I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  

Showing 12 responses by millercarbon

All during the 16 election I watched virtually every one of Trump’s campaign speeches. In their entirety. Beginning to end. I’m talking from the time he walks down the aisle to when he leaves.

One time after watching one of these, literally watching him walk down the aisle meeting and shaking hands, then the whole speech beginning to end, the next day I am out and pick up a newspaper. Seeing a report on the same campaign stop I start reading.

WTF are they talking about? Not one thing in the paper is what I saw! Doing a double-take I look and sure enough, same day, same city, there’s even a picture matches what I saw on video. I keep reading. Finally one tiny thing that actually happened is reported- only instead of the friendly joke with everyone laughing that actually happened the "news" has it that Trump was dissed for insulting the very same person who was cheerfully shaking his hand.

It was all so shamefully distorted I went home and watched that part again. Sure enough, total BS. They flat-out lied about the whole thing.

No wonder people think Trump said drink bleach, that he is a racist white supremacist and all the rest. If all you do is watch these liars, who most certainly are a wing of the democrat party, that is what you will think.

It is all a lie, and they have been doing it a very long time. I remember back before the internet when I fell for it. I have always been a news junkie but back then there really were hardly any alternatives so it was hard to know the extent of the lies. I really did believe Newt Gingrich was a bloodthirsty demon who ate puppies and pushed grandmothers down the stairs. One time I read a really intelligent article about how to fix Social Security and was shocked to see these eminently reasonable and innovative ideas came from this same Newt Gingrich.

I could go on with literally scores, hundreds of stories over the years. So I don’t get too upset when I say Epoch Times is news and someone calls it batshit crazy conspiracy theory. If all you feed your brain all day is Brian Stelter of course you will feel that way.

How we get out of this is anyone’s guess. It is far from certain that we will. Unless a lot more sober up and wake up, we won’t.
All I can say is thank God we have a two party system in this country that allows different views to be discussed, debated, and voted on. If you only want one point of view go and live in a communist country and see how you like it.

Why bother when it is already in the White House?
So, you didn't watch it then. Figures.    

And oh by the way I KNOW you didn't watch it because it is for registered users! So either you are a registered user paying a site you consider "batshit conspiracy theories" which makes no sense, or you aren't and didn't watch it but nevertheless think you know what's in it- which also makes no sense.    

Yes it really is that easy to prove you make no sense.
jond- please give one example of Epoch Times coverage that was "batshit crazy conspiracy theory". Link to it. Put up or shut up.
I have been aware for some time now that many of us who were born and grew up here take liberty for granted. Too many assume what has been must always be, as if it can never be changed. As astoundingly ignorant as this is of history we have plenty of examples here. Meanwhile those who grew up elsewhere are far less likely to be so sanguine. We are in the midst of a cultural revolution. I mean that literally. But you need to understand the full history and horror. https://www.theepochtimes.com/i-want-to-wake-people-up-xi-van-fleet-survivor-of-maos-cultural-revolu...  

This may be behind a firewall or require a subscription. EpochTV is totally worth the sub. Best content I have seen, period. But I have one free access user ID that I haven't used yet. Anyone wants it, anyone not MDS that is, request it here and PM your email and it is yours.
It is not about the song, not about the lyrics. Being authentic comes close. Authentic means from the author. The person. The individual. Being authentic is being original and true to yourself.

But we are not talking about some trivial word change. We are not talking about a song that the audience has moved on and no longer cares to hear. We aren’t even talking about a song they just plain got tired of playing. No. None of these. We are talking about a song the mob has pressured and coerced them into dropping simply because they can.

It has nothing to do with the lyrics or subject matter of the song. If that were the case then as everyone clearly understands there are a million such songs. It is simply they see it as their next opportunity to exert control.

This is what they do. Where have you people been the last two years? Where is there any indication there will ever be any end to it? The instant they have cowed Mick Jagger into line they have already moved on to the next target. And they will keep going and going for as long as cowards like Mick acquiesce.

If you want to live in a world where you are no longer free to do or even think anything but what they tell you, just keep going the way you are. If you want to live free, JUST SAY NO!
Brown Sugar, I honestly never really knew the full lyrics until now. The way I see it, the lyrics are not even germane. Not even in the least.  

What is germane, the one salient point, the Stones had a song so bloody famously popular it was not only a standard for decades but one of their signature songs they would save for the very end. Kind of like Springsteen Jungleland. Which they stop playing, Why? Because it is no longer popular? People don't want to hear it? They just plain got tired of playing it?  

None of those. Which we do not have to guess at either. Because we have Keith Richards himself saying he is trying to figure out why they're trying to bury it. Bury it. See? And even he is afraid to get into it.  

Most certainly I am NOT slamming Keith Richards. In this climate I applaud him for even having the guts to mention it at all.  

Honestly, I am glad for this thread. Now having read the lyrics the song is a lot more edgy and gritty and real than I knew. In 3 minutes it paints a picture of the past worthy of Tarantino.    

Sorry if I jumped down your throat. But a couple things to keep in mind.  

One, I am as a student of history keenly aware of just where this sort of thing leads. It leads to millions dead. Every. Single. Time. And two, we got people here so MDS they come back again and again under new user names, mail creepy post cards to my wife, try and get me fired from my job. Lots more here, they may not actually do it, but they think that it happens is just fine and dandy. They are in my mind not all that different than the ones who think it is just fine and dandy to censor and re-write history. If you are not either one of those by all means now is the time to let me know.
I agree with Keef.
"I’m trying to figure out with the sisters quite where the beef is," Richards said. "Didn’t they understand this was a song about the horrors of slavery? But they’re trying to bury it. At the moment I don’t want to get into conflicts with all of this."

The worst censorship is self-censorship. Because if someone else shuts you up at least you still think what you think. In self censoring you no longer allow yourself to even think about certain things. Then there is when they manipulate people into censoring each other. Happens around here all the time. People who already have lost the ability to think for themselves try and impose their lack of free independent thought on others. They are what Stalin used to call "useful idiots" those who have internalized the party line to the point they actually help it along. Like saying this isn’t an example of cancel culture when obviously it totally is.
Are you for, against or indifferent to the lyrics of Brown Sugar or just taking the opportunity to state a general position against censorship?

How typically disingenuous of you. If you have anything on topic to contribute by all means please do.
The worst censorship is self-censorship. Because if someone else shuts you up at least you still think what you think. In self censoring you no longer allow yourself to even think about certain things. Then there is when they manipulate people into censoring each other. Happens around here all the time. People who already have lost the ability to think for themselves try and impose their lack of free independent thought on others. They are what Stalin used to call "useful idiots" those who have internalized the party line to the point they actually help it along. Like saying this isn’t an example of cancel culture when obviously it totally is.