How do you stop house guest from damaging your speakers?

Over the years I have had many adult guest coming to my house and curious about my speakers though I never mention to them I’m an audiophile. Most of the time they will lean close to the speaker, looking at the driver, maybe occasionally touching the cabinet or knocking on the cabinet. But in other times I’ve had guest touching drivers gently as well and I usually just tell them to stop to prevent them from damaging the driver when I see them doing that.

Yesterday I had a little sit down with a few guests and one of them wanted to play my Blade 2. Out of nowhere, while the music is playing he stood up and walked to the speaker and knocked on the side driver woofer and asked “are these speakers too?” It was probably 3 or 4 consecutive hard knock on the woofer while the woofer is playing, and you guys can already imagine my facial expression. I don’t want to blame the guest as the blade’s woofer doesn’t look like regular woofer and I can’t expect guests to have knowledge of how not to damage speakers, but man, that really hurts when I saw that happen.

I inspected the driver afterward and it seems like all is good and the driver survived. I don’t remember if I heard distortion while the music is playing but to my knowledge this would easily fall into the abuse category for an audiophile.

I’m wondering, do I attach a label to say do not touch on those drivers? Do I tell guests not to physically touch the speakers? 


I was raised that you don’t touch other people’s belongings and to respect other people’s stuff. I guess that must have been lost through the years.If you have questions, ask. If you want to touch, ask. How friggin hard is that?

I am surprised - I have never had to say don’t touch. 

I invite folks over and perhaps it’s the area rug creating an a border but folks comment but don’t touch and are surprised at the clarity and detail of music when they sit in the sweet spot. 

When I saw the headline on the subject I thought this thread would ask about the wives and kids that that blow drivers and fuses while using the equipment. And I know most of you will not allow that but I have been caught unawares. And I won't even think about what small children used to do to vinyl.(!). As to your problem; keep the boxes to ship back for repairs and eat cost and smile cause we have friends.

My grandfather was probably the first audiophile in our family - although he was not easily recognized as one.  He had an all in one stereo in his basement.  Nothing fancy.  But when I would join him in front of it -  it felt like it was a shrine to him.  

Some people would just wander over and fiddle with it.  He finally put up a sign on it, which I still have as a hand me down from him.  It simply says, "Please do not touch.  Thank you."  Some people in the family thought he was a bit odd for doing so, but I always felt he was in the right and I now feel that way about my gear.

You need a dedicated listening room for guests like that. Must contain:

A pool table

A pair of Bose 901s hung by chains from the ceiling and run with a 6’ high rack full of cassette decks, equalizers, tuners, amplifiers with lots of pretty lights.  Buy them for next-to-nothing at yard sales, Goodwill, etc.

A beer fridge full of Coors Light

Big bags of Cheezies

A big TV, hung way up high (out of the way of the beer, slobber and orange fingers)

A kiddie area with lots of toys and cell phones to play with


...put them all in there and lock the door and let them out when it’s time for them to go! They might not even want to leave!


In college my only source was a turntable, so I'd just pull the headshell when the party was over. Later I got a second headshell and a low end Audio Technica, but removed all my MFSL and other references. Today, I have a VPI with a JMW Memorial unipivot arm. It's a pretty intimidating device and most guests are happy to stream or listen to a CD. Grille cloths stay on.

Some people want to touch everything, like two year olds who never grew up.

Wonder why they don't want to touch red-hot exposed tubes?   Post sign saying anyone who touches the speakers must touch the tubes.

Get Electrostatic speakers and tell them they operate on 6000 volts and if they touch them they could wind up on the moon. 

Put up a sign that says this;


      Das machine ist nicht fur gerfingerpoken und mittengraben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gerwerken by Dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken sightseeren keepin hands in das pockets, relaxien und watch das blinkinlights.

My speakers are about the only thing exposed most everything else enclosed (sans pre on top and TT).  GFs tribe here for xmas and was nervous ++.   I moved them back closer to the wall and I think my GF warned her outfit of my sensitivity.  Everyone stayed clear of the rig as well as the large rambunctious critters. One of the reasons I no longer have pets as I got tired of critter control in general. 

Couple years ago one of my friends came over and he leaned on one of my speakers and I quickly diverted him by moving to another room.   If somebody starts scrutinizing my speakers I move in close to head off problems. 


Guy down the street had 4 B&W 603s.  Between the grandkid's neurotic full size poodle and an over zealous cleaning lady the speaker looked tattered after a few years. Broken grills, dented tweeters.   I even notice one looked like it was sitting at an angle so I looked at the feet.  One of the front feet was almost pulled completely out of the base.  Best I could figure was cleaning lady was leaning the speaker over and jamming the sweeper underneath as I knew for a fact his wife insisted she sweep under anything that could be moved.    


There are two types of people in the world. Us and Them 😌


Agreed, though sadly compared to them we're the tiny minority.

My Tannoy Berkeley’s have solid wooden grilles with just a cutout for the 15 inch drive units.

Behind their beige fabric no one has yet realised that the grilles can be removed.

Nothing good could happen if they did.

As for this worrying tend to see some loudspeakers being sold without grilles, no, no, no!

“Come out” as an audiophile! That cracked me up.

Just print out a little sign. 
Welcome! Happy to have you in our home, and pleased to share the exceptional sound of our audio system with you. We have a Zero Tolerance Policy on touching any part of the system, including and especially the speakers. Please refrain from coming in physical contact as you listen. If you should forget, the following response scale will apply: 

First Offense- I break your left knee cap.

Second Offense- I break your right knee cap.

Third Offense- You will never be invited back again.

We thank you for your cooperation.

I have had many audiophile friends over for a listening session and never had a problem.  When I have my non audiophile friends over, the first thing I tell them is not to touch anything because the equipment is very delicate.   If they do, they will be out the door.  So far, so good.  

@pascon , I like yours better than pidgin Germain, but keep a hefty bat in an obvious corner that's painted to look the part....and recently *used*

....fot The One that thinks it doesn't😒


....and I'd like to talk 'bout My Favorite AADS system. ;)

Bird wire, the stuff seen on building edges and sign tops....wonderful deterent.

Portable Defense with dispursion qualities; think a teasing hairbrush writ large in stainles steel fat .needles...

But even my dog and the 2 cats have enough sense drilled into them to "Don't..."

Most of my Friends are audiophiles and there is only one I get nervous about using the turntable and that is because he has a familial tremor. My wife is scared to touch it. She operates everything else fine.


"Do I tell guests not to physically touch the speakers?"

Frankly, I'm astonished that anyone would behave this way.

Any non audiophile guests we have usually ignore the system altogether -- it's so foreign to them, they tend to completely disregard it.  




No one ever gets close to the tubes....and my speakers have no removable covers.

The worst I've experienced is when a friend actually was paying attention when I remarked how loud my system can get.....he picked up the remote and cranked the volume. (My guns were unloaded and in their cases.)

Other than ear pain, no harm done.  However, I won't play it around that "friend" again, and I dang sure won't boast about that aspect of my system anymore!

Great post!  Except for my wife and a business partner, my audio room is off limits.  A quick test – mention an esoteric product name (not mass market) and observe the reaction.  Blank stare – keep close counsel and change the subject.

I have Magnepan 3.7i;s in my living room.  They are tan fabric with oak side panels.  A long time ago, I lost count of the number of women who saw them and commented to me, "What beautiful room screens."

Don’t have dipshi*ts house wit. 

many many years back, had 2 pair Polk ls90

left for a week, returned home to numerous blown, over driven drivers.

managed to save and make 1 good air , which I gifted to my cousin, a huge Polk fan, was ecstatic.


be careful who watches house.

played some Ganesha rap, with Polk ls90s, yup, destroyed them.


  Punk kids, eat a di*k


  nowadays, NO ONE, ….NO ONE WATCHES HOUSE, ONLY A CLOSE FRIEND, WHO I TRUST AND IS ALSO AN AUDIO GUY,, and has no parties and is responsible.  

  Cousin still enjoys the so 90 pair, which were a great speaker, and I miss them,




most my friends just listen, you always have the one moron,…….


now a days, all know do not touch, touching ones audio system is a no no.


other audio buds, k ow me, and I explain upon entering home, I ask, may I add a few clicks to volume? I’m respectful of audio gear. Most should be too

In the 40 years I have owned moderately high end equipment I have had many people in the room, and have never had one of them touch anything.

If the speakers are so easy to damage that simple touch does so their design is defective. I have horns that are nearing 90 years old and kids can climb in them. I also have new horns that kids can climb on. I have mastiffs and I have no worries anything will be damaged. I actually want guests to touch the large speakers they are very tactile. 


Many of us don't have dedicated listening rooms. We have living rooms or large dens that have to serve the purpose. These rooms are where guests (and their kids) will be when they visit. 

I'd advise to leave speaker grilles on at all times when you either aren't there or have guests over. 

The main issue is of course the turntable, cartridge, and tone arm.  Just too tempting to some. An idea a friend of mine did was to get a nice, stained wood box cover to put over the whole thing when not in use to keep it out of sight. And when most guests come over, play CDs, not albums.  Just not worth the risk whether your turntable costs $600 or $6000. Just the aggravation factor alone would be well, bad. 

Wondering if any of you have had any guests get burned by being clueless enough to touch some KT88 or other tubes on your amps or integrated?  At least once should be enough for most people. 

I suppose we should keep a cage in place, but really, we shouldn't HAVE to. Ugh.

Sharing music via quality audio equipment is one of the coolest experiences you can have with friends. It's so fulfilling to see a a pal sit in the sweet spot and actually "hear" their favorite song for the fist time! You can tell when they are audibly aware of everything they've been missing...their eyes light up and the corners of their mouth crack into a grin...and you have done your duty as an "audiophile." It's all about sharing the passion! 

Now, to get on with a useful answer to the original question of, "How do I tell visitors not to touch my stuff without sounding like a condescending a**hole?"

When you're ready to start the session, you can say with a smile and in a jovial way something like, "At risk of sounding like a condescending a**hole, you must be made aware of the following. Do Not touch anything. LOL (actually laugh out loud here). I know you would never do that, but you'd be surprised at what people are capable of. Nobody has done it here, cause our friends aren't morons, LOL, but I've heard horror stories of guests accidentally breaking people's gear. Anyway...getting that close to the speaker doesn't do anything for the sound. For the best experience, you want to be here (point to your seat in the sweet spot). Get cozy, you're going to love this."

As they take a seat, say something like, "Tell me the fist song that comes to your mind in 5,4,3,2,1." When they blurt out a song, don't second guess it, just pull it up on your streamer and push play. I find this method more entertaining than putting people on the spot for their favorite song or album or artist. It's fun to discuss those things, but the "go with your gut" moment is a fun way to get things started.

Never start with your favorite song or artist or album...this only makes you seem like a condescending a**hole. I like to let people listen to their first song, and then say, "Ok, what's next?" Usually, they have been thinking of the song they really wanted to hear while their listening to the first song. 

If you have multiple guests who want to listen, the next person will have their pick ready. And the next. And the next. I find it fun to go from guest to guest for each subsequent song. It's a great way to get exposed to cool music I would never hear on my own and it keeps guests engaged and interested. As they realize the true potential of your system, the song picks get more and more curated. Meaning, the guests put a lot of thought into a song that will have it's full potentially become an absolute revelation when it's piped through your gear. As we go from one person's to another's pick, I make sure to include myself in the rotation. This is where I drop in some mind-blowing, ear-awakening gems.

In these moments, it's fun to enjoy some whisky, wine, beer, or whatever your social lubricant of choice may be. Turning what is often a solo experience into one that can be shared and enjoyed with friends is very rewarding and I find that people want to come back!

Congrats! Instead of becoming a condescending, audiophile a**hole, you are now the life of the party. And your gear is safe ;)




Unfortunately, having a dedicated listening space is no longer an option for me.

Divorce and the $1,500 sq. ft. cost of real estate in downtown Vancouver have made that untenable. 

That being said, the potential for damage to your more delicate possessions is more dependant on the person themselves, rather than whether they are audiophile-friendly. Some people just don't get it. Regardless of what it is.

If they have small children or large untrained dogs, well the risk factor is increased exponentially. 



584 posts  

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alberto4321 20 posts


Simply put a do not touch note everywhere before guests arrive

Yep on both counts ….and ensure that the speaker grills are firmly attached before they arrive.

On a prophylactic basis, you can also put up a sign in front of the system rack to get their attention first that this equipment setup is a seriously setup and keep,your mitts OFF …..


along the lines of, say: 

Due to the increased cost of ammo, warning shots will no longer be given. Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again,


Funny. I was looking on the local Craigslist and actually noticed a pair of Maggies for sale as "room dividers". Cost was $25.00.

I contacted the owner and explained exactly what she was selling.

Needless to say, she was very appreciative of the call.

I remember i just got these new pair of dynaudio birdseye maple monitors...they were amazing to look at and hear.Well one day my boss descided to stop in un announced over to my apt.He walks in as im listening to my speakers and was imppresed by them and starts grabbing one to look at with his cars keys in his hands rolling and turning looking at it...How do these stay on these (stands) putting it back spinning it a little.I told him wtf...these arent circuit city.He heard about it.😠

I have specially sewn covers that fit over the grills and cover the whole speaker,

I leave them in place when I feel insecure about the company I have.

Play music or not the guests don't seem to care but I worry less.

Now my male dog will mark everything if I am not around so we employ

blankets to complete the look. 


+1 for Uncledemp

I'm happy for anyone to come in and listen, choose what to play, etc.  But I do ease a little bit closer so I can intervene if anyone starts to reach for anything.  Especially the little kids.  Every room has at least one complete system.  No dedicated listening room.  Every room is for living and for listening.  Music is all over the house almost all of the time.

Audiophiles why don't others enjoy this hobby? Same audiophiles you must sit centered don't move and don't touch anything. No wonder audiophiles are lonely.

Sounds like some of your friends behave like ill-mannered children. Replace them.

33 yrs ago I owned 1 ohm Apogee Scintillas in my great room. Loved them! A friend brought his 4 young kids over for a cookout. I found one child laying in his side, kicking the bottom of the woofer ribbon repeatedly. Surprised to see no damage because all that protected the aluminum panel was a thin nylon sock. His parents thought that was amusing. I didn't. I let him live to see his 7th birthday. I did build a home with a separate listening room that nobody accesses without my permission, with limited seating. I love sharing listening sessions but not too much with non-audiophiles - usually they don't care to know how to listen; don't want to be taught, and will find the most critical musical moment to talk to anyone who is actually listening. It ruins the experience, but everyone get a chance! BTW, my current Apogee Divas are 32 yrs old, refurbished by Bill Thalman in VA 7 yrs ago, have never had any evil beset upon them! Superb speakers! Apogee made great equipment, and for classical, jazz and folk listeners nothing beat them IMHO. Happy listening!

the problem I have is the people that race  over to touch the tubes when they discover I have a  tube stereo,and have no idea what they are looking at

Some really great responses here! By now, most of my friends, and all of my family know that my stereo equipment is precious to me, so I’ve had no incidents in a long time thankfully. Anyone new to the house that doesn’t know, I politely tell them that the stereo stuff is delicate, and valuable to me. If they ask questions, I tell them about it, if they don’t, well that’s fine, they got the point about not touching. I’ve gone through having kids, and grandkids, and the message gets passed down from older to younger, generation to generation 😂 .. I’ve always refused to have a separate closed listening room. I want to share my love of music with my family. Plus, my belief is that it’s better to educate rather than isolate (I do have an acrylic cover for the turntable.. just in case!). It was a great experience watching my kids, and now my grandkids dancing in my living room with the system playing (they know to not dance near the speakers and turntable!). There were incidents in the past though…

@brianjm1   Nice post. Great observation on the 'grin'. I'm lucky; I still get them.

My speakers they have external foam Cover I made wrap with a nice fabric that match my room color.No hassle just remove them when I play.