  If you have such information I would very much appreciate reading it.  Thanks! 

@oregonpapa @grannyring   Gotcha!  I wasn't expecting details as it would not be to Tim's benefit to make them public here.  I was just looking for a basic premise that the Mat's design is based on.  Thanks!

 re: your 5:09 post   Very well said.  It seems that sometimes those who have a vested interest in the topic, in this case the promoters of the E Mat, do express emotional reactions to those who are skeptical or more importantly as you mentioned in your post, inquisitive.  If someone expresses any skepticism, they project their emotions onto the inquisitor.  Interesting psychological phenomenon!🤪

re: your post at 5:33.  Please keep your political opinions to yourself.  There has been a pretty strict understanding that we want to keep politics out of our hobby, away from this forum. We all need somewhere to go to get away from it!  Thank you.

@perfectpathtech  It would obviously be foolhardy for you to reveal all that has gone into the R&D of the E-Mat.  I would hope most of the sharp minded folks here get that.  Being a strongly dominant left-brainer, I like to know as much as possible about a phenomenon so as to fully appreciate it's nature.  

I think it was Frank who mentioned our ears as the test equipment for devices such as your's.  I wholeheartedly agree. The ear-brain interface in humans still surpasses any measurement regimen IMHO.  

Looking forward to seeing your site.
@oregonpapa   I'm actually considering an E Mat for my electrical service, so I am not in any way trolling...but...are you okay?
@fleschler  As one who has not tried any of Mr. Mrock's products, the fanboys here do present as a "cult-like" group.  For those who are citizens of the USA, the first amendment, as far as I know, has not been repealed!  Participants here can read a post like the one from tlong1958 and assess it from their perspective.

I have no first hand experience with Tim's products and am intrigued by the results people purport to have achieved with TC and the Mat.  The accolades do, at times, seem a bit over the top, unless they're not!

Please don't "snowflake-out" and quest for a "safe space".😏
@thecarpatian  +1  Very well stated!  I do understand how Tim would take all of this so personally as they are products he designed and pained over.  It's kind of like overhearing someone negatively opining about one of your children.  That's hurtful and hard to put aside.  

Tim, perhaps if you re-read some of your last posts here you will get a better sense of what @thecarpathian stated so well above.

I was seriously considering a mat for my electrical service but now...?
At the risk of asking a question to which I do not know the answer... does Mr. Mrock advertise his products elsewhere?  I think this thread can seem to some as an "advertisement blog" and hence the upset over negatives toward the product.
@shadorne   How dare you not adhere to this thread's dogma?  Shame, shame, shame.👿
How does @shadorne not have a valid point to make?  @oregonpapa  says he was up to 30 E-Mats in his system at one time!  Hey, I  believe in cable differences, burn-in, footers, acoustical treatment of listening rooms etc.  I have not used either TC or the E-Mat but I am not prepared to make a statement that they don't work to improve a system.  I've been pleasantly surprised on numerous occasions with various tweaks that have rendered a benefit far exceeding my expectations.

But... 30 mats?  Come on.  If you were trying to see how far the positive benefits could go I get that!  I also commend @oregonpapa for doling multiple mats to his audio friends.  That's a cool thing to do!  

By beating up on @shadorne  for his skepticism about your reliance on these tweaks is a bit much and unfortunately, for me, puts a sour taste in my mouth regarding trying Mr. Mrock's products.

From reading what @shadorne has said, it seems to me he is more of an audio fundamentalist in the sense that getting the fundamentals (equipment) right is the avenue leading to a fine system.  A valid point of view, no?
After 603 posts about the Omega E-Mat I decided to pull the trigger and order one. I plan to place it, using the magnetic side, to the inside of my 200 amp service located in the basement just outside of my listening room. I’m hoping to hear improvements in audio down here and visual improvements on my 65" UHD screen.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if any customers have returned the E-Mat after sufficient trial time? 🤔
I placed my one E-Mat to the upper half of my 200 amp service.  Is there any significant benefit to putting an E-Mat to the lower half of the service where the breakers are located?
Getting back to why anyone should really care about the Omega E-Mat in the first place....

I followed this thread faithfully since it began on July 5.  I kept reading the "hyperbolic" testimonials of Frank and Co.  But the more I read of their "rantings" the more curious I became.  Hey, I have bought some dopey tweaks in my time so I was very leary of all the "cheerleading" on this thread.  But, I finally took the plunge and ordered a mat.  I am on day 11 with the mat inhabiting the top half of my 200 amp service.

You know all that stuff I just said about hyperbolic, rantings and cheerleading, it was NONE of that.  One mat.  One. One mat has taken my system to a land far far away from where it was before.  Everything is soooooo much cleaner and clearer.  Unfrickin' real!!  

And if that is not enough, you should see the picture on my 65" video screen.  The colors and's almost as if I set the picture to "vivid".  Again, I'm only 11 days in.  From the reports of those whose reporting on this crazy devise was absolutely accurate, I should realize even more improvements in the coming days!

I ordered a second mat today for the bottom half of my service so almost the entire area of the service will be covered by the two mats.

More to come...

PS  A respectful suggestion.  Get off the gear train.  Set up a system that sounds right to you and then get at least one mat for your service to prove to yourself that this thing is utterly amazing.  Thank you Tim Mrock! and thank you to the "cheerleaders".
One of the major topics of discussion on this forum is the objective versus subjective debate as regards the efficacy of all manner of tweaks and system adjustments. The lines are well drawn on this issue. For me, listening and enjoying music is an event involving my ears and brain not a mechanical measuring device.

I am on Day 14 of my one Omega E- Mat being installed on the upper half of my electrical service door. The positive impact that Mat has had on my audio system and video screens is obvious and undeniable. I have no idea what is in that Mat and how or why it does what it does.

I should be receiving more amazing Mats today or tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what impact a second Mat in the lower half of my service door will yield. I’m already to the point with my 65" UHD screen and 52" HD screen where I will need to adjust the video parameters as the impact of the Mat has increased the brightness and color saturation almost to the point of having it set to "vivid". The resolution of the screens is astonishing. You really haven’t seen what a UHD screen is capable of until you have had your electrical service subjected to an Omega E-Mat.

What about the E-Mat’s effect on audio? Higher resolution. Deeper, higher, wider soundstage. Much greater dynamic swing. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Wondering what the additional benefits of more Mats will be...🤔🙂
I imagine someday Tim Mrock will have an interesting tale to tell about the R&D that led to both products!
I received E-Mats 2&3 today.  Placed one on the inner surface of my service panel ( this time the bottom half).  So... I have two E-Mats in the service and the third under my PS Audio P5 Power Regenerator.  Any suggestions as to whether it should be label side up or magnetic side up under the P5?
I almost forgot.. The mini Mats are coming soon.  That will help more folks to give electrical optimization a try.  Nice.😀
Thanks to all of you who were early adopters of the Omega E Mats.  I read all of your postings here and over time the consistency of the comments began to convince me of the Mat's efficacy.  I was very skeptical of the Mat early on as I could not make sense of how it would affect the electricity to the degree that it does.  Remarkable!

There are so many fine people here who love listening to their music as much as I do but without at least a couple Mats treating your home's electrical service, you simply are denying yourself of hearing the true beauty of music on your system

Hey, I know dropping $599 per Mat sounds like a lot to invest in what you may think of as a non-component.  What we may have here is a new classification of a component.  "Electrical Optimization Component"??

Last evening as I couldn't seem to end my listening, what the Mats do for the music, in my system at least, became apparent.  Many have opined that it lowers the noise floor of your system and with that, I concur. (Remember that in optimizing your electrical service it lowers the noise floor of your video equipment as well)  Yes, you will notice a smoother, more saturated picture where depth of image is enhanced.  Beautiful.

So what really hit me last night?  It was the effortlessness of the sound.  I played discs that pre-Mat would present a loud section of music and I would reach for the remote to turn down the sound.  What I am now having to be wary of is that I don't listen to the music at too high a level.  Those loud passages just get loud.  There is no "glassiness" or "coarseness" to the sound.  

@oregonpapa  recently posted "With the Omega E Mats installed, the sound had become much more intimate, relaxed and real."..  BINGO!  @oregonpapa also mentioned the focus of singer's voices.  And how.  I listened to Kandace Springs' "Soul Eyes" last evening and again as I type this.  She is in the room singing for me.  It is my addiction!  I am happy to have it.🎼

Much thanks to Perfect Path Technologies for producing the Mats and all of you who helped me to take the leap.  I owe you!
@grannyring   When you had the E-Mat inside the electrical service, did it cover about half of the surface area of the service?  When I had only one Mat to start, I placed it, using the magnet, to the inside of the TOP of the service door so the Mat was across from the wires.  After 15 days, it was a voila!  I now have a second Mat in the bottom half of the service across from the breakers.  Not only is the stereo sounding more open and dynamic but our video screen is much more highly resolved (a virtual total lack of grain), with more saturated colors and 3D-like effect on fine Ultra HD programming. Great sights and sounds to be had!  👁👂

I hope you get to experience the positive effects with your gear!
I did this all kind of backwards as I tried the E Mats before jumping in on the TC.  The E Mats (2 on the inside of my service panel door and one under my power regenerator) have, as many before me have said, provided for a more relaxing, effortless musical presentation.  Great detail and openness.

I finally decided to try TC.  Tim called me today and we spoke about both products for a while.  He gave me lots of pointers regarding how to apply TC to maximize its benefits.  Great guy to talk to... very forthright and genuine.  Looks like I'll be busy in a few days!
First, Let me apologize.  I know the question I'm asking has been discussed here before but the thread is too long to track the answer down. 
Question:  I just moved a Mat from underneath my power regenerator to under why line stage.  How long does it take for the Mat to become fully effective once moved to another component?

Thanks so much!
@amg56. If you are not interested in PPT products that is your decision. It is likely though that not doing so will limit the ultimate performance of your system which is a shame for you.☹️
@goose   How long did you have the E-Mat installed?  Did you have it positioned on top of or under the player?
Sad thing is... you guys probably have nice systems that will never realize their true potential without E Mats and Total Contact.  Every comment made here by those who have indulged goes perfectly along with my experiences.  Instruments have never sounded more real AND what it will do for the clarity and 3D like image on your UHD video screen is shocking! Do yourselves a favor and get at least two E-Mats that you can place magnetically to the inside of your electrical service door and watch you picture improve day by day as well as the verisimilitude of you sound.  30 day money back warranty.  You have nothing to lose.  You deserve to treat yourselves to what Perfect Path technologies is offering!😁
@mrs_ppt. Thanks so much for the very detailed reply.  That explains a lot about how it is installed.  Hard to believe it could have the impact of 100 E Mats but then I was skeptical about the E Mats and buying some invalidated that skepticism as the beneficial effect of TC and the E Mats is obvious.  I look forward to seeing how the rollout of "the brick" takes shape.  Thanks again! 
It would be interesting to know how it would be mounted in the service panel and what @mrs_ppt means when she mentions the new product being "plugged in".  Plugged into what?
🐺. need Metamucil?  Mr. Wolf,  Did the farmer find you raiding the chicken coup🐥 and deliver some justice to your skull?🤯
Perhaps the most important thing @sgordon1 said above is about having open minds.  If we as audiophiles trap ourselves in an ideological box and allow for no escape then we shut ourselves off from Tim Mrocks' remarkable offerings.  The shame there is for the closed minded.  They miss the unmistakable benefits of products like TC contact enhancer and the transformative E-Mats.  

Lord only knows what we're in store for with "The Gate".  From what Krissy has said here about Tim's newest creation, it is revolutionary.  I doubted for a long time till I finally took the leap to try their system enhancements.  As I would hope we all know, once you've heard your system with what these products do you are hooked!  Please claw your way out of the box you may have trapped yourself in.
@ivan_nosnibor   Do tell!  How can we discover excellent Power Factor Correction?
@mac48025.  To answer your question, according to Krissy, apparently so.  "The Gate" is coming.....
@tlong1958 Have you tried Tim Mrock's products?  If not your comment has no relevancy.  Rest assured that I was very skeptical about the PPT system transformations until I took the leap and actually tried them.  Once you've experienced your system with them applied, there is no going back!
I got quite behind on my Audiogon threads and just finished reading the last couple pages of posts.  

I find it hard to understand the angst from the detractors. You have been offered free merchandise to try and some of you have rejected that! and now you're bitchin' about the PPT products you refused to try?

Wow.  I have treated my connections with TC and have three E Mats and 1 alpha card.  Putting two of the E Mats inside the electrical service improved the noise floor of my stereo but also the UHD TV!  It was so transformative there that I had to readjust the picture settings to accommodate to the new reality.  

Are those of you who are detractors simply in need of something to be pissed about?  Try politics.  I'm sure there is plenty to get upset about there.

Why attack a guy who is producing products that purchasers have universally found to increase their enjoyment music?  


@Elizabeth   My positive comments are based on first hand experience. Your criticism?

@Elizabeth  An odd/unfortunate suggestion to those with questionable scruples.  I hope folks here are sufficiently civilized.  We'll see.