Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Showing 32 responses by amg56

Frank, Are you saying that you have paid full tote for all the "tweaks" you have personally promoted, (red, black, blue) fuses, (TC) coagulating fluid, black and blue plugs, now an Omega E mat, of which I have not found any description or image.

Your system must be very bad, or you live under high voltage transmission lines, or perhaps next to a nuclear power plant. With every tweak, your sound floor goes further down, and verified by 'ole mate "Robert". Your sound floor must be way down in the earth where it's pitch black by now. Really? The credibility is starting to stretch a bit thin...

@almarg et al These warnings pertaining to pacemakers, hearing aids and metal implants are applied to induction stove tops and I have seen some microwave ovens with similar warnings.

Items sold as medically directed alternate therapies that use magnets are a focus of our Medical Association who say these deserve appropriate warnings.

With regard to the OP subject, IMHO, I cannot fathom the logic of laying down USD$600 (AUD800) on a mat that has no information forthcoming, no facts, figures, pictures, just the usual enthusiasts gushing about a blacker sound floor; having gushed about the same results from mega-buck fuses, wall plugs, Graphene treated coagulant fluid and so on, such that the black sound floor could not get blacker or the change be any more audibly discernible unless measured with a meter.

Not a peep about factual figures about system benefits, just an empirical love in. I looked on the web and found naught.

There is nothing prejudicial about my comments, as these are my own observations, my opinion, as worthy as anyone else's.

@fleschler You are the one being insulting. Both you and @toetapaudio are using insulting, divisive language.

@toetapaudio Who did I insult? I was particular to offer it "In my humble opinion" and that we are all entitled to an opinion. If anything, your post is divisive by placing people into one nice camp and the other a vehemently opposed camp, which they are not necessarily. Maybe you can explain what I cannot see?

I, and others are entitled to ask questions of a product which has no information available, and I cannot find anything on the web about. If "posters (or is that postees?)" are repeatedly claiming that the latest tweak is the best, and the resultant effect on that particular system is better than the previous best, then the question becomes "so what is the net effect of all these advertised tweaks?". A black sound floor that was blacker than the previous black? In addition, these "tweaks" are not inexpensive, at least to my meagre budget.

@oregonpapa I do understand about EMF and RFI but what does the mat do though? 30 day money back guarantee is not much to me. I have exchange rates and associated loss, time taken to post, evaluation time to assess the product in my system, which I assume means to "use" it on each component to empirically assess any change discernible. even if I was interested, the whole exercise would be impractical.

You say my opinions are not based on facts? What are the facts. I have not seen anyone posting facts.

I am not basing any of my enquiries on emotion. What is there to be emotional about? Its a mat, which is an inanimate object. Why would I be emotional about that? I would go far enough to say is the mat supporters that are getting emotional.

I have asked for information on what my USD$600 is going to buy me and what is its purpose, how does it work and some baselines so that I can verify for myself the metric of any improvement within my system.

So far, I have been called by insinuation, a troll, miscreant, a person not to be associated with, emotional, negative, a naysayer, I have a screw loose.

Very nice company you keep on this thread.

I do have one question (amongst many that I know will not be answered), but how can you really tell what effect this Omega E mat is having on your system when there are so many "tweaks" you have already applied to your system? Objectively, you should be applying this product to a virgin system and measuring it's effect on different components which have not been already "tweaked".

This question is not emotive, antagonistic, troll like etc. I would call it "enquiring" or "inquisitive". And I haven't called any one names.

Reminds me of a Countries President; it's "fake news" if it is not agreeable to him. it's his way or the highway. I really did not think this was an exclusive thread rather than an inclusive one. But if I read back through the "tweak" threads, there are the same people, but walking and talking.


Is if flexible? Do you put component feet on it or it on the component? (which may lead to overheating). Is it thick/thin/smooth? 12 inch square?

I am stretching the information friendship, but nod if I am the correct direction, if it follows on from the other tweaks from the same source, it would be a progression of the TC enhancer, it might use the same material, over a larger area to utilize Graphene's properties to capture emissions of a component, grounding them? or redistributing the field evenly thereby smoothing the sound field? or floor? appearing to "lower" the sound floor by taking the strongest interference and diverting it elsewhere...

Am I close? Without saying so?

Enter your text ...@perfectpathtech

I understand your wish to keep the IP under wraps until a patent is applied, whenever that it. However, you do have the product on sale so the "tech" is available for a purchaser to check out, plus instructions.

So I think that the intention of the mat can be told, otherwise what are we to do with it? To use it to it's full potential, a user will need to know what it does and how it does it. No?


"My comments on emotion vs facts is because you have no facts on this particular product, but you take an emotional stance against it. Why not just believe what others who've tried these products have to say?"

Frank, I apologise if my direct nature in approaching, well anything really, offends people. I guess I am just a straight shooter. Ask a question, get an answer as expected. if I don't get it, I ask more.

I still need to show down in retirement, and want to fill as much as I can while I can.

To all I have offended, apologies. A.

Just curious, but has anyone put a mat under a transistor radio yet? or even a microwave oven? Does it effect the cooking time or quality of the food? It would be an interesting scenario.
Increase the weight of a gunmetal platter? Any one placed a mat under their microwave oven yet?
But please don't mistake my light heartedness with my not being interested..  I am reading each post.
Glad to take one for a bit of levity. But the mat thereabouts effect me taking iron tablets?

It is a shame that this sort of "product" thread accepts any opinion that is of gushing gratitude only. If an individual states a less than the expected experience, or asks the wrong question, that person is singled out (by many, no, make that nearly all), and vilified on this supposed open forum.

You can say what you like, as long as it conforms with the positive and glowing comments expected.

You call this "freedom of the press"? Only on your terms...

The issue here is that this forum is open to all comments, be they gushingly positive, neutral or not positive. An advertiser using this forum as a sole distribution point does not want perceived negative comments out to be seen in the open. You either restrict the comments and free speech to only positive of a product or allow all sides comment.

(I am not insinuating anything of the product that this thread represents, just the ability to comment sensibly on whatever the subject is)

p.s. I do not use any product of this manufacturer, not by choice, but by physical location, no local history of the product being used here and how local's perceive their benefits, and I don't think my system would benefit from and of the products until I have all the upgrades in place.

@tommylion I read your post with the uppercase quote in it. Its an interesting position to be in, "...IF YOU RE NOT TOTALLY HAPPY WITH THE PERFORMANCE..."

How do you measure "totally happy with the performance"? Against what? You only hear tweak improvements for a short time until you get used to it, then it becomes part of the norm. It becomes a case of chasing the impossible if whatever improvements you hear become part of the background.

Geoff, where are you? This your field of expertise.

Magnetic fields obviously effect the "field" immediately in its "range". Have a look at the magnetic fields working on ion particles on the North and South poles. So it is possible to "condense" the field of flow at a particular area to enhance it's effect on that area, which will effect everything downstream of it (and possibly the reverse as well).

I would conclude it's effect to be an enhancer of the signal, much like the "sharpness" tag in Adobe Photoshop.

Clever to be sure, but the price is steep for the technology. It would ne interesting if someone was able to place low strength magnets in a "dishrag", so they don't move about, and see if it had the same effect.

While I enjoy reading all the audio adventures 99% of you are having, I am really interested in whether other improvements have been experienced other than audio/video? Many pages back I asked a similar question and was churlishly put down as a troll.

Why would a question about other improvements be out of place? I read that many mats have been placed in the breaker boxes/ fuse boxes what ever the particular country parlance is.

I would be interested if the mats do have an effect on other appliances. Bedside clocks would be an example as these share an electrical feed from the fuse box.

I am not "putting down" something I know little about. Is the mat that could be appraised by a mag such as Stereophile? It seems that much of the knowledge and experience is word of mouth and perhaps a lot of audiophiles out in the world are missing out?

@tommylion Thanks for the explanation of how reviews are selected in the mags. I suppose it makes sense that we, the consumer, pay via elevated prices on products for the manufacturer to pay a mag to review a product. I would have thought a review for public benefit or interest would have been an inclusion, but flipping back through the odd audio mags I read while "on the pot", it seems the only public interest is the letters to the editor.

@nkonor I sympathise, and empathise with you. I am so sorry to hear of your plight. It amazes me to read posts by individuals, try to imagine what they look like, but never think of their personal wellbeing. I hope/pray your condition does not worsen. I would be able to afford a few mats and some TC if it wasn't for the cost of the drugs and constant stays in hospital!

@oregonpapa Do not go too close to induction cooktops. These ARE powerful and CAN effect pacemakers and some metallic implants. It was my own specialist who warned me after I joked about it. He was very serious.

I recall visiting my grandmother who lived 500 miles away, just after my end of school exams, and I was as nervous as heck about my pass mark so I could go to Uni. She was a lady of the land and she said "Worry is like a rocking chair. It keeps you occupied but does get you anywhere".

A very wise old lady who I miss. My own parents just turned 94 and had their 70th wedding anni. I hope I am able to emulate them as Jen and I have just had our 40th. 30 to go!

Thanks @resolution1

@oregonpapa GK is ok when he wears his colander in his head :)

I'll be reading with interest when the mini-me mats are reviewed. Hopefully they might have mini-me prices!


Tom, I have asked the very information after the release and gush of each "Tweak". I even suggested that after the last "Tweak" lowering of the sound "black" floor, it must be several kilometres deep by now. How blacker than black is black?

Tom, do not expect any technical information otherwise you may be called a naysayer or troll. You will not get blood no matter how strongly you squeeze the stone. There is a group amongst audiophiles or just music listeners in the world that are privileged to have their systems enhanced ("Tweaked") to such a cumulative point that they now listen from black holes and sound is delivered via quantum physics and re-adjusted by small cups glued to walls to enter ears in reproduction that is better than the original sound recorded.

Do not expect a logical explanation.

Just a thought to those using mats around tapes. Magnets will wipe the information right off. I am sure you all know this though. It's been a while for some to handle tape, and the larger mats apparently have magnets?

Maybe someone can correct me?

Ho Ho, I once believed in Santa Claus. Now my grand kids think I am Santa!

"Divinely Inspired"? How about enhanced by physics?

My My, how this forum has changed, and then again not. Not to be negative, but I would like a paper or some sort of detail on how this works before outlaying $600. That's only reasonable. I get the same for $10 products and $60k cars. Why not ask for an explanation. I would be certain that there would be a pat. pending on the products?

Hi Frank,

No one likes to be criticized. Hence your response. But I was not criticizing anyone or anything. I made note that there was no information forthcoming, as is the right of a consumer to expect.

Being in Australia, 30 day money back guarantee does me no favours. By the time I receive it, apply it, determine its ability to enhance my system (and change mat places as so many have described), have the TC in place for at least the stated 8 week period, and so on, leaves me out cold cash not in hand and no recourse to refund my outlay (as is happening to me by another US based identity/company).

Maybe I have less faith in this process as I cannot look the person in the eye.


Your "Whatever" file must be full by now. Congrats on exceeding 12,000 posts. Most of which I see as useless banter, rather than informative and seeking meaningful engagement.

But there is ALWAYS references to medical drugs, medical procedures, quantum physics, gravity, how lights work (what a weak example

Where can you read about these products? No information available, and none forthcoming. Buy on blind faith? Not me. Sorry.

Hey Geoff,

I would like information an what the product is supposed to achieve, it's uses, its manufacture, contents, safety issues, poison rating, ingredients (ala batteries), child safety info etc. Like any other product as mandated in Australia. I would also like our Consumer organisation(and product magazine) all over it. They produce Shonky awards for things that claim more than they are able, like magnetic underlays and pillows (not good for migraines or pacemakers).

I maintain that if a product is not able to be put into consumer circulation with it's full detail, then it should be looked at warily.

Chinese medicine is a good example. Unfortunately for the remaining Rhino population on this world, the horn ground up into a powder is said to be a good aphrodisiac and elephant ivory heals a range of ills. Do they?

Not according to the latest reports. But these myths go back 3000 years and the education to change this belief in Asiatic nations has only been in the last 30 years, when resources looked to be on the verge of extinction. However how many of our goop or fuse readers/contributors regularly go out to try the latest herbal/Chinese medicine? I suspect not many. And why is that? I would doubt that cost would be the issue. Is it doubt about what the products might do to us physically, once the dried scorpion or cockroach has been masticated?

Frank, did you do any research or seek explanation of the procedure to put your pacemaker into you? Did you ask what it was, or did you blindly let the doctors at you on good faith and pay them for the service?

My father once told me to always look a person in the eye when speaking to them. And always look them in the eye listening to them. Why? Aversion to the truth. If a person does not tell you to your eye what the truth is, then they are not to be trusted. (And yes, blind people can do the same actually).

So why are people so averse to letting on how and why a product works? The information available on the internet is vast and can be spread via social media in the blink of an eye. If a person wants to know how and why a light switch turns on a bulb, they can look it up. If a person want to make a bomb they can do the same (sadly there are those miscreants who would).

We live on and for information. Why hide information that is beneficial. Patents protect intellectual property. Copyrights protect the creator of an original work under original conditions. With those in place, a product is safe from cloning or duplication and secure the product manufacture and sale, (although there are countries where this does not mean much at all).

Please note that this post is neutral. It takes no sides apart from one that seeks truth and honesty regarding products as required by consumer law. It has nothing to do with the performance of certain topical products as this varies from system to system, to listener to listener. 

Rather, it is more to do with informing the consumer with information about a product being paid for. The consumer by way of payment for a product is also purchasing the right to know of the product, including its use, makeup, limitations, contents and all other information forthcoming by was of Consumer Laws as applied Federally and by State Legislation.

.My questions have been answered by a number of like minded posters on the (and other) threads. Whether I agree or not is not relevant to me. I wanted to know HOW these work, just to satisfy the inquisitive engineer in me.

It is in my DNA to ask. I’ve always asked. The fact of asking places me in the doubters side immediately. But I can stand on the fence or be on the Yay side equally.

I know manufacturers will not give away technology secrets so easily. Heck, I wouldn’t if it were my IP.

So no offence given and non taken.

And when I can afford them I too might partake of these products.

Hi Frank, Thank you for your consideration. No I do not take handouts, however gracious the offer. I told Tim the same a while back when I was spinning out mentally after being diagnosed with....

When our new house is finally built (it's 12 months later than we thought), I will contact Tim to try some TC. I don't know about mats... our voltage and frequency is different to the US, but I'll leave that one for the creator.

Thanks again though. You are a gentleman and I mean that sincerely, despite the sparing...