
Responses from davidpritchard

New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
I have one Omega Mat underneath the crossover net work that is located on the floor of each speaker cabinet.David Pritchard 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
George Cardas of Cardas Audio has stated many times that simply moving cables will degrade the sound and it will take several days for the sound to recover. It is always educational to hear the difference of an audio system at an audio show on day... 
synergistic research orange blue fuse direction.
I have tested the basic ceramic fuse that comes stock in the Pass Labs amplifiers that use a fuse.  The fuse does exhibit directionally, but it is not a striking difference. The audiophile fuses I have tried have a greater change in sound dependin... 
Pass XP-22 or ARC Ref5se?
I second testpilot's suggestion. They do make the home audition process easy and stress free. I just went through this process comparing Nelson Pass's First Watt F-7 to the First Watt SIT-3. Returning the First Watt F-7 was easy and simple. David ... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
uberwaltz:I do hope you audition the Orange fuses in the Ayre EX 8. What a special amplifier. Put the fuses in and do a final evaluation after 14 days. If you like the sonic change - Merry Christmas !  Send them back if you do not think the are wo... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
This is the second of three planned posts evaluating the effect of different fuses on three different Pass Labs amplifiers.This evaluation is using the Pass Labs HP-1 amp. I enjoy this amp especially for night time listening. My favorite headphone... 
Get your First Watt SIT-3 now?
My Mother has owned the First Watt F-7 and now owns the First Watt SIT-3 amplifier.. It is directly driven by a PS Audio DAC and powers Teresonic high efficiency silver voice coil speakers.The SIT amplifier is just as Nelson has described - it is ... 
Why no “Break in” period?
Paul McGowan- president of PS Audio states that break in is real and varies widely in the amount of time it takes for audio equipment to reach maximum performance. His company makes both stereo components and power conditioners.He has an extensive... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
The Title of this thread is Pass Labs Amplifiers and fuses, and so I will discuss at least some aspects of the title subject.Yesterday Mother's new Pass Labs First Watt SIT-3 amplifier arrived from Reno HiFi. Enclosed was an informative manual."Th... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
Wonderful post. You do not know for sure until you try. But if you are not interested in the possibility, do not try.Concerning leaving amplifiers on, you will have a lower electric bill if you turn them off. Class A amps  use a lot of  electricit... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
rbyington:I did talk directly to Pass Labs and they suggest to keep my amp on 24/7.   Paul McGowan ( CEO of PS Audio) also recommends to keep the PS Audio amps on 24/7. Some reasons to keep always on are less stress on the system (from the initial... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
I am glad to read georgehihi6 post. I hope all who have experimented with listening to a same piece of equipment with different fuses will report their findings. I especially hope Pass Labs amplifier users will participate. georgehifi6 - do you kn... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
I do hope  Audiogon will remove posts that resort to disrespect to other members. But I seriously hope that all posts remain on this thread that are written in a respectful manner , regardless of their agreeing or disagreeing with my observations ... 
Any experience using a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet
Yes, I have used two of those units with the Balum. I did not try them on a dedicated circuit with digital only, but with a subwoofer directly to one unit and one had a power conditioner plugged into it into which my audio system was plugged into.... 
Pass Labs and Fuses
I certainly welcome off line discussion about audio observations I have made and posted. My areas of interest are especially in fuses, wall outlet sonic changes, and Pass Labs amplifiers.David Pritchard575-644-1462