
Responses from mgattmch

Revox Introduces A New Reel-To-Reel Deck...$16k
All I can say is; IMHO 15ips 2T tape can have the best SQ of any medium, albeit at a stupid price. For example, Lyn Stanley, London With A Twist, or Norah Jones, Come Away With Me, both these recording, and others, make people think they are liste... 
Here's a really, really great video on Richard Manuel (and oh yeah, The Band).
I had no idea up until seeing/hearing the above videos how brilliant The Band was, now I do, thanks for posting. Quite simply, as good as rock music can be, definitely going to look at The Last Waltz again.  
Be aware of a scam!
Thanks markd70, this is a great heads-up/warning, appreciated. thecarpathian agree entirely with red flag 1 and 3, not sure why a gmail account is also a red flag, please elaborate (I am probably missing something obvious here).  
Trip to Tokyo/Japan
Just head for the Akihabara district in Tokyo, a HiFi Aladins cave. Never been anywhere else in the world like this place.  
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ???
This is my original post on my 2C HiFi epiphany: Still the best 2C system I have ever heard nearly 5 years later.  
Core Audio Designs ....The Man, The Myth...The Legend - Arnold Marr
I agree entirely, Arnold is an absolute joy to work with and a true gentleman. He has built 2 racks and a custom TT shelf for me, The second rack is a custom double plyKraft 3L rack (2x3 shelves). Quality and functionality are beyond reproach.  
Bose buys McIntosh
Sadly true, more details for you:    
Where to purchase cables?
I use this company: . Their products and service are outstanding IMHO.  
Infinity RS 1B - How does the 'old dream speaker' compare to today's speakers?
Just in case you want to buy a pair of IRS speakers (IRSV fully refurbished and updated): Interesting video by Paul McGowan of PS Audio.  
Truly Stunning Vinyl Album
thegoldengoose you are wrong, finding music on tape is not difficult. Here is a link to the companies that release master tape copies: Finding master tape copies is not diffi... 
Truly Stunning Vinyl Album
I recently purchased the Analouge Productions UHQR The Doors LA Woman disc. I honestly don’t know how a 53 year old recording can sound this good on a 33 1/3 vinyl disc, simply mind blowing! Surface noise was non existent, dynamic range was outsta... 
Upgrade From SME IV to V - Worth It
Many thanks for everyone's input/advice. The general consensus of opinion is; keep the SME IV. Good advice, which I plan to take. The suggestion to replace my Clearaudio Maestro V2 Ebony MM cartridge with a Soundsmith Voice MI cartridge is interes... 
Analogue Productions New Doors LA Woman Vinyl Disc
noromance I believe you are correct, number 170 from the second stamper.  
The Audiophile Song - Who Can Relate?
Thanks for sharing rooze.  Very funny song/video, certainly made me smile. Been an audiophile for more than 55 years now, pleased to report I am no where near as crazy as the guy in the video.  
MoFi v/s UHQR
Don’t make the mistake I just made when looking at the link for the Analogue Productions reissue of La Woman, posted by lalitk above. I initially thought I have this AP disc, what’s the big deal? I then reread the information about this new UHQR d...