New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


Showing 50 responses by glupson

"...based on the following it does not make sense to me, unless the thermostats on all your 'fridges are broken:"
It does not make sense to anybody, except those who have shelled money out for a large refrigerator magnet.
" will enjoy your calliflower 3 to 4 days longer.... :)"
Does anyone actually enjoy cauliflower?
Well, you are right. There is always something worse. But, going back to your question, even kids know the answer.
What a licensing windfall that would be, if only it could be licensed.
"In your opinion, what's up with the guy?"

Many things are up, but not much is wrong.

When it comes to threads like this, I am in no camp so I have an opportunity to do critical reading and, allow me to call it that way, thinking. That is why it did seem strange that this particular mat changes things so much. Either the writers were overenthusiastic with their descriptions, their systems were unbelievably bad from the beginning, or this mat is the most impressive thing since invention of fire.

Systems are not likely to be that bad and penicillin and a few more things are a bit more impressive. That leaves me with overenthusiastic writers.

About all these differences/improvements heard with these mats. How bad was it to start with when a mat makes it so much better?

For a casual reader, it seems unbelievable. Words and excitement presented are just way too strong.

Descriptions in this thread went over what I usually see in cable and fuse threads. They did seem like people were competing in who will say nicer things with not many, if any, doubting it. Hardly a case in those other threads.

My fault is that I read only recent responses without full original post which clearly states it is an advertising attempt.

Pure advertising at its finest, sorry but have to call it as I see it.

Bonus points for honesty.


"Looks like ya got him on the ropes to me."

If you only knew how funny this is.


Keep on waltzing. Maybe a mat on the dance floor will improve your rhythm, too.

"90 day return policy, how can you go wrong.
Then you can put your mouth where your money is......"

My curiosity is not that strong that I would risk spending time on packing it for return. Just not worth it for me.

I am not saying people do not perceive differences/improvements with this particular mat, just that it appears too enthusiastically written even for an advertising thread. That is all. I am glad everybody is enjoying their new acquisition, regardless of how unbelievable it seems to be.


This particular thread is an advertisement of sorts and it should be no problem as it is clearly stated in the first few sentences of the original post. Some threads are not that honest.

by the way, it is not speculation saying that this is an advertising thread and that posts praising the product appear to be from the teenage poetry competition. Basically, they do not make this advertising campaign believable. Those are facts.
Does anyone know the patent number for "perfect path effect"? Was it patented in the U.S.A.?

Enjoy your mat and understand that others do doubt the seriousness of your claims. In fact, after your last post, it is more obvious that you cannot be taken seriously at all. You may not work for the manufacturer, but it is not my fault that you decided not to get paid for the advertising work you do.

As far as my system goes, if it needed a mat to improve, I would have thrown it away. It does not matter what it consists of.

I kindly request you to stop posting advertisements in a forum.


Unfortunately, those are the facts. Attempt at advertising by using too many poetic descriptions has not attracted even one person to the flock, except a few of you who praise it in circles but you have been there from the beginning. Manufacturer asked "you" to introduce the product (ever heard of term "influencer"?), but I do not see many converts here. oregonpapa actually stayed decent with most points that would make someone try the product.

If the manufacturer is reading this, I suggest next time not to take this route. It gives her product a bad name without actual reason to do so. Hiring more professional, or at least self-controlled, crew would actually spread the word. Like this, who is going to buy a product a person is not allowed to ask a question about and only gets "you buy it, or you are not worth talking"? Good news is, no damage control needed, nobody really read this thread with any seriousness.

I do not take any medication. I do not need any.

nobody really read this thread with any seriousness

New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
7,771 views (so far)
The emphasis was on "seriousness".

I am proud not to have started any of the threads like this. I have a different career, being an influencer is not for me.

"With 2978 posts within less than 2 years, it appears that the only thing you take ’seriously’ is yourself."
It may be. I surely take you as a joke.

Thanks for checking me out, I had no idea how many posts or time it has been. It is nice to know that someone cares about it. Even if it is you.
It is sad to see responses to what was not intended to be any confrontation, or attempt to ridicule the product advertised. In fact, it got presented as if I had something against the product itself, which was not the case. My comments were aimed at the wording of posts describing it in terms that are hard to believe.

Well, now I know that insecurities run high in the mat community.

Come on, people. It is just a mat of some sort. You are taking it, and your observations, way too seriously.
 If you can get so riled up about a mat, new hobby may be a solution.
It may be worth auditioning. The option to return it does not allow you to be a sucker. Just a curious one. The price is whatever it is and, who knows, it may even be worth it. As the influencers say, what do you have to lose.

"Just to keep coming here with openly negative and antagonist posts is the sign of either a troll or someone with even less of a life than others here."

I merely noticed, and said, that descriptions seem exagerrated and this was your honorable response...

"C’mon Glupson, you should know better than that with how many of these type of threads you have haunted!.

That was just a way to try and gain a riseout of folks.

Pure trolling at its finest, sorry but have to call it as I see it"
and some more...

"Are you off your meds by any chance?"

"keep on walking Glupson……."
Not openly negative and antagonist? For sure.

Should we call your responses "classy"?

In my other life, I am not that skeptical. I am not skeptical even here, but, again, the posts in this particular thread were written in a way that seemed so over the top that it became "this seems strange".

In general, when it comes to reading about tweaks, I find it unexpected that all the tweaks seem to be for better. I do not know if I have ever read a negative tweak story. Some do not believe in tweaks, fine, some do, fine, but those who do do not seem to ever find them detrimental. Isn't that a little strange? Just by luck, statistics, whatever, it needs to happen, and it is not that common at all. I am not talking about this thread, but now, whenyou asked me about being skeptical.

You did find a tweak that did not improve whatever it was supposed to improve. Have you ever experienced any that actually made it worse? Such reports are really sparse with the caveat that I do not sift through them meticulously.

I could find two patents under Mr. Mrock’s name in the U.S.A. Both seem to be for contact enhancer. Omega E Mat info mentions that no physical contact is needed so I thought those patents may be irrelevant in this case. Am I wrong? Could contact enhancer improve contact in decidedly contactless environment?

Omega E Mat+ info claims double the power of the original one due to two-sided approach with more of the patented effect. Is that some other patent not under Mr. Mrock’s name, maybe licensed from another entity?

Not skeptical, just curious about the way things are allegedly working.


It is refreshing to read about "unsuccessful" tweaks. Not because I want them to fail, but because it all seems a bit more balanced. Just notice how rarely you will encounter statements that you, I must admit bravely, just made. Others do not seem to be that forthcoming. Or, maybe, they are just luckier than you and they had no failures.

I hope to get to the description of that patent. It is a part of description/advertisement (sales pitch, I guess) on the website. No matter how tight-lipped the inventor was, once it is patented it should be traceable somewhere and somehow. Maybe I will be luckier tomorrow. Maybe someone has already found it and is willing to share that, usually, public info.

Sad story and I understand parts of why a few of you would get so emotional.

Going back to this particular Omega E Mat+, after noticing differences, has anyone investigated further? Info on the website implies more of something that is patented. Has anyone been curious enough to attempt to figure out why the Mat works? Not just "less RFI" or whatever else has been mentioned in this thread. What is this patent, that seems crucial in the story, all about?

It is great when the product works, but is anyone curious what makes it tick? And the answer may be relatively close.

Does the packaging have some info about it? Years ago, even Matchbox cars mentioned patents on their underside.

No, don’t call me skeptic, call me curious and eager to learn.


I will have to give up on that. Just like everyone seems to have given up.


I do not mean to disrespect his wishes, no matter how unusual they may be.

However, I could have never guessed that a person would not be allowed to ask about something clearly posted on the website. In particular, about something that is frequently posted elsewhere for everyone to see.

Try to understand that most of us have not known the man and do not know anything about him, or his wishes. Much less about his work.

I will leave it at that.


I understand that.

I do not understand "no questions allowed" approach, though.

Don't care "why" anymore.


Thanks. The price on the Internet was $10 but the little window with, I guess, quantity also says 10. It appeared it would be 10 for 10 which seemed much cheaper than expected given the rest of the prices. It seemed like a steal. I got confused.


I am not sure I have actually ever seen the verbiage " no questions allowed" myself,

Of course, those might have not been the exact words, but a few posts above I was made aware that asking about what patent is in place here is not a good taste at this time. I will respect that to avoid offending someone. Add a few more of my questions that ended up with me becoming a troll and whatever else, and one would get a sense that questions are strongly discouraged.

On a completely different note, does anyone know how many of those RCA caps are included in $10 quoted price? It seems it is 10, but picture of the bag looks like it could be way more.

"type in Tim's last name its that simple."
It brings two patents for contact enhancer. Is there some other spelling?


Your comment about contacting the lady is a little out of place, bad taste at this moment, you could say. Nobody would do that, regardless of the patent situation. Try to remember that neither jay23, nor me, nor a few others have started, or asked for it to be started, a thread about these mats. Being virtually invited to it, and then scolded for wanting to participate was not expected. Calm down.

As atdavid said, it does not matter, but those are contact enhancers.
"PPT lacks the resources for large production and legal protection. A large company could copy the product, flood the market, bury a single proprietor in legal costs, drain resources and kill the business."

Isn’t that what patents are for? Making it clear could, in fact, help the company rather than not. Even large companies sometimes use smaller companies’ patents. It is not perfect, but it is the best that there is at this moment. A big company can easily disassemble and analyze the product. Being tight-lipped will not help too much.

After this unfortunate time of losing the charismatic and talented leader, PPT may need to clear some things in the market approach. This thread shows how it is possible to ruin even the best product by energetic good-intentioned amateur approach with no strategy. It may be too early to focus on that, but it is desperately needed if the company is to succeed.

I have been, gently, trying to sway all of this into that direction. Including the reference to patent number on Matchbox cars and explaining that language used for descriptions is simply too enthusiastic. Word of mouth is one thing, structured approach another. Well, I did some free consulting work to be paid in attacks.

Good luck with current approach.

What a thread it is, when geoffkait seems to have a sound view of the problem.

Except the Bob Dylan part, that one is questionable.

" a supercharged mat!"

It seems that fridge became supercharged. Nobody knows about mat.

Huh, that brings another set of questions.

If it is that efficient, will light bulbs last shorter?

"Just a little tidbit for Gulpson and Geoff to chew on. :-)"
Today is a good day. Every geoffkait’s post makes sense.

At the same time, if you guys want to help a lady, why not switch to the more promising forum? Why are you pushing it here?

You have a product protected by, still not located, patent with potential use for decreasing energy consumption on a large scale. You are pushing it between each other, maybe ten of you with another 100 or whatever low number of potential customers, augmented by indulgence of blasting those who see it from the side.

For example, European Union has many laws of which some are regarding decreasing energy expenditure. Some of the countries are even more interested in that than others.

Why don’t you focus your intentions to help on a potentially huge market? Why not approach the government of France and present the energy savings and positive environmental impact, let’s say from refrigerator use, with application of Omega E-Mat+? You could help the lady and then some. Maybe even the whole human kind.

If you think it is better to stay in strictly audio world, have you tried to help except on this thread? Have you contacted potential distributors in Singapore, Malaysia, Japan? Have you asked them how many listening sessions with local audiophiles they could organize to present this mat?

Instead of that, you spend your time making fun of geoffkait, me, and whoever has not bought the mat yet. Not that efficient of an approach and far from helpful.

glupson ...

You hit on a good point with your last post.
I am glad to get some credit, after all.

However, my point was that I read many praises, many wishes to help the widow, many warm words about the late inventor, many claims of wonderful uses for products, but nothing that anyone has actually done, or planned to do, to support those wishes and claims.

No, I do not have any PPT products. I am not really that invested in minuscle adjustments to sound I get. I do not have time for that, either.

Before any other thought, and in case you misplaced that tack as all of us sometimes do, I would like to make sure you recognize that my comments here focused solely on the purpose of this thread (...has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat..."). I looked, read, thought, and eventually commented, on the business/marketing aspect of it. The aspect of someone with no emotional investement in it who has to figure out how to improve presentation and final results. I pointed out some of the defficiences I could see in presenters’ approaches and even suggested a few routes that may have more potential than recirculating praises in one small circle of supporters. For some reason, you guys, tasked with presenting a product, took it as a personal offense instead of constructive criticism. If you want to improve, you do not ask for opinion from the one who thinks like you, you ask for it from the one who could trip you. That way, you can fix the holes in your game.

I took all of your claims about it working as "it works" because it is a completely different topic that I do not want to have anything to do with. Still, that aspect is also very important and being unprepared to answer questions about it in a coherent and calm manner can ruin even the best product. You failed miserably on that one. Granted, it may be because the inventor never told details to anyone.

Unfortunately for PPT, even Apple is not basing all of its current bussiness on the memory of one charismatic visionary. It takes more than that to sell the product. And that is what you were asked to do here. This may be difficult time for the family and friends and some of these thoughts may need to wait for a little bit, but challenges will not disappear just because they are inconvenient at this point.


"Well, Glupson--we are buying and using PPT products. That tends to help."
It does not hurt, but it may not be enough to support the business long-term. Your presentation, with a listening session, to audiophiles in Kuala Lumpur may go much further. Try it.


I would love for you to place a PPT Gate into your circuit breaker box, along with two Omega "Plus" E-mats, then liberally use Total Contact throughout your system, then place "Stop-Its" throughout your house in every unused socket, and finally place Omega E-Mats under your electronics, then see if you still think the results are "minuscule adjustments."

Well, it would ruin feng shui of the place. Not for me. I like it simple. I played with LEGOs when I was a kid, I am past that point now. Nothing wrong with playing at any age and I support anyone who likes to do what you have suggested.

For the last time, and for those few who ridicule me and pull the fact that I am not interested in trying PPT products. I have been focusing on the purpose of this thread, not on how true anyone’s statements are. You got too carried away trying to be fierce. Wrong target, sorry. I really do not care how this mat works, and if it works at all.


"So why do you continue to post?"

Long story, I tried explaining multiple times in this thread. I would not recommend you waste time and re-read the thread to figure it out. It is not worth it.

Enjoy the mats.


It was not about mats.

Please do not waste any more time with me. Adjust the thermostat instead.

Enjoy the weather.

"Not criticising that but not sure as that is of any concerns bar PPT themselves."

Well, someone was asked to promote the Omega E-Mat+ by PPT, according to the original post.

You guys may think you are helping the lady put the company back on its feet, or not fold, but you are just making a stand-up comedy conversation piece. It will be interesting to see how the sales go in five years if one of the marketing approaches is ten people blinded by emotions telling each other how great it is.

On top of that, regardless if it is true or not, when pushing this mat as an audio tweak skip the story about orange juice. It brings believability of everything related to the product to undetectable levels. Skip hyperbolae, they do the same. Initially, I really thought you were cracking jokes here. That is what anyone not already familiar with PPT products will think reading statements here. Tone it down, stay polite, exude professionalism. If you do not know the answer do not attack, find some polite way out of it. "Get your own mat and see" is not the answer. "Our sauce is secret but our flavor is legendary. It is best to try it within your own home and see if it would suit your taste. We offer no-question-asked money-back warranty." kind of thing.

I am sure PPT needs me as much as I need them. Well, in fact, not true.


If you need broken records, just copy your own posts. And drink more orange juice while it is still cold.

"I hadn't considered folks using Sony Walkmans and earbuds. "
Oooops, bad market research. geoffkait is not the only one. I am another.
"You are so far off base on the construction of The Gate, it is not even funny."

Wasn't The Gate secret, too?

Is Omega Mat now out of production?


"I suggest you have your say (maybe twice if absolutely necessary) and then leave it alone."

Duly noted. You are right. My bad.

At the same time, note that this thread does not leave an option of discussing the mat. It is disrespectful and not a good taste. All that is left is either accepting the words of others as a gospel, or discussing the actual intent.

"It seems any piece of wire also makes a good antenna for broadcast..."
It depends on the actual wave. Wire hangers are not that helpful with middle wave, but do good with ultra-short. Talking about car radio application although it can be mimicked elsewhere.

859 posts

05-22-2019 9:43am

I’m always a bit hesitant when a manufacturer at least does not give some information as to what makes a product function as claimed. Although the Gate must make some difference to ones sure would be nice to know what makes it tick.
If it was a hundred bucks or so...who cares!!! But... at would be nice to know what that much money brings to the table.

Even if I get dinged for having more posts, at least we think as one.

"You came on here, made derisive comments, and then played the victim, claiming you gave free marketing consultations..."
Your comprehension is also a bit skewed, just like you claim mine is. Derisive comments were honest, it all seems like you are joking. Ask anyone outside your group.

I played no victim. I really have no horse in this race. I just felt bad for the woman in rough times who resorted to help from what looked like a bunch of sad jokers. Sorry, I do not mean to be derisive but that is how it looks from outside.

I do admit I missed the target. It became obvious that marketing/sales strategy is based on mystery with cult/religion approach and not on some universally accepted standards of behavior. Looking back, it may be the only way to sell products that cannot be explained in any currently accepted way. No questions. Just send money. Do you even see what you are preaching here?