I agree with Keef

The Stones are in town(LA) for 2 nights.

With so many things now being now deemed "inappropriate" these days, I suppose this isn't a surprise?

Brown Sugar is part of the Stones "permanent set list".  
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I'm sure most people rocking and dancing to 'Brown Sugar' are thinking about the horrors of slavery. Yeah, Keef, you betcha... 
There’s probably some level of maturity going on.  Just my guess, but when the
Stones were younger, they were into sex,
drugs, rock n roll, fame, and fortune - an self gratification.  Over time they matured into realizing they are part of society and have a loud microphone.  In other words, their social consciousness and responsibility has grown.

Speaking of maturity, it seems like trollers are immature.  They feel powerless/helpless so they push people’s buttons to get a reaction which temporarily relieves these negative feelings.  Often, seeking this relief is more important than respecting the feelings of others.
@ kennyc

Ive looked through this thread and see no "trollers" Who are you accusing of being a troll?

You all know there are lying morons on both sides of this asinine coin, right?

Most of them are too much of a weakling to call down the idiots that follow them. 

Instead, OUR side is always right- yours is always wrong.

Very embarrassing for us all.

The good news is, as a person on low average intelligence, these current issues are being handled by both sides in such a stupid way, I feel like a genius.

I guess in the land of the blind, the one eyed man/woman is king/queen. (Didn’t want to insult any crybabies.)

"Yes, the Stones decided to silence themselves."

Not very rebellious of them was it?

To think, once they had the entire nation out in uproar with tales of public urination, crazed drug parties involving imaginative uses of a Mars bar, foreign debauched holidays in exotic lands etc.

Ah, but those were days when Brian was in the band...
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When Brown Sugar came out I was always stoned when I heard it..... it the funny thing is I never listen to the words ...Mick was always mumbling them anyway...And the music was to loud....
Ive looked through this thread and see no "trollers" Who are you accusing of being a troll?
No accusations here. You’re taking it out of context, it was ann extension of my discussion about maturity.  I’m referring trollers in general
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I'd bet Coca Cola would have loved the free publicity on a song other than Lola. Reverse censorship. 

Public opinion and societal standards have existed for as long as there's been society. Those standards are constantly evolving, call it what you will that's just how things work. Clinging to the past won't bring it back.
Same band who changed the words of let's spend the night together when pressured by Ed Sullivan unlike the Doors who delivered the real thing.

Yes, and a blackboard is a medium used in teaching.
What's their new name for blackbird?  Will McCartney be censored too?
Time they all grew up.
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Yes, and a blackboard is a medium used in teaching.
What’s their new name for blackbird? Will McCartney be censored too?
Time they all grew up.

It is not about the song, not about the lyrics. Being authentic comes close. Authentic means from the author. The person. The individual. Being authentic is being original and true to yourself.

But we are not talking about some trivial word change. We are not talking about a song that the audience has moved on and no longer cares to hear. We aren’t even talking about a song they just plain got tired of playing. No. None of these. We are talking about a song the mob has pressured and coerced them into dropping simply because they can.

It has nothing to do with the lyrics or subject matter of the song. If that were the case then as everyone clearly understands there are a million such songs. It is simply they see it as their next opportunity to exert control.

This is what they do. Where have you people been the last two years? Where is there any indication there will ever be any end to it? The instant they have cowed Mick Jagger into line they have already moved on to the next target. And they will keep going and going for as long as cowards like Mick acquiesce.

If you want to live in a world where you are no longer free to do or even think anything but what they tell you, just keep going the way you are. If you want to live free, JUST SAY NO!
The Stones tour sponsor is a financial company.

The company has relationships with well known organizations. You can bet the house THEY don’t want ANY association with ANYTHING that’s now highly sensitive. Just one upset individuals feelings from the many "organizations" now gets tweeted into headlines, and you’re DONE.

I still say the WALLET is what’s really influencing Micks decision. He’s no dummy. Shut up and take cash!
I’d like it if the band took an audience poll.
Brown Sugar—Yes?
Brown Sugar—No?
If Yes, they play it.
If the No response is louder, Mick says Screw It, we’re playing it anyway.
That’s The Rolling Stones I remember.
... We are talking about a song the mob has pressured and coerced them into dropping simply because they can ...
No, I didn't see any evidence of a mob. I think Mick just decided to drop the song for his own reasons. He surely doesn't need the money. But the issue makes a good narrative for the battle-hardened soldiers in the front line of the culture wars.
"I’m trying to figure out with the sisters quite where the beef is," Richards said. "Didn’t they understand this was a song about the horrors of slavery? But they’re trying to bury it. At the moment I don’t want to get into conflicts with all of this."
The song has faced renewed criticism amid heightened cultural awareness and sensitivity in light of the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements.

In 2019, music producer Ian Brennan accused the band of "glorifying slavery, rape, torture and pedophilia," adding that they have "brazenly gotten away with this jeering harassment for decades." He called for the songs to be removed from the radio.

"The issue today is not that they ever wrote the song. Nor that they have ever sung it. The fault is that they keep singing it," Brennan wrote in The Chicago Tribune.

Quotes directly from the article, if you actually bothered to read it. 

No, I didn't see any evidence of a mob. I think Mick just decided to drop the song for his own reasons.
So no, Mick didn't drop it for his own reasons. Good grief.

"If you want to live in a world where you are no longer free to do or even think anything but what they tell you, just keep going the way you are. If you want to live free, JUST SAY NO!"


Besides, this is Rock and Roll we’re discussing here.

You don’t like it, don’t listen to it.

Don’t try to stop others either.

(Maybe also try to get help with parental/authority issues, but that’s a separate personal issue).

It’s called freedom of choice.

History has shown us time and time again that such freedoms are hard won and often all too easily surrendered.
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Does anyone think the people pushing to cancel out Brown Sugar would attend a Stones concert now or ever have?  I seriously doubt it.

I’ve been waiting to read a response

Guaranteed there will be some "celebrity" responses calling Peirs the "R" word and the usual dialog that comes with it.

The attitude has lost some luster.

A molehill out of a seven figure sponsorship deal. Everyone still has the right to say and feel as they wish. No one however has the privilege to say and feel as they wish without consequences. Thats not a new circumstance. There are some though who believe you should have unfettered free speech (we do) without having to face any blowback (not going to happen).

The Stones made a business decision….I don’t recall seeing boycotts or picketing. There is no “they” who sent down a directive forbidding them. Maybe even the Stones now recognize that singing about forced sex with those in bondage is pretty poor form. Same might call that rape.
Piers Morgan is a old windbag with a lot of bad opinions, he would fit right in here.
I personally speculate that Mick and Keith might actually have an ulterior motive (or motives), one that others cannot ever hope to achieve with the same worldwide attention.

Are Americans familiar with the term "own goal"?

Edit - this specific thought bubble has only grown legs since my last rant, which, while it stands on its own, may nevertheless be inconsistent with what has now transpired.

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You go MC.  For decades, it was incremental gains.  Now things are changing fast.  
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I have been aware for some time now that many of us who were born and grew up here take liberty for granted. Too many assume what has been must always be, as if it can never be changed. As astoundingly ignorant as this is of history we have plenty of examples here. Meanwhile those who grew up elsewhere are far less likely to be so sanguine. We are in the midst of a cultural revolution. I mean that literally. But you need to understand the full history and horror. https://www.theepochtimes.com/i-want-to-wake-people-up-xi-van-fleet-survivor-of-maos-cultural-revolu...  

This may be behind a firewall or require a subscription. EpochTV is totally worth the sub. Best content I have seen, period. But I have one free access user ID that I haven't used yet. Anyone wants it, anyone not MDS that is, request it here and PM your email and it is yours.
hi dabel. And MC come on The Epoch Times? It's always batshit crazy conspiracy theories with you.
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@jond it is not the content that is under attack. As has been said there are lots of 'artist' who use very derogatory descriptions of women in this new age of 'enlightenment'. No, it comes down who has permission to say whatever they want by the elites. We see cancel culture in effect daily. It was revealed recently that one of the gate keepers, Katie Couric, thought remarks by her hero Ruth Bader Ginsburg might be considered as countering the narrative Ms. Couric approves. That portion of the interview was conveniently edited out as she wanted to protect the image Couric demanded of her instead of the truth. Remember the calls for Vince Vaughn to be excommunicated from Hollywood for shaking Trump's hand? Or the backlash because Ellen Degeneres received for sitting next to Bush Jr.?

@tomic601 you sir I see, are not a student of history. Yes, millions dead. Communism and it's kissing cousin Socialism are responsible for over 100 million dead due to the policies adopted. Venezuela went from one of the richest nations in the Western Hemisphere to groups of people beating cows to death with sticks in order to get something to eat. You also don't know anything about American history. This claim that we were founded as a racist slave nation is a lie straight from hell. Disparate (and desparate) people settled here on this continent from all over Europe. They were loosely confederated and no one colony had any say over what another did because our government at the time resided in England. It was our Declaration of Independence that cut the ties and the ensuing war that broke our bonds. It was in fact our Constitution that paved the way for slavery to be banished. Our Founding Fathers if they had chosen, could have enshrined slavery if they had wanted to. It was in fact the words in the Declaration of Independence, "All men are created equal" that put ending slavery into play. Maybe you and the rest of the liberal mob have forgotten but a long and bloody civil war where half of the participants that died were fighting to secure the freedoms of slaves. I respect you and your audio opinions but your grip on reality is tenuous at best.


Elites? Which flavor of coolaid do you drink, holy mackerel.

I wish the content in the second paragraph of your post above was even remotely true. It would sure make us feel better about the ugly truth of slavery. When Jefferson penned those immortal words, he held slaves and was having children with one of those slaves. What an amazingly consistent person Jefferson was as evidenced by the fact that he held his own offspring that he had with Ms. Hemings as slaves.

Your knowledge of the civil war, its origins, the results, reconstruction and the postscript of Jim Crow for most of the following 100 years is convenient. At best.

I wonder if science will be able to discover that the consumption of some of these newsfeeds actually mimics the results of schizophrenia or CTE. WTF?
Jefferson penned the words. If he didn't believe it he wouldn't have written them. Unfortunately slavery was standard practice at the time but if you studied Jefferson you would also know he had qualms about it. We are not unique however as a nation as nearly all nations have practiced slavery at some point. Maybe if you are truly aggrieved you could speak out against slavery where it still exist today. As I said if they wanted it to continue as a slave nation they could have enshrined it in our Constitution. If you are really aggrieved you should renounce the Democrat party as they were the ones who instituted Jim Crow and fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights Act. The only schizoprenia I see are those who now elevate the black race over other races while at the same time telling them they are incapable of advancing on their own because of non-existant systemic racism.

I mean absolutely no offense but your grasp of history could use a little more balance than simply what youve pieced together, its as if your curriculum was derived from the study of Strom Thurmond.

Maybe if you are truly aggrieved you could speak out against slavery where it still exist today.

I do, through financial support of various charitable endeavors.

As I said if they wanted it to continue as a slave nation they could have enshrined it in our Constitution.

They were largely silent on the matter of slavery as two thirds of the signers of the Constitution were slave owners. They want to ratify a document. The three fifths compromise is clear evidence.

If you are really aggrieved you should renounce the Democrat party as they were the ones who instituted Jim Crow and fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights Act.

This statement is kindof detached from reality isnt it. The post civil war south was largely democrat because the Union had been republican. Unfortunately, that held true for more than a century following the civil war. If you even remotely understood history, even someone with your agenda to absolve even the hint of institutional racism wouldnt have been shallow enough to attempt this one. The voting tallies of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were almost universally along geographic lines (northern vs southern states) rather than party lines.

non-existant systemic racism.

Absolutely an idiotic statement.
From Ohio and the North, my dna donors were on the right side of the war of Northern Aggression as it is still known in the lost cause South. Yea, I am a student for sure. Jim Crow is alive today. Go set a watchman.

jond- please give one example of Epoch Times coverage that was "batshit crazy conspiracy theory". Link to it. Put up or shut up.