Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
I believe Fiat also made salt and pepper mills, but the salt rusted the mill out before you could use it.I
Almost bought a Peugeot 505stx many moons ago.
Peugeots used to be way more reliable than FIATs. Again, that may not be saying much but that is how it appeared.

Peugeot salt and pepper mills are still good, but competition is getting closer. I think their bicycle business has gone down the drain.

I am still waiting for someone to make a car that blends comfort with driveability and looks the way Peugeot used to do.
Back in the day, I had a Fiat sedan. What a fun car to drive. Then one day, the heater core burst, flooding the floor of the car. I just bypassed the heater and continued to drive the car into the ground with no further problems, except on cold days, because there was no heat. 

Then there were the three Peugeots that I owned.  I looked up the term "Peugeot" in a French dictionary ... the translation was ... "Terrible freaking car." The second translation was: "Nightmare to own." 

The new Alpha coupe and the Fiat roadster both look good though.

I have four vintage road (race) bicycles, 60's - 80's in orders of age, Cinelli Supercorse, Biemmezeta Chronostar, Alan Carbonio, Pinarello Montello SLX. One motorcycle Ducati MH900E. All Italian, because they are the most beautiful. Krissy, I wish I had jumped on the PP 
Timmy loved all things Italian,
Capodiamonte, Murano glass, tiramisu .... me. lol

Ti amo caramelle spaziali

Just read Fiat and Peugeot are merging. New company to be named Stellantis.
There's a joke in there somewhere, I'm just too tired to think of a good one.

How old? Allegedly, those made recently have improved considerably. Not that it says much when you start from the bottom.

Olive oil is wonderful for lubricating FIATs. To be fair, I had one that never left me stranded except one single time on the road close to Schio. Just a belt that a local teenager replaced in half an hour. I guess his name was Toni.
I’m going with exception to the rule. After all, it’s the land of Michaelangelo, and DaVinci!
I owned a 1983 Pininfarina spyder, so I’m no stranger to Italian craftsmanship.
Built by FIAT. Ok, bad example.
I believe FIAT stands for Fix It Again Tony....

I’ve also owned an Alfa Ro....Ok, bad example.
I like their olive oil....

That opens an entirely unrelated discussion about marketing and perceived value of a product. Unrelated to PPT products.

For example, on Mastersound website, the first tab next to "home" is "Made in Italy". Actual products follow later. On the "home" page the first words are "MastersounD, Italian style..."

I am not saying that products are not good, but that marketing of intangible values is way higher on the priority list.

Well technically they didn't say reliable :-)    This is sort of like "Fine Corinthian Leather" ... all the better to stick to when your air conditioning doesn't work.

glupson5,745 posts07-13-2020 8:14am
" Fine Italian craftsmanship."
Is that from the textbook of oxymorons, or an exception to the rule?

Mastersound is some steps away from Sonus Faber. Do they have anything in common (parent company, etc.) or it is just a coincidence? Whatever it is, Vicenza may be even cuter than Padova. Worth a stroll, for sure. Do they offer "factory delivery"?
" Fine Italian craftsmanship."
Is that from the textbook of oxymorons, or an exception to the rule?

Thanks, Carp ... that’s exactly the case.

One of the important things I handed off to my two daughters was an excellent work ethic taught to me by my mother. I also provided them a private education, free of the government’s monopolized school systems and the indoctrination that comes with it. They, in turn, did the same for their four children, all of whom are extremely successful. # 1. Commercial real estate broker # 2. Speech pathologist. #3. Attorney. #4. MD - surgeon.

Me? I was lucky to make it out of high school. :-)

"It is important to lead a disciplined life. Why? Because in the final analysis, discipline weighs ounces. Regret weighs tons." ____ Jim Rohn


Ah, I understand.
I would think your working and busting your butt set in motion the ability of your daughters and grandchildren to now make these trips.
You should be as proud of that fact as you are of them....
thecarpathian ... 

  • Frank, ever make it over to Italy?
  • It really is a wonderful place.
  • The history and beauty of the country try is really something.

No, and that is one of my biggest regrets. Both of my daughters have been there a number of times, as have my grandkids. They rave about it. I was always too busy working and busting my butt. And now, because traveling, especially to countries like Italy, requires tons of walking, my feet just aren't up to it anymore. A trip to Costco is a challenge for me. I've always wanted to make it to the city my Mom was named after; Florence. I know the food is among the greatest on the planet and the music? Man, I'd love to attend a Puccini opera at La Scala and mix in with the Italian people who really know their opera. Another Italian friend of mine who has been to Italy a number of times tells me that just sitting on a bench watching the women walk by is a treat. 

Beam me up, Scotty ... and place me on that bench.  :-)

Anyone tried Less Loss Black Bodies that can give insight/comparison with PPT Omega mats ?
Frank, ever make it over to Italy?
It really is a wonderful place.
The history and beauty of the country try is really something.
Good heavens!
I’m outnumbered by paisanos...
I love many things Italiano and Italiana.
Last trip to Europe I stayed in a 16th century monastery in the hills of Tuscany overlooking Florence. I bathed in Tuscany waters, I gazed upon Michaelangelo’s David and Botticelli’s ’Birth of Venus’. I drank prosecco.
I dodged crazy Italian drivers.

Bella! Stupendo!

Actually, I’m looking at a MastersounD integrated amp as a future purchase.
Fine Italian craftsmanship.
Listen, if any of you guys got an inside track from a fellow goomba over there, think about hookin’ a fella up.....

suggestive of humor. many Emats and other products of PPT do you have in your system?  An Emat placed on the dark side of the moon may help with Sciatica it seems to help mine. Tom  
Your suppository joke is very suggestive. Appearantly, there is no problem telling people where they can shove their E mat!!!
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Eyetalian American I am and Carpathian what you stated was not offensive to me butt funny. Tom
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N. Flash...thecarpathian goes Scientific...

- Forefronts Wikipedia's panty Problem 

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"Tim had compared them to power cords costing upwards of ten thousand dollars a copy, and he blew them away."

It would have had more weight if someone else had compared them.

Wow...A linguistic page peeled out of Google with a hint of panties in a knot. Though lacking in humor and bubbling with open aggression, one might see the grounds of a debate in there. Should it be my post that brings displeasure, then my all means don't read it. Nothing personal simply observations and opinions, I should like to keep it that way !

Innuendo...An innuendo is a hint, insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a denigrating or a derogatory nature. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging, that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one’s words, taken literally, are innocent. Typically used by sneaky cowards who lack the courage to come out and say what they mean. If they even know what it is. Innuendo is also often used by confused ignorant people who want to insult without going to the trouble of learning the first thing about the subject. They like to create the impression of knowledge when in fact they know nothing.  

Oh, almost forgot-

Placebo..(psychological benefit thing) like magic another good noun, akin to mind control, possibly mind over matter...
Medically it works for a few, others have to rely on that Darn Science or get really sick perhaps parish...
Audio placebo (gimmicks) also works for a few.
Some embarrassingly stash the crap, others sell ensuing hefty loss.
Really..why not sell something that "Works" for a loss ??
Possible upside no capital gains ?
Should name an economical car Placebo, then Train yourself to Hear
and Feel like it's fast.
Again possible tickets. 
Imagine that !


millercarbon ...

I wish you could have auditioned the power cords. Tim had compared them to power cords costing upwards of ten thousand dollars a copy, and he blew them away.

As soon as I took my first listen, I called Tim and told him that all of the current manufacturers of various SOTA cords had better get back to the drawing board.  And that was just with two cords, one used in the CD player and the other in the phono stage.

I can only imagine what a complete loop of Tim's cables would have done.

Simply amazing. 

You know I do not doubt a word of it. If he had done that people would have been boggled. Absolutely gob-smacked.

My impression is that all the stuff everyone has been doing is moving electrons around in the most crude fashion. A huge amount of energy and information is radiated away and lost along the way. Its like, everyone knows the importance of insulators. But all insulators really do is prevent shocks and short circuits. Insulators do not really do anything to protect the integrity of the energy field of the signal.

When all these different products come along and do just that the effect is astounding. When you said try Mats on the sides of the speakers I did and it was impressive. But looked ugly! So then I cut them up and put them inside wrapped around the drivers and internal wiring. The effect was so great my wife asked what did I do- and she was in the kitchen!

That's just one relatively small thing, and only in the speakers. Doing everything to the extent you're talking about, I can hardly even imagine!
glupson ...

  • There were some seriously good "everythings" at that show. Blowing them all away with tweaks might have been a little too enthusiastic.

I agree that it would have been a tough act, but once a system is fully tweaked out with the PPT products, there comes a sense of realism that has to be heard to be believed. In all of my years in the hobby, plus going to many shows, and even working showrooms for dealers and distributors, I've never heard anything like it. This is what I and many other A'goner's who invested in Tim's products are experiencing right now. Plus, Tim was coming up with some special products that were never available to any of us. 

I've already mentioned how great the power cables were, but there was going to be more ... much more. His ideas for room treatments were going to be unveiled at the show. We were going to use MacIntosh's latest integrated amp, all tweaked out with Tim's products. The entire room was going to be treated with specially prepared banners that would have enhanced the sound. The speakers had been totally taken apart and treated with Tim's products and the use of his wire technology that went into the above-described power cables. He sent me photos of the bare speaker cabinets, the drivers, and the wire. Nothing was left untouched.

I'm sure that there would have been systems at the show that played bigger, deeper, etc, but I'll say with total confidence that none would have presented the stark realism of what Tim had planned.  Bottom line ... I was really looking forward to a great, fun time. 

RIP Tim Mrock. 


He told me the same thing over the phone about how great it sounded..
I even offered to ship him Starsound Sistrum rack and platforms but he wanted to go it alone, only show casing the influences of his achievements.. I understood . Tom 
"The idea was to blow everything at the show away with his technology and tweaks."
There were some seriously good "everythings" at that show. Blowing them all away with tweaks might have been a little too enthusiastic.
It’s a pity. Tim and his wife where good persons, as rarely seen in this business and in life in general. The products work without modifying the tonal balance of sound but everything is bettered. This is a tweak that does not make things only « different » but really  « better ». Very few tweaks do that. With them in my system, music is really better, more immersing, and not by a small margin. I can forget the system and appreciate the music more easily. Is there a better compliment to do for music lovers ? Recently I add a few Emat + bought to Marigo and very happy with that. I still can’t believe this knowledge died with Tim and nobody can continue to build these tweaks.
docknow  ...

  • @oregonpapa: Any update on whether we will ever be able to purchase these again (and TC)?

Sad to say, but Perfect Path Technologies as we knew it passed away with the passing of our late friend Tim Mrock. Too bad, because the guy was a true genius.

Just as a side note, just prior to Tim's passing, he and I were going to set up a room at the Capital Audio Fest. Everything was set. The room was paid for, plane tickets bought, and all of the planning had been done. Tim had planned on using a pair of speakers that he had bought at an estate sale for $165. The idea was to blow everything at the show away with his technology and tweaks. I believe he would have done it too.

 Tim's untimely death prevented us from carrying out the project. BUT, he sent me two pairs of power cords he had built for my evaluation that he intended to use at the show,  with a complete loop of his cords. The other cords, because of the rapid onset of Tim's illness (speaker wires, interconnects, and the rest of the power cords), were never built. I have no idea how he built them, or what was in them. I will say, however, that they were absolutely stunning. They blew away my already excellent power cords in a big way. It was as though I had put a PPT Gate on steroids into the system. I had use of them for three weeks before having to send them back. Quite honestly, it was like pulling out two ribs. 

RIP >>> Tim Mrock.


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I find it interesting that primarily the group with the mindset that if the science is not clearly explained along with documented proof that it automatically qualifies as snake oil. Many products do, however in this case my opinion is the products work as advertised.
After adding PPT products on some very familiar source material along with other benefits I was able to understand lyrics previously unrecognizable. Not sure how placebo can pull that off.
I guess maybe magic is truly the answer.
Loving Spoonful "Do You Believe in Magic?  In the ears of the listener it is. Tom
Now there's the word...Magic !! Who in H... believes in magic ?
Try perpetual motion, or the finite of the universe, something simple work your way up.
" Not clear how they do it, but their positive effect in my system was jaw-dropping and indisputable."
David Copperfield would know.