I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  

Showing 6 responses by tablejockey


The Stones are part of the generation which represents "doing their own thing"  

I think it's more of a PR thing to align more with $ponsor$, who hold the bag. They can't to upset the new rule.

The decision just isn't...Rock & Roll, which the Stones represent.

There is an entire catalog filled with songs that can be interpreted as "unfit" with today's mindset.

Maybe the Stones will eventually be reduced to playing JUST the music and Mick will just silently prance around  the stage and do his Mick poses? They will be without Charlie, so it's not authentic Stones, anyhow.
Well, it sounds like the Stones show are in top form.

Report from a friend and the local news both say 78 year old Mick, 77 year old Keef and the 74 year old Ronnie are still going strong.

Amazing! Long live The Rolling Stones.
The Stones tour sponsor is a financial company.

The company has relationships with well known organizations. You can bet the house THEY don’t want ANY association with ANYTHING that’s now highly sensitive. Just one upset individuals feelings from the many "organizations" now gets tweeted into headlines, and you’re DONE.

I still say the WALLET is what’s really influencing Micks decision. He’s no dummy. Shut up and take cash!
I’ve been waiting to read a response

Guaranteed there will be some "celebrity" responses calling Peirs the "R" word and the usual dialog that comes with it.

The attitude has lost some luster.

With the Stones dates spaced days apart, I was thinking the Stones would do one of their secret small club performances WITH Brown Sugar.

So far, no story to read about. Oh well. 

So the new normal for surviving "Classic Rock" groups now  is  "filter" your set list to appease and ensure steady cash flow.

Roll with the new normal and grit your teeth.