How many people here generally buy used?

Just curious. Most of my equipment I purchased new. My Firstwatt J2 was a demo that I swear was new. Outside of a DAC where latest tech may be desired, buying used (if a fair price) seems to be a great way to purchase something you normally would not be able to afford. Of course, condition, care of component etc needs to be taken into consideration

Ninety percent new from 1966 until 2000.  Ninety percent used since then.  Began with Heathkits, then Luxman in 2-channel systems.  Went digital HT for about five years in late 1990s, then back to 2-channel analog systems with used Luxman and McIntosh.  Almost all speakers bought used, except for two pairs JBL DD67000 bought in the last four years.  Still have tons of stuff that I never bothered to sell when I “moved up”.  Currently have nine systems set up inside and outside house (we’re isolated in oak forest in Texas Hill Country with no neighbors to disturb), all linked w/ Bluesound.
I long as the seller provides multiple angles of the products and honest about the defects. I also have to check the feedback left for the seller all this time.
Just finished piecing together my first 2 channel system and was super aggressive with negotiating prices for used things and getting a good deal. 
Pair B&W CM9 S2 - $600 (some scratches in cabinets but drivers and are pristine and sound quality is unaffected - was bound to happen anyway with toddlers in the house. Yesterday I came home to paw patrol stickers covering the “booboos” on the cabinets)
McIntosh 2205 - $1,500 (in mint condition from original owner, stored in original box for last 20 years, an incredible find!)
2 X 15ft. 12 AWG Sewell cables off Amazon -  $58

Currently just using iPad Pro 1/4” headphone jack into phono input on the amp. In all, I cannot believe how powerful and clear this combo is. After finding these deals it’s going to feel like massively diminishing returns if I ever buy high-end new equipment. I’m sure I will someday, but not until I’m settled in a forever house and kids are further along! 

75 % used, mostly purchased here at Audiogon because i feel that the guy selling gear here is passionate about the hobby and would probably take better care than an EBay seller. IMHO
I have generally bought new though mostly I try to get the best value for my money which has often been demo gear or last years model heavily discounted.  Effectively a full warranty for a few finger prints. 
Used is something I consider only if I know someone who can fix it!
1984 Khorns purchased used in 2002 for 3K
Volti audio Khorn upgrades new in 2019
2 pairs of  Klipsch THX subs/amps used
Caver 350 monoblocks used
Mytek BB DAC new
SBooster DC power supply for DAC new
VPI turntable demo (+/- used)
New cartridge
Cambridge CXC transport new
Cables new
Room treatment DIY
UberBuss line conditioner new
40 amp breaker new
10/2 dedicated line new

Usd to buy new in 70s and 80s because reliability was poor. Everything in last 20 years has been used given the ~30-60% savings from new and quality of build. 
I always listen first and try to deal with reputable seller/dealer. It’s was very easy in Chicago but realize this is harder in smaller markets. 
Some great deals I remember:

Pioneer SA9500 amp for 100
Denon 2910 universal CD player for 100 ( still sounds great)
paradigm Studio 20 speakers for 300
audio refinement complete amp and CD for 1000
YBA is integre DT amp for 1500
McIntosh MA5200 for 3100
Sonus Fabre Auditor Ms for 3000
B&W CDM7SE speakers for 1000
REL Strada III sub for 900

just a few I can remember the prices on. 
Even if I had twice or three times the money I would stick with used. 
That way I can buy and sell more often which is the whole point of this game. Right?

oh ya, and the great sounds that make life worth living. 
Rarely buy new audio equipment except a DAC or 3, but don't buy really old either, typically 2-5 years old. I have a tendency to open things up and "play" so like to mitigate my cost exposure.
I prefer to rebuild/restore used gear that might have issues, especially turntables. Currently run a rebuilt Beogram, Nak tape deck and a rebuilt NAD preamp. All other gear is used as well except for a Sony CD deck that I got new way back in 1987.
Post removed 
For me it's a case of the greater the number of moving parts the greater the need to buy new when it comes to audio. 

With speakers there's always the concern with surround rot and invisible damage to drivers (esp tweeters) and voice coils. I think piano at reasonably high volume is a good test for coil damage. You'll definitely know it when you hear it. A tremendously non musical screechy sound.

With amps there might be issues with calibration and imminent dry joints etc. My Creek Destiny amp I bought used soon developed issues with the pre/out bypass switch. Luckily I was able to bypass it with the use of jumper cables.

With the rest there's also the risk of various tweakery applied beforehand too. Frankly I'd rather buy a product as it was designed - not as a failed tweak job.

Having said that there was no other way of buying my current 1970s speakers than buying used. Thankfully the previous owner seemed to pay great respect in keeping it in original spec.

In any case it would always be good ethical practice to declare all mod history when selling. I had to when I sold my LP12.

Despite that the buyer couldn't seem to get it off my hands fast enough.
Both, as with many here I imagine. Some great deals on used cables over the years, a couple of perfect REL subs for 200 bucks each, my Dennis Had amp was a couple of months old and around 400 bucks less than new, etc. A Linn Basik/Akito in near primo condition turned out to be a great thing, and although I look around for something to replace it from time to time it sounds so good it just stays. 
Fortunately I worked in manufacturing, and I have made (I couldn't call it DIY as I was a professional)

Made new:
  • Lenehan ML1
  • Lenehan ML2
  • balanced Ribbontech interconnects
  • Ribbontech speaker wires
  • Curious Cables silver USB cables.
    [the above I built, but none are my design, all are available to purchase from manufacturer].
  • DIY subwoofer.
Purchased new:
  • Geiseler M17D - Groß DAC
  • components for my music server (Femto USB card, fanless case, fanless industrial mini ITX mainboard etc.)
  • Plex 200W linear power supply
  • Pro-Ject Pre Box RS (removed from system as it introduced noise).
  • Two pairs of Lenehan speaker stands.
  • Mad Scientist - Heretical Digital Cable
  • Cambridge CXUHD 4K player (also used as a music server)
  • Assorted springs for isolation
Purchased used:
  • Furman power station
  • Synergistic Research Master Coupler X2
  • Datasat RA-2400 amplifier
My first gear was new: a Sansui AU-505 (still have and use), KLH 6s (long gone), a year-old Technics SL-1500 with Shure M91ED (still have and use those too). Some dealer demo gear bought since at a nice discount, and some new. Used is the way to go. I usually have a wish list, look for great deals, and grab the good ones if I can. I won't buy new, I have children in college.
...'course, the water has been used before...'recycled', same as the air...
Used to always buy used now I just build my own since most manufacturers use cheap parts
90% used except my preamp Michi P5 which’s $4k retail buying this preamp new comes with own issues distortion and hum when enable tone control
kind regret but looks alone make it worth it lmao 😂 so gorgeous 
now I’m beta tester 
buying use power cord Interconnect and balance XLR like audioquest on eBay is complicated unless you can identify fake and authentic 
Used is a great way to go on equipment 10 years old or less.  Electronics do age.  Mainly electrolytic capacitors.  More so in amplifiers, these start to decay significantly in 15 to 20 years.  Mostly an issue for amplifiers, but this can affect DACs and other electronics as well.  20 year or older should purchased as "recapped".  Especially so for amplifiers.  
Mostly used but I won’t buy anything beat up. For me to buy it used it’s pretty much got to look and work like it’s new. It’s been a good strategy as some excellent buys are to be had. Plus, I think I’ve assembled a pretty credible system as well. 
A place like Audio Classics is ideal because they can inspect, repair, etc any Mac gear that they come across. 
If used is the best deal I say go used. When buying used keep in mind of the age of the capacitors. They can get costly when it’s time to replace them. What am I saying, audiophiles love
Mostly used — here’s my setup:
Speakers - used (Usher)
Power amp: used, then factory refurbished (McCormack)
Pre: new, but not high-end (Parasound)
DAC: used (Benchmark)
TT: used (Technics)
Cart: new (Nagaoka)
Streamer: refurbished (Bluesound)
CD Player: used (Cambridge)

I’ve been very happy with all my used purchases, and would have had a hard time getting into this hobby without them!  Good luck. 

I buy used. Buying 40 year old equipment is hard to find new in a box. I buy low enough $ wise to justify having it restored, recapped ect. Speakers I generally restore myself, in and out. I like bringing old gear back to its original glory then passing it on for someone else to enjoy. Sometimes I even make enough to justify the hobby. Definitely not a get rich program. 
Around 80% of my gear are used because many are older than me. I am into good, old stuff. I have integrated amps/receivers from the 50's to 70's. My main system has KEF speakers from the late 70's and c-j electronics from circa 2000's. My most recent brand new purchases were a tonearm and a cartridge, a pair of monitor speakers and a secondary phono stage. Even my latest DAC was bought used. As many have mentioned, it is important to learn how to buy used.
Generally used. Downside of used is selection, so one needs to be patient. I believe most audiophiles take very good to excellent care of their equipment so buying used isn’t quite the crap shoot as much car might be. Like others, I look for the good deals, new or used. Most of my current gear is used or demo.
I just made my first used purchase, a First Watt F7 amp.  Shortly afterwards I purchased a used McIntosh MCT450 transport.  

To me it makes more sense financially to buy higher end components used. 
I agree in principle and appreciate the advantage of burn in. But I've not found any used stuff that caught my attention in 50 years except for one of a dozen R2Rs.  Bought lots of closeouts though and liked kits. Too shaky to build any more.
I’ve bought everything used. I’ve got a lot of time to watch the market places but so far it’s worked out great. The only stuff I don’t buy Used is anything from synergistic research. Those EFTs and HFTs already have absorbed somebody else’s problems. I was told that there wasn’t enough room for my problems and to never buy them used. I don’t want my aura all jammed up with somebody else’s or in one of those dots.
I usually buy used cars, boats,  audio gear, appliances  and even household furniture. 
I would prefer to buy new if I could afford to but I find used high quality items at attractive prices. It is fun searching online, learning about the products and then buying and ultimately using and enjoying!  
Here is why I buy used:
I get 2-3 times the musicality by allowing someone else
to be the 1st owner. I only buy from original owners who
impress me as being capable of proper care of equipment.
Hence the equipment offered on line that depicts dusty equipment, fuzzy pictures and other signs of ownership ineptitude move me right along. 
I buy mostly used or demo units. This started back in the early 90's when I wanted the good stuff but couldn't afford it new. I think the first piece of used gear I bought was a Mark Levinson ML 1 preamp. I dug it out of the closet recently and it still sounds great!
Everything used except I just purchased a brand new dac. I wanted the 60 day trial with full refund. So far it’s a keeper. I’ve got 30 more days to decide. 
Used, better bang for the buck.  I buy new interconnects, but if too pricey will go to used.  Just bought a unit via AC.  99% per cent from ebay including SACD's.  Ebay is great if......look for 100% for feedback. If less than 100%, I read the complaints and neutral feedback.   Most all of it looks new, performs to specs.  On average buying used is a better value.  I did buy 3 open box/demo items recently, all in mint condition.
I've bought mostly new but I've also purchased demo and open box. I've gotten some great discounts on demo models.
TT, phono preamp, speaker cables, interconnects, power cords all new. Amp, CD transport, DAC, receiver, speakers, subwoofers all used. Why? Don't know. That is how it played out. It was time to make a move and that is where I ended up. Could have played out different if the circumstances at that time dictated otherwise.  So I guess 50-50 but not wed to that model. Very easily could have been 75-25 or 25-75.  Just depends on timing. 
"How many people here generally buy used?"

Only two items were purchased new. Oddly both of them preamplifiers. A Yamaha CX-2 and recently a BHK. 21 years apart in time. Maybe that provides enough time for one new purchase?
Mostly used about 80% except for tonearms and cartridges those I always buy new.
I used a number of factors to determine if I purchase used or new, including: 

How good is the deal?  If used is 5% under new, I'll just go new.  If I can save 30-40% used I'll go for it.

How often does the product pop up on the used market?  If it takes a long time, I usually loose patience and buy new.

Does it have a lot of moving parts?  E.g. a complete turntable vs an amplifier.  If there are lots of bits that can break I will lean towards a seller with a decent reputation.

What is the state of the technology?  If it's a class A or AB amp vs a class D. I'd go used for the A/AB and new for D because that tech is still evolving.  DACs are a similar example.


When I was young and over seas in the Air Force I got everything new and with a significantly lower income.  
Never have purchased a new piece of audio gear, or vehicle, and very little furniture. 
I dream of how the ballers live!
I did buy my Harbeth Super HL5 Plus new, but I got a nice trade in (more than I paid for them) for my old speakers.  I have a couple of things I've bought refurbished, or open box.
60% (not including cables) was purchased used. Of the remaining 40%, 1/2, or 20%, were refurbished or open box but I still  consider then ‘new’, the remaining 20% new & non-refurbished.

I almost always look for any item I am considering used first, then will consider the used cost vs new when/if applicable.
You can get into a better calibre of equipment buying used.  I bought my amps used and paid about 1/2.... they were about a year and a half old and mint so it was a no brainer.....   

My latest component rarely appears used so I just bit the bullet and bought new...   it was a tremendous value for the money so no regrets.

My tuner is a certified used Magnum Dynalab.  Sent mine in for repair and got a generous trade in on a tuner I could otherwise never afford.  Again, simple choice.
When I first started here, I bought almost all used and I had no significant issues or regrets.  Now, all my gear was bought new except for my amps, which were bought used and completely rebuilt by SMc Audio.  I have been patient and as a result received pretty good discounts on most of the new stuff.