New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

Any updates from around the world?  Must be a lot of jaws on the ground.........
Two mats arrived and I put them in yesterday.

Have both of them 'juicing up' (so to speak) on the breaker panel.
Placed the other one under my integrated amp.
I put an additional "Plus" Mat on each speaker in line with the bass drivers two days ago. The sound became even more coherent from top to bottom. I didn't think there was anything more to be had, but there it was. 

I can't stress enough the importance of placing the Omega "Plus" mats on the speakers in line with the drivers. 

Where do you put the mats on the speaker, on the side or the rear behind the driver? Do you think the mats are affecting the driver magnet or the electrical connections to the driver?
Thanks Frank

Hi rpw: I placed mine on the rear of the cabinets just above the binding posts where the crossover resides. 
rpw ...

The first two mats on each speaker went onto the rear of the speakers in line with the mid-range drivers. That’s all the room I had on the rear of the speakers. As I’ve acquired more mats, they have gone onto the sides of the speakers in line with the drivers. With the addition of each new mat, the sound has improved significantly. The last two mats I received went in line with the bass drivers, and as I said, the improvement was from top to bottom.

Speaking for my system only, the mats are more effective on the speakers than they are under the electrical components. So, if I were doing it again, I would apply the mats in this order:

1. In the circuit breaker box.
2. Under the power conditioner.
3. On the speakers.
4. Under components.
  • Do you think the mats are affecting the driver magnet or the electrical connections to the driver?
Quite honestly, I don’t know what they are affecting. If I could, I’d take my speakers apart and use "Total Contact" liberally in the interior of the speakers. All metal parts and connections would be covered. I think the mats on the exterior of the speakers are having somewhat of the same effect. Why they are so effective on speakers is a mystery to me. I only know that they are ... big time.


jerrybj ...

Looking forward to your comments regarding your new mats.


I would prefer placing them inside the speaker so they don’t mess with the aesthetic appeal of the speakers.   My wife would not allow them on the outside :)

Perhaps they would also be more effective internally? Remove a woofer or two and carefully place internally.   I would use some very strong double sided tape so the mat does not move or vibrate.  Cover the back of the mat very liberally with the tape. If the speaker has acoustic material inside, most do, then simply place the acoustic material over the mat once installed.  

Cards could also also be placed in the same manner.  I have them on the backs of my drivers internally. 
grannyring ...

I thought about the exact same thing. I sat down one day and thought: "you know if you tore the speakers apart and put the mats inside it may sound better."

Knowing that it would be a lot of work with an old pair of speakers, especially considering that the gaskets are old and dry and would tear apart, and the fact that I'm known among my friends as Mr. All Thumbs, a real expert at taking things apart, and a total klutz in putting them back together, I put the screwdriver on the first screw, while concentrating hard trying to remember the old adage, "leftie loosie, and rightie tightie." Then, it suddenly occurred to me that ... "hey dumb nutz, you don't have a wife!"

Therefore, the mats are on the outside of my speakers. :-)

These mats are the real deal. Placed 2 of the Omega's in the breaker box, single stacked and centered over the center of the branch circuit bank on the inside of the panel. I've been listening up to the 16 hour point now and hearing continuing improvement.

Music is becoming more live, and energy is intense, "electric" sounding is right. That concert energy (at reasonable volumes) is fully present. Somebody switched the piano on Billy Joel's "All for Leyna", the resonances of the piano are so real with these mats. Albums that had a haze that I attributed to recording quality are now lifted to new hieghts. Steve Perrie's vocals on "Stone in Love" are piercing with realism. As far as I can tell, these new found highs are not artificial but uncovered information, previously lost to dirty AC. The highs also bring a dramatic impact to percussion. The sound is so arresting and captivating, a pause in listening was needed to type this out.

Is it only a matter of time before speaker and component manufacturers are covering internals with this stuff? Could be a significant mark up to go with the performance upgrade. For now, looks like DIY only which is fine, but I'm imagining the future.


I was thinking of the back of the drivers too, but was concerned the weight of the card would disrupt the sound. Could you detect improvement from cards on drivers? What about treatment options on the crossover of Tekton DI's? As I recall, you modded them heavily.

I can’t wait to post some new reports in this thread...
I plan to buy 3 more +Mats as soon as my system is back up and running. I’m waiting for delivery of Tekton Moab loudspeakers and a Lumin D2 streamer. After purchasing the 3 additional mats my coverage will be as follows:

2 mats on the electrical panel, along with The Gate;
1 mat on the power conditioner;
2 mats on the rear of each speaker;
stop-it AC plugs in most outlets in my house;
rca noise stopper caps on unused rca terminals;
Total Contact applied to all connections.

Should be epic!
I installed to E+Mats on my dedicated audio subpanel in place of the regular E-Mats.  Within an hour, the noticeable improvement was to the bass (deeper or fuller) and dynamic contrasts.  After 24 hours, the overall sensation of a fuller sound.  I placed the 2 regular E-Mats on top of my VPI SLS power box which improved the sound in all respects from vinyl.  

I'm saving up for a Gate and possibly more E+Mats (I have a dozen E-Mats already).  Stop-Its purchases are next.  I should try E+Mats on my speakers but they are large with 7 drivers each.  I thought I should try to play E+Mats adjacent to my nearly 1 foot square crossover in the middle of the speaker-it is a power source for the drivers and has lots of copper coils and capacitors.
Nice results, Fleschler---the same is going on here.  

I am two days into another two E+ mats under my ARC amps, which makes two under each amp. I took out the remaining two regulars and put them up against the breaker switches, making four regulars there.  I also placed two regulars under my 240V/120V transformer to augment the two E+ mats on top. 

Predictably, the bass comes on a bit strong at first---had to turn the subs down to almost nothing again---Maggies are pumping out uberbass, have to keep the main volume down, too.  Extended decay of voices and percussion is coming in.  As each main instrument is more articulated, masked accompaniments between them are again popping out---more information heard within this cavernous amphitheater as an acoustic space.  The sound will continue to refine, the stage will expand in the coming days, then the subs can come back up a bit.  
Am I repeating myself? Yeah....keep the comments coming, folks.  If ya got 'em, post 'em.  

Synergistic Research just announced a Tranquility Puck which Denney claims the technology is being ripped off by another company (I doubt that).  It can be placed above or below a component and that it destroys the other company's product.  Well, for one thing, it isn't very user friendly as it can't be placed over a power panel or vertically very easily.  It's $749.  Here's the link to the video of Denney  and the product  It doesn't compete with the E+Mat for utility of use or price.  SR has had a 50/50 success rate for me.  Their fuses/duplexes/HFTs work for me.  The Black Box was bad everywhere it was placed and the Atmosphere XL is more of a toy than a help now.
Although I like the SR fuses, their products are otherwise over-priced as far as audio accessories go.  
I saved $23,000 on front and rear wall quadradic diffusion panels from Acoustic Fields in a custom built listening room by using SR's HFT system with 32 HFTs strategically placed in the room (primarily as indicated in their literature).  That cost me about $2,000.  It definitely works (the side walls and ceiling have extensive absorption paneling due to the cherry plywood paneling which is highly reflective of mids and highs.  The bass is internally damped in the wall construction).  The duplexes are cheap ordinary construction grade but after they zapped them with 2 million volts and applied their secret graphene sauce, they are radically good outlets.  Sure SR probably makes a huge percentage on the three items I use but the overall cost and effect are worth it.
I have been reading a lot of people are putting the Mats on or behind their speakers.  That would not work with the wife.  I am having a pair of Viking Acoustic Grande Voix Horn speakers made for me.  Given that my speakers are being made as we speak, I could put the mat inside the speaker box.  I wonder what people think about that?  Where would you place them?  
I have one Omega Mat underneath the crossover net work that is located on the floor of each speaker cabinet.

David Pritchard
@willgolf -  I've put E-Mats on the back of my speakers and they work great. Putting them on the inside would be even better. Just make sure its in there securely and put any speaker wool (stuffing) that was in that area back over the top of it.
@fleschler - obviously don't want to go off on a SR tangent but the Atmosphere and Black Box work great in my system. So I guess it's room/system dependent like everything else. (I did spend a LOT of time messing with the Atmosphere settings which was pretty tedious)
Any thoughts on what would be the better choice if given one or the other. Upgrading the caps and wiring on the speaker crossover or placing a mat by or under the stock crossover? I would like to do both and maybe in time I will but at this time I can only do one.
Can you try the mat first?  I have three under each Maggie 3.6R, not known for having high-end crossovers, and the sound with mats is like an upgrade.  Plus, when you do upgrade your speakers, you can put those mats elsewhere for more added value.  
On the fourth day of listening to the pair of E+Mats on the audio only subpanel (which replaced a pair of original E Mats), there is a very significant difference.  Besides the noted improved bass and dynamics, I finally heard the "blacker" background heard by others.  (I didn't hear this difference with original E-Mats). Music sounded more focused and relaxed.  These new E+Mats do much more than the original Mats of which I have a dozen. 
Any thoughts on what would be the better choice if given one or the other. Upgrading the caps and wiring on the speaker crossover or placing a mat by or under the stock crossover? I would like to do both and maybe in time I will but at this time I can only do one.

It depends. If your crossover uses cheap caps and clip connectors then better caps and solder might be more for the money. I've done both, the crossovers and the Mats. If your crossovers use pretty high end parts you could spend more than a Mat upgrading them and yeah it'll be an improvement but probably not as much as a Mat.

Main difference being the sort of difference. Better caps tend to reveal mostly greater extension and delicacy with less grain and glare. You can experience greater imaging and depth too but not to the extent the Mats deliver. Also the Mats stay with you no matter where the speakers go. Either way tweaks and mods rule!
Too expensive for me. With respect to the distributor, they are not building these mats in some massive laboratory. They are using off the shelf components and remarketing them at extraordinary markup. I intend to source graphene mats from the manufacturers.
@noromance- From where do you get your information?
Is that a fact you are somehow privy to, or is it your opinion?
What makes you think the main ingredient of the mat is graphene?
Truth is, I’m sure you have no idea where and how the mats are manufactured.
Truth is, I’m sure you have no idea what the mats consist of, be it proprietary materials or otherwise.
If you feel they are more than you’d like to spend, fine.
But to post on this thread pure conjecture on your part and state it as a fact is disrespectful to the distributor (manufacturer) and flat out libelous.
noromance ...

  • "They are using off the shelf components and remarketing them at extraordinary markup."
I'm going to report your post to the mods. You're abusing the other members. How? Well, you've placed me in a spot of perpetual laughter. I'm laughing so much, I can't drink my morning coffee. (Sheesh!)

rsf507 ...

  • "Has anyone tried these?" 
Nice try ... but no Kewpie Doll. In fact, you're not even close.


I'm not saying they're the same I'm just asking how they might compare. And how can you say they are not even close when no one can say what they are?
Hi, rsf507. A legitimate question. These mats do much more than merely shield emi like graphite. A host of materials do that. So, even though I can't say what they are, I can say what they aren't, and that is they are not just a simple emi shield.
Personally, I've never tried graphite sheets. But, if you are curious as to their effect, order some up and let us know what you think!
  • "And how can you say they are not even close when no one can say what they are?"
Ah, but there’s the rub. There are those who "almost" know what they are. :-)

Those graphene sheets definitely will not an Omega E-Plus Mat make. As I said, nice try.

Nice try Frank but "almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades and maybe nuclear war.
  rsf507 ...

I know for a fact that those graphene sheets are not used in Perfect Path products.

Still no Kewpie Doll, sorry. :-)


Right. Since an E+Mat is more powerful than a pair of original E Mats, it couldn’t be just two separate layers of graphene. Yet, the E+Mat is essentially the same width/thickness of an original E Mat. Certainly not graphite which are two or more layers of graphene, that would audibly do nothing.
Two layers of Graphene is not Graphite. It’s bilayer Graphene. Multiple layers of Graphene are not graphite either. There is no prohibition against using two or more layers of Graphene. 
I should know this.
Graphene to graphite.

Two years of Latin in high school.
And all I can remember is:
Amo amas amat amamus amatis amant
Received a couple of regular emats and a couple of plus ones (in addition to cards - already had a plus mat and cards) and will be listening soon.  The Shungite tile and shielding tape (noted earlier in this thread) do work to a lesser degree.  I had lent a friend a few cards and I let him use a Shungite tile I got (picked it up today) a couple of weeks back.  He had some people over from the local audio society on Friday and they were both impressed with the Stop-Its and the Shungite tile.  I spent the afternoon with my friend moving Shungite tiles to different components.  He said that the Shungite tiles were not as good as the three ecards I previously lent to him using it on his DAC.

Hi! cascadesphil...

The shungite tile, I created and named "golden plate", must be used properly, with the copper tape on the external side, to polarize the effect, and with some other stones, like Herkimer diamond, and tourmaline, to balance the effect...

If not used optimally even a degradation of sound is possible ( a compressed dynamic or imaging for example)... The most interesting utilization are :

On the exterior electrical meter of the house
On the central breakers panel of the house
On the peripheral breaker panel of the room
Behind the speakers
On unused wall plugs
On some interconnections ( not all of them) determined by listening experiments
On the computer router or modem
On some of the computer connectors (hard drive, optical convertor etc)
On the power conditioner

(Using a golden plate on a dac, like did this friend of cascadesphil is not an ideal utilization and certainly not the first one move I recommend at all and the same for an amplifier, speakers is best to begins with the basic audio gear...)

But one of the most astounding was coupling the Golden plate +tourmaline or H.D. on a schumann generator, that act like an enhancement filter for the room acoustic...

With all this area covered, no upgrade seems interesting for me anymore... Less than this impression is sign that the golden plates were not used optimally...

My best to you cascadesphil and to all...
Post removed 
Can somebody cut one of the inexpensive mats open and see what they actually are ? For the sake of science 
It is a patented effect. Very easy to figure it out. Just check the patent.

I apologise for implying the distributor (never mentioned any specific party) may be acting in an unsavory manner. The distributor's skill in their assembly is most likely reflected in the results obtained and it is their right to charge what the market will bear. Nevertheless, I do believe that the actual products are made from off the shelf components. My point was intended to enquire if anyone knew what could be used. I have seen graphene sheets available for use in sheilding.
You have to ask yourself what am I buying on the internet or eBay? There are lots of folks selling Graphene. Graphene powder, Graphene flakes, graphene oxide powder, Graphene in solution, Graphene oxide sheets. Multi-layer Graphene. There is one 5x5 inch Graphene oxide sheet for $159. Who knows what you’re really getting? Everybody’s doin it, doin it, everybody’s chewin it, chewin it. 🤗
@noromance someone has to do it, do it so just buy it, buy it and report back.