New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


As a long time user of the Omega E mats, thought I'd share this.

Been doiing various tweaks recently to lower the noise floor in my rig, one of the best ones was the Puritan 136 power conditioner, really wowed me with how good everything sounded when I added this. The magic faded over a few weeks and I searched for the reason, I find getting astounding sound to be elusive, one little thing brings the whole house of cards down, I changed the phono load setting, the tonearm VTA etc, sounded good but not incredible.

blew a circuit breaker in my kitchen so trudged down to the basement to reset. Noticed the panel box door (which has 2 mats on the inside of the door) was open .Hmm I thought, this is a good chance to just close the door, re-engaging the mats with the breakers, and see what exactly just the mats on the panel bring.

Took a few hours to re-effect, but the magic was back, floored by what just the mats on the panel box bring, I also have mats on cd player, preamp and amp. along with dedicated lines and the power conditioner, seems they all play roles in this, Others have mentioned the biggest bang was mats on the panel box.

@jerrybj  @thecarpathian  Am am a 69 year old romantic who sees things differently, that"s all. Growing up sounds so boring in your world. If you let harmless distractions drag you down and irritate you to such a degree, it maybe you that needs to reboot.

Marc777, just stop this.

Firstly, you are wrong with your assertion on the meaning of the phrase; wrong in every known context and accepted meaning.

Secondly, you have dragged this thread into a pointless argument that is now dangerously close to desecrating the memory of a very good man.

Further discussion with you is pointless.

Perhaps in a few years when you grow up, you'll be capable of understanding what I and others are trying to convey to you.

What began as a harmless distraction for me has turned into a time wasting annoyance.

I am through with you.

@thecarpathian, The men don't know, but the little girls understand!  Sound a little like a hater carp, down on joe and any differing outlook.

I hope you and Joe are very happy together. I’m sorry, are you crying me a river?

You're wrong in my world?

No, you're wrong in the very nearly unanimous world of everyone else. About the only ones missing to make it unanimous are you, and a pickled Joe Cocker. 

You just refuse to get it, don’t you?

This phrase is universally known as was stated by me and mahgister regardless of your perspective. What you’re defending doesn’t even make any sense with regards to your 'perspective'. You didn’t state you were going to cry a river over oregonpapa, you were telling rsf507 to cry you a river. Now, think about what the universal meaning of that phrase is, regardless of how you wish to romanticize it, and the meaning it is conveying when you tell someone else who is informing you of a very nice fellows death, to cry you a river. You are in no uncertain terms telling rsf507 that you could not care less about his death. Again, you are not crying a river, you are telling someone else to do it. Understand now? Or has all the romance you seem to think you have a monopoly on blinding you to your perception of common sense?

Feeling for truth matter more than my "truest" feeling....

A linguistic debate cannot be closed by hurted feeling save if someone "cry a river" instead of admitting a common place trivial truth: the usual meaning of a well known idiom..

«The meaning of this is not completely literal of course, but it is said as a request or command to someone for them to cry so much as to have enough tears to form a river. This phrase is actually a rude thing to say to someone, and it is meant to mock their unhappiness.»


In a post above i recognized that sometimes my "ego" is too big because truth matter for me... 😁😊

Recognizing the true meaning of an idiom is not so bad for your feeling, dont you think?

If truth matter....

@thecarpathian  You are smart. Must be nice thinking you are always right with everything in black and white and no quarter given to a different perspective. I prefer, like joe cocker, to not be pigeon-holed by an idiom, or whatever group of words anyone claims with a one-sided meaning. Cry me a river has,is and will have a different meaning to many, mostly romantics like myself. Ask all your lovers and friends if any concur with me.



Post removed 

Sorry, marc. No matter what your feelings are, mahgister and I are correct.

You are using that term incorrectly, regardless of how you feel about it, or what you mean to convey by it.

That expression these days has but one meaning. The meaning as it was pointed out to you. What I find amusing is you don’t see it, so that makes me ’not a romantic’. Actually, it simply makes you wrong.


No body cried a river.... you used an idiom in the wrong context... Nobody doubt your sincere feeling... You created a drama instead of accepting the remark of thecarpathian about the right context for this idiom usage... Then i put a link on the net about this idiom true accepted meaning... And you contested my post link... Thats all...

Nobody doubt about your feeling concerning the death of a human being...

Most people knows what "cry me a river" means in usual english...

I will now disapear before you"cry me a river".... 😁😊

My deepest respect to you and i apologize for adding my post to thecarpathian...

Dont take personal a linguistic observation....

@mahgister  Your  idiomatic expression did not come before somebody cried a river for someone, that is my point. Feelings mean much more than words to most!

A precise linguistic observation about the general meaning of an idiomatic expression has NOTHING to do with your feelings...

After the precise case of your "lamening post" about my linguistic observation and your negative reaction to a simple linguistic fact, i can use this expression for you : cry me a river...

And this use will be a correct sarcasm in this context....Then i uuse it: cry me a river....



@mahgister In your own response the words "and for whom you have no sympathy" shows it does not fit the description of my words, as my feelings for oregonpapa are heartfelt and real,a real loss to the community, marc He is gone,damn it, Cry me a river!

The good news is i concur with your description of my behaviour sometimes...I react too quickly... You are right about me...

But thecarpathian was right about the "idiom" meaning...

My best to you sincerely...

@mahgister instead of reacting quickly to show how learned you are with words on any subject, slow down and read all relevant threads, smell the roses 

@pesky_wabbit Now there is a romantic, you dig where i am coming from! Joe's emotion is boundless, not 1 iota of cold-hearted revenge to be felt or heard from Cocker. @thecarpathian  besides see above, it is hard to see romance, but feeling it can last a lifetime. It seems to me a romantic would be less likely to argue against a professed romantic and his or her take on that crazy little thing called love. @mahgister instead of reacting quickly to show how learned you are with words on any subject, slow down and read all relevant threads, smell the roses and,in this case, FEEL the romance if possible is my genetic mode of operation. This fool rushes into situations where wise men are running away from. I do like the thrills too much! Let's enjoy life ASAP and and as soon as possible, thank God for wine, women and song!

seen Joe sing it live three times, brought tears to my eyes at every performance..

«Cry me a river is a sarcastic response to someone who is expressing sadness or complaining and for whom you have no sympathy. Although cry me a river can be used in response to actual crying, tears are not necessary for the idiom to be used. It is usually used as a simple exclamatory phrase, “Cry me a river!”

Cry Me a River - Idioms Online»

Actually, I am quite the romantic. We just happen to disagree as to the usage of this particular phrase.

I shall bid you good day, stay safe, and blessings to you and your family.

The original betrayal is where the romance was slayed. Obvious to any romantic. Listen close towards the end he asks her to cry a river for him "because I cried a river for you!"  If Joe is a real romantic believe me he would take her back, if it hurt that much. PS You act like that was the one and only original meaning, right when English was created. Like I said my friend,think i got you pegged dead on. Much safer, but mama, that's where the fun is!

Cry me a river is a sarcastic response to someone who is expressing sadness or complaining and for whom you have no sympathy.

Ah, yes. But in the Joe Cocker song, the object of his desire cheats on him and tells him she no longer cares. In essence, telling him to "Cry me a river".

Now, she apparently wants him back and he is having none of it.

So now in cold hearted revenge, he is telling her to " Cry me a river".

Romantic?  I don't see it.


   You must not be a romantic, lucky you. My personal reference is joe cocker admitting he cried a river over his girl. A lot of rivers have been cried of the heart.

@marc777 ,

You might want to look up the meaning of that expression before you use it again.

It may save you from a potential punch in the nose.

@marc777 I'm sad to inform you that oregonpap (Frank) passed away late last year. 😢 very sad.


 Hey were you one of those that had some bybee iQSE's in your system that interacted with Omega mats. I am going to copy and paste something written earlier to this, thanks marc

I had not tried any PPT products when Tim passed. I saw one of the Omega mats at Tweek Geek at a big discount and put it in the stereo breaker box and got mixed results. I read where some of you said the bybee iQSE clashed with the Omega mat. I had 2 left in breaker box with the mat so i took those out and put those 1 each on the back of my 2 JL113 subwoofers and  got some very substantial improvements. The mat by itself in the box was better, especially over time when it seems to settle in. The bybees on back of subs allowed me to lower bass volume per knob while improving clarity and punch in a stereo already with major jump factor.
   The Omega mat seems to have made the music more tightly connected with some added detail,improved timing and flow which give added realism that was not expected. When the mat is not near the iQSEs both benefit stereo in different ways for me. I plan to take out one day just to double check but another shocker for me in the land of tweakdom!  Are any of you using both but just not next to each other  Thanks,marc
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How can it come back when NO ONE knows what was in any of the products. If anyone ever says they do it will be a scam artist IMO.
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I placed my E-Mats on the back of the speakers covering the rather large crossover electronics.  Not in back of the drivers.  
I think Geoff's matter is extra dark this morning. Either that, or his machina isn't very dynamica at the moment. Too much sauce last night, Geoff?
geoff, you feeling all right this morning?
You didn't proofread your post, and if the Energizer Bunny was wind up, he wouldn't need a battery.

That’s weird. The product is not even available any more but the shills are still out in full force. Like Energizer bunnies, just wind em up and let em go.
  • Let me warn you though, if you do this, you may not ever be able to find speakers that sound this good without doing this same treatment.

Exactly, and it may be the cure we needed for that well-known audiophile disease ... "upgradeitis." 

If the mats are not supposed to work on magnets, why are users putting the mats on speaker cabinets which contain magnets on the drivers?  
I am trying to find the best spots to place mats on my speakers.

Yeah, that’s baloney. The problem is we’re dealing with a technology that is at best poorly understood. Audiophiles demand reasons- in spite of decades of experience that ought if they were paying any attention at all have long ago taught them hardly any of the reasons they’re given hold any water. I mean look, even watts. So come on. So the guy said something about magnets somewhere along the line. Cut the guy some slack.

The best places are around the internal speaker wires, crossover, and around the speaker magnet and frame. Cut a Mat into strips, tape or zip tie the strips along the wires. Wrap a strip around the magnets, secure with a zip tie.

If you really want to be blown away, apply fo.Q tape to the speaker frames, then paste the tape, wires, frames, and crossover with TC, then cover it all in Mats. Let me warn you though, if you do this, you may not ever be able to find speakers that sound this good without doing this same treatment.
If the mats are not supposed to work on magnets, why are users putting the mats on speaker cabinets which contain magnets on the drivers?  
I am trying to find the best spots to place mats on my speakers.
You making less sense than usual there old boy.
Maybe time to turn n for the night as the meds have obviously worn off.
Matty told Hatty about a thing she saw 
Had two big horns and a wooly jaw 
Wooly bully, wooly bully…
Well I just found another great location for a full mat.
my microrendu bridge crapped out yesterday so I had to move my laptop which was upstairs and runs Roon core over the network down into my music room and feed my dac direct from it via usb.
Well laptops standard are not renowned for their “ musical “ usb output and this was no exception.
Even hires Qobuz files sounded flat and uninvolved.
So this morning I slipped a mat under the laptop and over the past couple hours it’s really starting to sing.
A return of dynamics even on Redbook streaming with body and soul and toe tapping goodness.
I know, such technical terms......

Its likely made the i5 processor in it thnk  its an i7.... lol