I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
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I'm surprised nobody mentioned "Some Girls". That song created a controversy when it came out in '78.
Man, am I sorry I was late to this thread!

Back to the original issue of why the Stones dropped Brown Sugar (a masterpiece of rock musicianship), please remember that along with old age usually comes children and grandchildren.
Reflect for a moment sitting around the dinner table with said offspring and imagine the drubbing Jagger and Richards must get about that song.
Unfortunately, being PC is part of youth social makeup now…..and I have a few scars  to show for it as proof…..
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Hello, Godwin.  This entire thread will now be possibly been censored.
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I don't understand some peoples' need to rewrite history.  The reason the US now has laws banning discrimination based upon race is because historically the US was a systematically racist society.  Prime examples would be the race based slave economy or the Indian removal policies.  Sadly, vestiges of the systematic racism still exist today.

The Rolling Stones like to court controversy in their lyrics and they are not above making direct social commentary.  But what would your reaction be if the Glimmer Twins wrote a song about the concentration camp guards enjoying some "Jew Sugar" in the joy divisions?  It's only rock 'n' roll, right!
Rock N Roll would never tolerate "censorship". This is bad news.

Happy Listening!
Wow you people are absolutely crazy with zero grasp of history, politics, reality, anything. Just amazing the stuff that gets said in this thread its like Audiogon has become Fox News. Give it a rest guys.
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All during the 16 election I watched virtually every one of Trump’s campaign speeches. In their entirety. Beginning to end. I’m talking from the time he walks down the aisle to when he leaves.

One time after watching one of these, literally watching him walk down the aisle meeting and shaking hands, then the whole speech beginning to end, the next day I am out and pick up a newspaper. Seeing a report on the same campaign stop I start reading.

WTF are they talking about? Not one thing in the paper is what I saw! Doing a double-take I look and sure enough, same day, same city, there’s even a picture matches what I saw on video. I keep reading. Finally one tiny thing that actually happened is reported- only instead of the friendly joke with everyone laughing that actually happened the "news" has it that Trump was dissed for insulting the very same person who was cheerfully shaking his hand.

It was all so shamefully distorted I went home and watched that part again. Sure enough, total BS. They flat-out lied about the whole thing.

No wonder people think Trump said drink bleach, that he is a racist white supremacist and all the rest. If all you do is watch these liars, who most certainly are a wing of the democrat party, that is what you will think.

It is all a lie, and they have been doing it a very long time. I remember back before the internet when I fell for it. I have always been a news junkie but back then there really were hardly any alternatives so it was hard to know the extent of the lies. I really did believe Newt Gingrich was a bloodthirsty demon who ate puppies and pushed grandmothers down the stairs. One time I read a really intelligent article about how to fix Social Security and was shocked to see these eminently reasonable and innovative ideas came from this same Newt Gingrich.

I could go on with literally scores, hundreds of stories over the years. So I don’t get too upset when I say Epoch Times is news and someone calls it batshit crazy conspiracy theory. If all you feed your brain all day is Brian Stelter of course you will feel that way.

How we get out of this is anyone’s guess. It is far from certain that we will. Unless a lot more sober up and wake up, we won’t.
@artemus_5 ,

Great post.

I like to believe that distance does tend to give you a better perspective.

The over idealistic inexperienced young though, will have to learn for themselves.

As many of us had to.

Great to see that amongst us are folks such as yourself with long memories. Nowadays, I’m having trouble recalling details of what happened last year...I’m blaming information overload.

Anyway, that’s why it’s important that everyone gets a say.
@ ghasley

Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan could have a beer
I have kept pretty close tabs on politics since the late 70’s. I remember watching Ollie North trial on C-span. Then the evening news at 6:30. They reported on the trial. But it seemed like we had watched 2 different things. There was no accuracy on their parts then and it has gotten progressively over the years til now they are just a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They are also the ones who started this myth of Tip & Reagan working together IMO since I never saw any evidence of thins before Reagan’s death.
As to the 4 parties I believe that is the scene they want you to believe. of course the " enlightened right " are the ones who continually cave to every hair brain idea of the left. Show me one instance of Dem’s moving towards agreement with the right. It isn’t there. But that too is a show IMO. The real truth is that we have a uni party (An Idea I had always shunned before recently). The parties now remind me of the pro Wrestling circuits. They have the heels (bad guys) and the baby faces (good guys) fighting against each other over right & wrong. but at the end of the month/week, they BOTH get a paycheck. Only the DC elites get a check from China instead of Vince McMahon. Remember the Biden laptop (from hell). Of course it was swept under the rug quickly as were the FISA court records for the Russian Hoax & Hillary’s emails
All I can say is thank God we have a two party system in this country that allows different views to be discussed, debated, and voted on. If you only want one point of view go and live in a communist country and see how you like it.

Why bother when it is already in the White House?
Right now it seems we have a four party system....it would be great if there were just three. That's kindof what we have enjoyed post WWII, especially after McCarthy-Murrow.

It seems there is a far left (forgive all student loans, abolish law enforcement), an enlightened left, an enlightened right and a radical right. I seem to recall many in the radical camps used to tame their rhetoric in order to get things done. I also seem to recall the voting records of moderates in both camps would find middle ground without grandstanding. Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan could have a beer. Not so much today. Javits, Dirksen...where are today's versions?
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And a three party system would be ok also but since the current two parties can't agree on much it's doubtful a third would help. Maybe a little more moderate thinking is in order.
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All I can say is thank God we have a two party system in this country that allows different views to be discussed, debated, and voted on. If you only want one point of view go and live in a communist country and see how you like it. 

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@ghasley we can be amicable and of course there can always be improvements in race relatons but that's not the goal that's being advanced today. We are being purposely divided with the end goals of unrest. Today there are exclusionary practices being performed by black groups and white liberal guilt mongers. Calls for segregated (no whites allowed college dorms) , jobs where white people need not apply, etc. There WERE people on the right side of the 3/5 debate, north, and there were people who were wrong, south. You basically said the same in your response, ie the same people.
I think that its tremendous that the elites are being exposed to the world in this manner for their many contradictions and selectively authoritarian tactics.  The tissue thin agenda is transparent for all who can think.

Of course the Stones didn't announce this particular decision with fanfare and publicity.  They are British. 

Any fallout was bound to happen organically by the caterpillars; this was always going to be inevitable, and quite effective in the circumstances.
As usual in the media, the actual story gets buried and ignored. The band (Jagger) had removed it from the setlists and an interviewer noticed it was missing and asked why. Next thing you know, we have these 'the sky is falling' stories all because a song is changed on a setlist.

But the band didn't do it for publicity or even make a public announcement. It was only after a reporter asked about it it became widely known.
By self-sensoring, the Stones have let cancel culture win. How? Because the catalyst for the self-censorship IS the cancel culture. They’ve been playing the song for about 50 years, and all of a sudden they had an epiphany? Baloney! They caved due to uninformed criticism of the lyrics. It’s a song which abhors slavery, it doesn’t promote it. Censorship of any kind, whether self-imposed or otherwise "required," is a very dangerous thing ... once it becomes the norm, the we are all lost. The Stones should have the "stones" to put the song back in the set, and damned be anyone, or any organization, or any political movement, or any government, who or which tries to stop them.
Systemic racism refers to largely unintentional racist outcomes it's not that America has racist laws, though it's had some, its about systemic issues that end of having racist outcomes.

Please dont assume Im a member of a particular political party, I just happen to be honest rather than revisionist. The three fifths compromise, as EVERYONE who bothers to read objectively must recognize, was the result of contentious debate. How can objective people view the debate from either side as anything but systemically racist? One side argued that slaves should be counted as people if counting for represatation in the house, HOWEVER, that same group didnt want them counted as people for the purpose of taxation. The other side were in opposition in both cases. They were “people” if it benefitted their “owners” or “property” if it benefitted their “owners”. I dont believe this is in dispute by either of us is it?

I dont assign any noble points to either side of the debate who voted for that “compromise”. It was immoral then and it is immoral now. Why are we arguing that America fell short of its ideals for centuries. We suck less today than we did then when it comes to racial equity. 

I never voted for Mr. Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, Senator Fulbright nor Senator Byrd. Not quite sure why you inserted them into the conversation. As far as the idealized version of the America you communicate, I do very much hope we live up to those ideals someday. Recent voter suppression legislation doesnt give me much hope but I do still have high hopes. Peace.
@dabel I'd love to as I'm a Rush fanatic but alas you and the concert are far far away.
@ghasley you bring up the 3/5 compromise and the revisionist historians point to it as evidence of racism. Clearly it is you that has a poor grasp of history and add civics to the list. How is the House of Representatives assigned members? By population. The southern slave states wished to have full representation based on their population including slaves but of course slaves were not allowed to vote against their own oppression. Non slave states didn't want to endow that kind of power to southern states so the compromise negated that through lowering the population count of southern states. It is easily discerned if you read the writings of the times rather than the agenda driven clap trap of liberal professors and professional victimologist.

If the United States was in fact systemically racist there would be laws on the books to disadvantage minorities and keep them from participating in any form of government, employment, education, protection by the law, protections granted by the Constitution, etc. In fact it is the exact opposite! There are laws on the books that ban discrimination based on... race! We are, and have been the most diverse and accepting nation on the face of the earth. People are free to come here from anywhere (preferably legally) and persue the American Dream. A great majority of them succeed. When you tell a man he cannot escape his circumstances due to imaginary suppression he will not escape his circumstances. When you tell a man anything is possible because it is he can.

You can describe it any way you like it but the Democrat Party was the author of Jim Crow. They praise to this day Margret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood as a way to control the black population who she referred to as weeds as well as the mentally impaired. Hillary Clinton adored Robert Byrd, a (cough) former KKK Grand Clugle and BJ Clinton's mentor Wm. Fulbright was an avowed segragetionist.

Racial tensions are beneficial to those who wish to overthrow our form of government, you can't get people to be with you if they are happy. Be happy and know that we as a nation can become the melting pot of the past instead of the salad bowl people try to make us believe we are.
Freedom is a confounding thing, self censorship, attempts to rewrite history and control the narrative, being hypocritical are just a few of the rights I observe being practiced in this thread thus far.
having lived and worked in the South, i know better..of course “ the music “ includes… Strange Fruit

Perhaps a reread of Killer Angels is in order….
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Note to self: Never debate with MC! Although, I agree with him, so I’m safe.

I don’t think an audiophile forum is the place to get involved in these very divided political discussions. Especially today. Which is sad.

But, as someone who has studied Constitutional history, and yes, even read the Federalist Papers, let’s clear up something here that was referenced; The 3/5ths clause.

Why was this done, well, if you hear some today, they actually think that was because the framers only believed the slaves were less than a whole person. And that is completely wrong.

The southern slave state representatives wanted to count their slaves as a whole ‘person’ and included in their total population. Keep in mind, in those large plantation areas, the non-slave population was smaller in comparison to the northern states. Why would they do that? Well, because that would mean greater representation in the House of Representatives, and their Congressman would have more power in numbers. On the other hand, the northern non-slave state representatives did not not want the southern slave states to include their slaves population at all. Why? Because they did not feel the slave count should increase their representation in the House of Representatives, at all. And thus have more power, ‘on the backs’ of their slaves.

The Northern representatives wanted the southern slave states to be less powerful by not including their slave population at all, as they could then have a better chance of outlawing slavery in the future per federal law in Congress.

Now, the compromise. Neither was going to agree to either sides requests/demands, thus the ‘3/5’ clause was finally adopted in order to get the Constitution out to the states for ratification. The northern reps decided they would deal with it afterwards. Well, we did, but not they way it was hoped.

The southern representatives, yes, the slave holding states, actually ‘won’ on this 3/5ths verbiage adopted, as it gave them more power in the House vs what the northern representatives wanted them to have. But, it was still a compromise.

This had nothing to do with the value of slaves as individual people. It’s interesting how the southern states must have at least valued them, in fact, they wanted to value them as ‘whole people’ in order to give them more power. But, they also didn’t fully achieve that by the 3/5ths clause either.

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With the Stones dates spaced days apart, I was thinking the Stones would do one of their secret small club performances WITH Brown Sugar.

So far, no story to read about. Oh well. 

So the new normal for surviving "Classic Rock" groups now  is  "filter" your set list to appease and ensure steady cash flow.

Roll with the new normal and grit your teeth.
So, you didn't watch it then. Figures.    

And oh by the way I KNOW you didn't watch it because it is for registered users! So either you are a registered user paying a site you consider "batshit conspiracy theories" which makes no sense, or you aren't and didn't watch it but nevertheless think you know what's in it- which also makes no sense.    

Yes it really is that easy to prove you make no sense.
All men created equal, are slaves considered men ? Equal but of unequal worth in the slave trade…. Go reconcile