Need advice

I am fairly new to the audio world and am putting together a system based on my budget. I have an Ikura TT, Rotel RA-1570 intg amp, Marantz CD60006, Martin Logan 700 powered sub. I am 57 and listen to a broad spectrum of music. My budget for speaks is 1000 or less. This time of year affords me more deals in the sense that some 1500 speaker pairs on half off. I have been pointed towards;
Q Acoustics 3050i
ELAC Uni-fi UF5
I have been pointed towards Fluance, Pioneer and blah blah blah. I have educated myself on sensitivity, impedance, neutrality, etc. My Rotel will easily accomodate 4 ohms. 
Pls help with any other suggestions...I am just OVERWHELMED  with the shear volume of choices and opinions.
Thanks in advance.
ProAc DB1 perhaps? A few stores are inc the stands in price

Edit -out of budget 2k
I'm fascinated by the Wharfedale Linton Heritage. They're a little over your limit (without stands) but I'd check out if you can. Another option is KEF 201 Mk-I. I use these for home-theater and have never been let down. $3500 new in their hey-day (stands necessary). A lot of people say high-end is dying, yet there are so many choices. What can this mean?
Your room and speaker/listener placement will have as much if not more influence as your gear will towards what speakers might work best for you. Knowing those parameters can go a long way in narrowing down your choices.  

Are you prepared to buy used, or does it have to be new?

If you could find some kind of demo discount deal on the Lintons mentioned above, that would be great.

Used is a wery good idea. Do you know anyone who has a good balanced setup? If so mybe you can get some help to evaluate components there before you decide to buy. 
If you could find a used pair of Proac DT8’s that would be ideal, but you might get away with one of the incarnations of the Vandersteen 2 model (buy the most modern version you can afford).
For your budget of $1000 you should check out the SVS Prime Tower. Free shipping and a 45 day in home trial. You have nothing to lose!
A square room is bad. I would begin with book/record shelves along the wall behind the speakers, then the wall opposing.
*********THIS *******
Bring your ears to an audio store

Be best to go for some vintage speakers . If you can call 30 yr old speakers vintage . For example a set of jbl l100t3 or jbl L7 can be found under a 1000 and will beat the hell out of anything you can buy for a 1000 these days.not even the same planet. In todays dollars these would be 5-6000 easy . 
Blah blah blah? You know why it’s blah blah blah? Because you haven’t even bothered to give us any information about what sound and speaker characteristics are most important to you. Do you think maybe that might be some good information to have for people you’re looking to for recommendations?  Could you make a good recommendation to someone else without that information?  Without that information all you will get here is blah blah blah.
Thank you everyone very much. I will take all this into account. I have been by my local hi-fi store and while it was helpful..they seemed to be only interested in selling me things beyond my budget. I just wasn’t carrying enough cash for them. That is why I turned to this forum. I did learn some great things while I was there. The vintage thing is interesting but difficult to find reviews etc. I will, however, keep looking at that idea.

Dear SOIX, As far as your remarks regarding my "blah, blah, blah". That was only a literary tool so as not to carry on too long. If you re-read my post, I had assumed that I had given everyone here, that I assume are professionals, enough bullet-point information with my age, my gear, my broad palette for music for them to see beyond my few words and give good advice. It seems that everyone else on the forum "caught" that except you. Your demeanor was unnecessary and quite unhelpful. I would humbly suggest that if a post by a noob irritates you, that it would be more beneficial to ask the noob for more info rather than come out of the gate scolding. Your approach is not welcoming at all and does not promote good will in this or any other forum. I’m sure you have years of experience that a noob like me...even at 57 yrs of age..would love to have..but I’ll take a happy tail wagging dog that’s glad to see me at the end of the day over a mean junkyard prick of a dog any day.

To everyone else a resounding thank you.

You’re doing great mormark! Many people come here out of boredom, a chance to internet troll, learn and teach (mostly at beginner levels) and to mingle with other audiophiles. Your "blah, blah, blah" expression was perfectly fine to those of us who don’t come here to misinterpret and or mislead.

enjoy those friends you make, nothing like this great lifestyle


I'm fairly new to this hobby also but please allow me to pass on some advice I received from .  a serious audiophile and good friend.  He told me that he has spent probably $50,000.00 over the years, buying, selling, trading, upgrading, etc.  Of course his present system is terrific.  He then said that if he could start all over again, he could put together a system just as good, maybe better for about $10,000.00. Although my friend probably had fun along the way, I took that to mean that it may be a good idea to research, take your time, get some good advice on this site, and purchase wisely. Good luck. 
No specific recommendations, however,

I advise everyone to buy efficient high sensitivity speakers. Reduces amp power needs, reduces cost, size, weight, placement limitations.

High sensitivity allows you to try tubes in the future. Less power needs widens your choices, SS or Tube.

Even though your existing amp can handle 4 ohms, having 8 ohm speakers also maintains more flexibility in the future.

I advise against ports, if any, front ports only. If thinking about ports, then it is probably to keep speakers smaller, affordable, or both. In that case, I advise a darn good pair of moderately sized mains without ports, easier placement in any room, remove need for bass from mains and use self powered sub(s) which reduces power needs from main amp

If you like your existing sub, for music, I advise a stereo pair of front firing directional subs. Your sub is convertible down or front, nice flexibility. You could add a second one in the future.

If you think bass is mono, keep an open mind, any small jazz track with bass player off center, or this will convince you of the directionality of bass

Great system builders are not born, they are made over time.

To become one, requires work and a (long) journey.

Just start. Just Do. And Do some more....
Wow...thanks again everyone...keep 'em coming. Interesting elliottbnewcombjr re; the sub thing. I'll dig into that and learn. 

I saw this "Uncle Kevin" video yesterday. The Tannoy towers he's touting cost "only" $1100. They look very interesting. Regards
Show me an audiophile and I'll show you a person who's made at least one purchase mistake.
@mormark — My deepest apologies. After years of being here I get a little frustrated when certain information isn’t provided, and I failed to realize you’re new here. Welcome, by the way. I’m honestly trying to help here and hopefully get you better and more targeted recommendations for your specific tastes because we all hear differently and value different things. Let me be specific — although you’ve given some good info, we don’t know what is probably the most valuable information to make recommendations specific to your tastes. So, if you could let us know what aspects of sound reproduction and speaker performance are most important to you — i.e. tonality (warm vs. neutral), detail (hyper detail or not), imaging, 3D soundstage, pace rhythm and timing, bass (depth or speed), dynamics (micro/macro), etc. — it would be super helpful for us to better make recommendations specific to your tastes and needs. And again, my sincerest apologies for my rudeness before. I really do want to help if possible.
Even at a 1k price point for speakers, there are TONS of options. I will third or fourth or whatever the "go listen" approach. Preferable somewhere that may have your amp/int. Then go from there. Used is always a good option, but not always without potential pitfalls, no different than buying anything used. One set of speakers I have are the B&W 600 series speakers. I have the first gen, which to my ears are the better sounding of the line. A good set of towers 683/684 can be had for less than 1k easily. I have the 684's and think there are great. Partnered with a well placed sub (or not) can present a very nice overall system.
Tekton Lore is on sale for $1000 a pair delivered and Lore Reference for $750. Check out the Tekton Facebook group or give owner Eric Alexander a call for more. 
Thank you. I appreciate your making things right. My dad always told me that people will always have's what they do AFTER the bump that tells the tale. 
I am so new that much of the "audio-speak" is foreign to me. I grew up in San Francisco in the 60's and 70's as a kid/teenager. My mom was a studio pianist. I grew up on EVERYTHING. So a significant amount of my "hearing" was live. If I understand the language correctly, I think that I'd like neutral(?) I wouldn't think I'd be a fan of much other words if you hit a D or an A-flat..then that is what I want to hear. My mom always said the the musician should be able to present what they wanted people to hear..that's why she was a live pianist mainly. So I guess I'd say that even though I'm a ear is a little critical...I look for correct notes...duration of note...ebb or decay...not punctuation..and not mood. Perhaps I should break into my stash and just write a 5k or 10k ck...but then I'd have to buy my wife something of equal value...haaa. Does that noob description help? nice it is to keep getting all this help.

If Hi-Fi Heaven hasn't yet sold my old (but perfect) Wharfedale EVO2-40s, priced I think at $850, you might love them. Elegantly stylish in rosewood with all accessories including white gloves, highly musical, a bargain even at their original retail of $2k. Last I knew, HFH had photos posted online.
@mormark...There seems to be an almost infinite choice of speakers 'out there', so it is a daunting choice to make.  If you're still in a major metro (or near one), that can either be helpful or frustrating....

Helpful in that one can 'sample listen' to the current 'tech' levels...

Frustrating in that (as you noted) the sales staff wants you to pull the c-card and make their day....

Resist. ;) 

First step:  Take spouse out to a nice dinner and tell her you want to sell the car and buy speakers....(just kidding)...  But I admire your thought of spending equal $ on her as well.  It's helped my relationship with mine...

Growing up with 'live' music and attempting to duplicate that makes your quest perhaps a bit more 'difficult' than most.  I'd venture to opine that your memories range from the 'intimate' to 'studio' situations....quite a range there.

'Neutrality' in audio is a broad topic in itself; 'dynamics' or 'intimacy' within that in a large room...*shrug*

ListenListenListenListenListenListenListenListen to everything you can point your ears at.  What do you listen to?  Take a CD, dongle, anything portable and demand to hear it.

Used equipment is fine....speakers, however, Demand being heard.
You don't know their history...and I'm picky.

MHO...I'm an 'omni' sort...but my bias on that stance likely annoys most here...and I've got a very tough hide in that regard. *s*  To each...;)

Good luck, and happy shopping....

Thanks asvjerry..I think that is some great advice. I just noticed in my post above I typo'd "not punctuation" and "not mood". It was SUPPOSED to be "note punctuation" and "note mood"...geez if I could get this sausage fingers to type correctly!

As far as the dinner thing..After 28 yrs of marriage I think I'll just hand her a stash of equal cash and just say.."here..I love you...I'm buying myself some speakers"...and call it good. :)