Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

Showing 50 responses by uberwaltz

How in the world can anybody just make a statement like " I will never spend $600 on a mat" and then expect to be taken seriously when the thread is about said mats?
All you can state is you will not be trying it and that is it, you cannot even begin to criticize its efficiency or value to your system if you have such a negative dogmatic attitude right out of the gate.
Of course everybody is entitled to their own opinion but all that opinion will ever be is a un informed and prejudicial one.
Just my thoughts......
And just for Jetters edification if he has not worked it out yet
No my previous post was NOT satire.
Your words make perfect sense and personally I find $600 to spend on a "tweak" with no knowledge of its true nature and operation a little hard to swallow.

However I would never disrespect said product and product purveyor on those grounds alone.

With that being said I have purchased other tweaks on general feedback from this forum and not had a bad experience so far.

Still unsure if I can mentally accept multiple $600 purchases on a tweak yet.
Just to put into perspective in my minds eye, my "main" CD player cost me $8 postage courtesy of Geoff Kait!

But am I going to,or indeed should others ,cry foul for that reason alone? I truly do not think so.
That was my point and just my thoughts.
Thank you SO much for the correction of my slovenly English.....
Note to self.... Try harder young Padawan!
That would appear to be an ideal marketing step and I for one would take you up on that. Thank you!
When do you envision releasing the smaller size mat?
I would likely give 5 or 6 of them a trial so I could move them around to get a feel for most effect.
I am intrigued enough to await the smaller versions.
I was about to pull the trigger on a Synchro mesh reclocker at$700. However that will have an effect on just 1 item, my vault2 feeding into the Lyngdorf DAC.
$700 is going to net me 11 of the smaller versions that I can scatter liberally on various components in different proportions to ascertain their effectiveness.
I am hanging on for now
Sounds good to me Tim
Best of luck with the website and the venture in general
I will be waiting.....
I would say that the breaker box panel door inside or outside should be a safe location. My guess would be more effective on the inside of door but for those who worry about such things go with the outside.

Agreed that it would not be wise to go deeper into the panel than this.
Opposite end of the country here Frank
Nothing but torrential afternoon thunderstorms like right now.
No problem just have to turn up the volume!

Be careful out there Frank! Pretty serious weather indeed.
I feel there are a great many members here who could most definitely benefit from such an ensemble!
I have not used TC either so when I acquire the smaller versions it will also be going into a non TC treated system.
I do have SR Blue fuses
Glad to hear!
Seriously as soon as you release them you will have an order from myself as should be interesting and a bit more wallet friendly to start....
You and me too Grannyring.

I am awaiting on Tim to make available the mats at approx 1/10 size and cost before I can play.
Yes I read your thread on the speakers at the time, very interesting.

as for cutting up the large pad I would rather just wait until Tim makes the smaller ones available and intend to spend the same amount as 1 large one on ten smaller ones so I can experiment with placement to see where is most effective, then take it from there.

Much easier to justify the possible huge expense eventual in my head at 460 a pop rather than $600 even if I end up with 10 in the same
Just psychology I know.
There is NO WAY I would dream of cutting up $600 worth of equipment unless Tim stated it would be exactly the same as him supplying 10 smaller mats.
And even then I would prefer his supplied ones to my sure to be hack

Buy one Geoff and let us know how it turns out...….
Very nicely said but after reading these posts I see no reason or need for YOU to apologise at all.
I am not retired but also in the boat of not being able to blow $600 x 5 or 6 like some have here on a tweak no matter how good the claimed results.
I would still be interested in trying a number of the smaller mats when they become available.
But why is he on this thread at all?
Are you kidding me?
Does anybody need a reason or permission to be on a thread here now?
Give me a break.....

So you have $6589 invested in these mats total??
That is some serious coin by anybody's standards.
I can only conclude that you truly believe they have a huge positive influence to have spent so much.

Still waiting for Tim to release the minimees before I give them a whirl.
Baby steps for me.
Well I have paid for 11 Omega E Mats. Six are currently in place and I am awaiting the additional 5. These are installed in 4 different systems. Two stereo systems, one video system, and one headphone system.

I am impressed with the positive results they are bringing to the systems.

David Pritchard

From about 10 posts earlier so yes I would say that is exactly what he said.
WTH are you blathering about Katie?
My post stated his investment in the mats at $599 a pop times 11.
Split between systems but still 11 mats total.

If you have something to say then spit it out instead of trying to be cryptic and/ or clever.
Theres the Katie we all know and love so dearly, ready to hurl insults .

If you had said that in the first place then we might have had some clue what was whirling around in that head of yours instead of wondering what speeling mistake or grammar dysfunction you were trying to trip people up on now!

Peace out......
I am not wholly sure that even beta testers would get a huge financial break in all honesty.
Yep call me naïve if you like
Why not.....
I do believe the applicable word here is "sense"
Very lacking nowadays.

I did not miss the humour at all.
Just commented that in general common sense appears to be the least common of all senses.

Still waiting for Tim to release the pint sized varmints!
Has anyone heard an update on the mini mees?
Tim intimated they would be 1/10 size, effect and cost.
Really would love to try some but not sure what the product release date is.
At least I would agree your suggestions could hold some water(sic!) until proven otherwise.
But I do also agree that if these mats do have this type of effect on other electronic devices than hifi then Tim should be hammering on every door of every utility company in the world right now!
When was the main component of this mat disclosed?
I do not remember reading that here?
Do not believe this is " we all know who"
Could be a bad clone though?
Interesting how all of djones51 posts have been removed.
Seems like "somebody" was caught with their pants down playing hookey.
On a more pertinent note does anybody have an update on the minimees release date?
I cannot say as I blame Tim from staying away from this train wreck for a while.
Is anybody else having difficulty getting hold of Tim at all?
I realise he is a busy man and the success of these mats is likely only making that worse but I have not received replies to any messages I have sent through the audiogon system.
Maybe I just need to have more, not my strongest suit unfortunately.
Just an update
Tim did get back to me and he will be announcing the minimees production updates shortly.
I am happy and will be waiting with anticipation.
Thank you Tim.
Off topic but....
11k posts Geoff? better start posting, GK is after your crown!
Better a silly girl with a flower than a silly boy with a stick and a horse.
Its called a lance... Hello!

Eh, what, oops sorry, wrong dimension Geoff.
I don't think it matters one bit, from what I understand it was only magnetic to help it stick to items like breaker panel doors.
I know it does not have to physically touch to work so I am sure any side up is good.
Go for it!
Sounds interesting.
I wonder if placed on car battery what would happen?
I have 3 Nak
And more tapes than CD!

And as soon as the minimees released I will be trying them on at least one Nak!
20 mats, at $599 a pop in one go.
Gulp... That's a lot a moolah.

Im not that
Or rich....

When Tim has the minimees up and running I will try, but he is a busy man so patience is a virtue for now.
Some uncharitable souls might say " field of dreams"

Still waiting for Tim to release the minimees so I can voice my own tested opinion!
>>>>I’m sure we’re all very excited and sitting on pins and needles.😛

And so you should be indeed!
I really have no doubts from all I have read from respected members right here.
But I am not looking for the larger mats but will buy the smaller mats to test in various locations once Tim has them in production.