If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you

1. Upgrade parts of you're system.
2.  Get rid of everything you have and start over again.
3.  Buy a new house and build a dedicated listening room.
4.  Hire a consultant to put together a system for you.
5.  Just enjoy what you have and buy more music.

2, 3, and 5 (the "buy more music" part).

If I were to hit the Power Ball Lottery and win about $900 Million

I Would:

(01). Quit My Job (Retire)

(02). Buy A House ($4.5 Million (Give Or Take))

(03). Hire An Attorney (To Make My Will Out... Will Money To The Family)

(04). Hire A Financial Consultant

(05). Book Me A Three Week Cruise On Norwegian Cruise Lines, Travel, Enjoy Myself, Think About My Newfound Wealth, & Try To Figure It ALL Out

(06). Buy A Mercedes Benz-Maybach S560 Sedan Fully Decked Out & Fully Loaded To The Nines (w/A BAD ASS System Inside Of It)($170K+)

(07). Buy SEVERAL Apartment Complexes For Rental Income To Keep The Money Coming In

(08). Donate To A Charity


(09). In MY BRAND NEW $4.5 Million House, I’m Going To Hire A Consultant, And A Contractor, & Design & Build A Dedicated Music Room & A Dedicated Man Cave Right Down In The Basement (YES.... THAT MEANS... Beefing Up The Electrical System, Making Both Rooms Acoustically Sound... More Power Outlets, Ampereges For Amps & Equipment.... I’ll Be Buying The Best There Is In The Business)

(10). When It Comes Down To The Size Of The Room, Size Itself Is Relative. Having Said That, A Small Room In A Huge $4.5 Million House Is Going To Be Much Larger Than A Small Room In A One Or Two Bedroom Apartment. That Will Be THE Determining Factor When It’s Time To Buy The Audio Equipment.

So Then If This Room Is Small, Then The Audio System Will Consist Of:

(A). Vandersteen Quatro’s or 5A Carbon’s; Bryston Amplification (Mono Blocks Probably For The Power Amplifiers); PC Server & Keyboard For Music Storage; Aurender A10 Music Server; VPI Prime Turntable w/JMW 3D Arm & Arm Base, & Grado Phono Cartridge

If The Room Is Large, Then The Audio System Will Consist Of:

(B). Wilson WAMM’s (In Black) or Martin Logan Neolith’s (In In Codoba Red); Nelson Pass or Jeff Rowland Amplification; PC Server & Keyboard For Music Storage; Aurender A20 Music Player; VPI Classic Direct-Drive Turntable w/JMW 3D Arm & Arm Base, & Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua Low Output MC Phono Cartridge

In The Meantime, The Man Cave Room (Home Theater) Will Consist Of:

(C). JVC Reference DLA-RS600U OR Sony VPL-VW1100ES Front Projector; 150"-200" Permanently Installed Movie Screen; PC Server & Keyboard For Movie & Music Storage; Revel Ultima Speaker System Package & Large SVS Subwoofers; Bryston Amplification (Multiple Power Amplifiers -- Power Output Is In The 1000’s Of Watts); Oppo Digital UDP-203 Universal Blu-Ray Player; Pool Table(s); Ping-Pong Table(s); Pinball Machines, Wet Bar With Bar Like Seating, & Decorated With Paraphernalia Of My Favorite Sports Teams, & With History Making Articles & Paraphernalia Of Sports Stars Whom I Like & Respect From Elsewhere In The Assorted Leagues.


But Before I Do All Of THAT, I Would Break Up My Current Audio System, And Give My Old Gear Away To Someone Who Will Appreciate It As Much As I Did.

Happy Listening For Sure...

One one and three...  

Have a couple SAT Swedish Analogue Technologies tonearms sent out immediately. 

Then start drafting plans for a dedicated listening environment. 

I would also create a charitable trust for music education and enrichment. 

Happy Listening!

Well, given the choice I would book hookers for the private party to hear their music, so to speak.
Sad reality regarding musicians but it's always been like that.
Inna -- it all depends on magnitude. 
If I help a hooker $3...5k per night it's believe it or not it is help. The question is if one worth it or not and some of them really do... Easy to find too. Just ask concierge at Ritz Carlton South Beach and you'll get a tremendous choice of soon to be famous ladies blowing minds gentleman with huge dollar in the pocket.

Weather musicians servants or not, they can be booked at specific price anywhere from $200 to $fewM. I booked for my birthday 2 years ago Beka Gochiashvili who is now part of Chick Corea "Friends" and paid $1k for booking. When I first time heard Beka I was dreaming him to play for my private party and I made it happen! Bob James was almost half-way down to book...

When budget is right, I'd really book many classical pianists and believe me they are being booked for private performances more often than you think not by audiophiles though. They like to spend on equipment not on artist. 

The price is right -- call it a night.

I didn't win.

I'm donating all of my gear to Goodwill,  then buying a Bose Music Wave.
I am frugal:

1- Re-tip my Supex through SoundSmith. Find an Audire Class A amp or two, eventually; otherwise, go to Audio Research. Buy back my beautiful KT-917 or equivalent. Keep B&K tuner. Upgrade B&W 803's with 802's. Build perfect sub box for inside my fake fireplace. Take audio design course at MIT to design crossover for such and my DM 16 based subs. Well, maybe hire consultant from MIT, instead.
2- Get rid of Supercharged S2000 and its crappy sound for supercharged Lotus Evora with whatever it takes for great sound. Add Jag XKS convertable for daily driver.  
3- Undoubtedly, but maybe just add on to house. Already have excellent acoustics, but garage could be redone into third system, maybe even with movies. A second floor would be nice. A new system in my repurchase of ex-chalet in the mountains would be on the list. 
5- Mostly, and I don't have to win the lottery. 
"Hey, devil, ,I already have a sense of humor , You need a sense of serious."

Yep, you seem like a true comedian schubert...
i can tell you right now that the ones who went out and spent 400k on a new set up would never be happy with it after a week. i would wager they were back on a gon 10 days later looking for tweeks, like that resonator bell i see for sale at 2400$. best bet is season tix for every major symphony and concert you can find
Zoya, even this kind of money cannot help in inviting dead musicians. Besides, musicians are not servants. I mean, not supposed to be, they should not come to your house.
I remember when the Audio pimp was in business years ago. He sold audio equipment and helped hookers at the same time. Now that was an Interesting business plan. To bad he was such a crook.

with this money who needs a stereo -  anytime I want to here music I would fly to a live concert or invite a band/orchestra/singer to perform for me at my house.
Inna, indeed, no one but you could think about using a store to help other audiophiles.
Nah I'd rather help hookers -- much more pleasure.
Interestingly, no-one said he would buy a high end audio store and help other audiophiles as much as possible. Telling, right? So what do you want from regular dealers? They don't care about us and they are right.
Here's my recommendations, no charge:
1. Destroy your cell phone.
2. Call a lawyer.
3. Call an accountant.
4. Leave town for Anywhere.
5. Call family from a new cell, destroy it.
6. Send significant family some cash so they could get lost too.
7. Contemplate setting up your own version of a 'witness protection program', so you can 'stay lost' as far as the public is concerned.
8. After setting up #7, THEN you can think of a new stereo....and the house to put it in.
9. Do everything by proxy until the hubbub dies down...which might take awhile.  But, at that point, you ought to have all the time and money you could possibly want to do so.
10. BTB, congratulations.
Whatever you’re doing now will be converted to keeping track of the money.
That's why god invented money managers ;-)  I bet I could get my financial adviser to give me a discount!  Even at 1/10 of a basis point, that would be close to $1M/year in fees on the lump sum payout.  Chicken feed compared to the $70M/year long term average return you could make w conservative investments.  The hardest part would be managing the charitable foundation.  First world problems, indeed!

Winning $1.5 BILLION would be work.
Whatever you’re doing now will be converted to keeping track of the money. I suppose you could listen to music while you were doing it.
Post removed 
Now that it's over one billion dollars, let's see- build a home with a dedicated music room? Check. Do some upgrades? Check (a new phone cartridge would be nice- mine's at least 12 years old). Buy more music. Double check. 

Oh, and 1- retire, 2- give some very dear friends money, 3- laugh my butt off
Hey it's the Playboy mansion.   Strange?

Hefner living there could be a special bonus if he continues to party with the hot babes I your house.  🤔

I heard on CNN today that part of the deal with the Playboy Mansion being sold is that Hefner could stay there until his death. I can't Imagine someone spending 200 million on a property and having to let Hefner live there. It sounds awful strange to me.

One could buy the Playboy mansion I see for a mere $200 million.  Nice place!  Might want to give it a good cleaning first before moving in.  Hefner payed a bit over 1 million for it originally back in the 70s I read.  Nice appreciation.
That's why I don't support lottery. It's a catch to rip you'all off and buy more ammo.
The payout on the $1.3 billion prize,  if won by an individual,  and taken as a lump sum one time thing is somewhere north of $400 million.  No gripes about the big bad government taking the $700 million in taxes since the work involved in winning it was just plain dumb luck.

That being said,  family and friends would be taken care of immediately.

I would then take half of the remaining money and become an anonymous philanthropist,  chairing any number of charities which in and of itself would be a full-time,  noble,  worthy occupation.

Then its a mad blur of purchasing houses,  automobiles,  socks,  candy, and solar powered inflatable zeppelins.

As for audio gear,  allow me to paraphrase Ralph Kramden...

"just think how great all this will sound in a Park Avenue apartment,  Alice!"

Pull away from the Matrix and get off the grid. 100% solar power and purchase more expensive gear.
If you were to count from one to 1.3 billion (estimated amount next time around) at a second for each count, it would take over 43 years to finish.  That's too much for one person when you think of it. Screw this winner take all mentality we have in these States and make it so there's 1,000 million dollar winners or 2,000 half million dollar winners. Anyone could easily live off that much.

The demand would be so great as there would be so many possible winners. Just a thought.

All the best,
3 and 5. Keep my kit. New house. Give up the damn job and all the waste of life that entails.
Hey, devil, ,I already have a sense of humor , You need a sense of serious .
Maybe build a small theater with great acoustics, and hire my favorite artists to come play live for my guests and I. A concert a week, maybe more. Engage Kavi Alexander to record the shows, so we can finally get great music recorded in great sound.
Hey Schubert,  if you hit the lottery the first thing you can buy is a sense of humor. 
Lol. Lighten up a bit. I'm just playin.
This is easy for me to answer; see my previous thread on the Magico Q7, Solution Electronics system I heard at Chattelin Audio in The Netherlands, December 2014:


That will take care of the first $0.5 million of the lottery win, the rest I can waste on sex and drugs and rock and roll!
Rather obvious anyone who would choose "devilboy" as a moniker has no interest in welfare of others . 
I'm wichoo man. A '57 Goldtop fer sher!

czarivey says:
"you've all forgotten to give at least half to the warlords first."

You don't need to remember that. They take it right off the top!
Definitely #3. This is the plan already established. If I had that sort of money however the "room" would be a separate building from the main house connected by a breezeway. I would research and oversee each step of the construction since I love projects. The most interesting aspect would be determining room shape. That would be so much fun!
Don't wanna sound like a jerk here but, charities will not be the first thing I think of if I hit for 1 billion dollars. 
All this "doctor's without borders" talk is NOT why I'm reading this thread.
Come on guys. Say something....
...I don't know.......exciting. Remember, you just hit for a BILLION dollars.
After/if I made it through the first few weeks of partying like the wolf of wallstreet, then I'll start to think about charities. 
If I'm not dead. Lol

Alternatively, could sacrifice the presidency and stereo upgrade, form private Foreign Legion and stop the war in Syria within two months. Doctors Without Borders and Save The Children wouldn't be needed there much.
1. Buy presidency. Not US presidency.
2. Slightly improve my stereo, by a factor of 10.
3. Not a dime to any charity, might set-up my own.
That's enough money to buy an Oceanfront home on the East Coast with a large listening room with floor to ceiling windows all around so I can watch the sunrise listening to some great tunes and then get in my chartered jet and fly to my West Coast oceanfront home with floor to ceiling windows to watch the sunset and listen to some great music.