Responses from panzrwagn
No sound from Mack !!! Bad speaker switch on the C26. In the days before garden-hose gauge speaker wire, running speaker wire back to the preamp for speaker switching convenience wasn't unusual. Neither was those switches failing over time due to the current loads invol... | |
New split AC System impact on sound. Installing anything but an heat pump, except in the most extreme climates, given the performance of modern heat pump technology, is simply wasteful. Our combined gas and electric bills in our new house, annualized, are almost half our previous hou... | |
Speakers sound too bright. @rwalsh07 "Pretty much bare wall, no room treatment, flooring is a mixture of carpet and laminate flooring." There's the vast majority of your problem . Until you address the room, there's nothing any tweek, speak, or electronics change can do t... | |
Shipping costs- WTF I recently shipped a pair of Magnepan .7s and stands via FedEx. The delivered the stands and lost the Magnepans! After two weeks of supposed 'looking' they declared the shipment lost and I filed a claim for the value of the speakers as sold and sh... | |
Vinyl sounds better (shots fired) Digital recording has a hard ceiling and a hard floor. Meaning, when your recording level is all '1s' anything a ove that is clipped, totally. Anything below all '0s' doesn't exist. Analog had 3-6dB headroom above 0dB and at least 10dB below the n... | |
Older Altec horn speakers @johnnyb53 Slight correction - the JBL you describe was the L55 Lancer, and was indeed a steaming pile of "What were they thinking?". The zL-65 Jubal was an end-table sized 12" 3-way with the 077 ring radiator tweeter and it’s famous clear lucite ... | |
Which component upgrade will produce more BASS? Simple acoustical solution first. Install th speakers woofer out closer to the room corners. This changes the loading from a half space to.a quarter space and provides an immediate 3dB increase in bass. Avoid spacing that are related to the woofer... | |
Which end is which? The red end wih an arrow indicates that it's a gozinta. As in it gozinta the downstream equipment. The other end is the gozouta, where the volts gozouta the upstream device. Whether it matters or not is subject of hot debate between the earnestly... | |
Enough of the Stereophile futuristic statements about the Focal Diva Utopia I haven't had a chance to hear the FDUs, but im sure my cat would love the new carpeted scratching post. | |
Unipivot tone arms @helomech First, you need to quantify the amount by which VTF varies over any vertical displacement (warp), say 5mm. That would be a seriously warped record. Next you need to assess any impact that has on the cartridges tracking ability. And the ... | |
Unipivot tone arms @helomech Re: "Some unipivot tonearms (VPI for example) are poorly designed because they are inherently unstable, thus the tracking force is in a constant state of fluctuation as the tonearm traverses the record." Uhhh, no. They are no more uns... | |
One Sub or Two? 30X40X12 is a very large room - 14,400 ft3, Two big subwoofers are a necessity to fill a space like that. My only complaints with REL are lack of continuous phase adjustment and their ignoring basic best practices for biamping. To be done properly... | |
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead 2 MC611s or 1 MC462 and a week in Paris or Hawaii. Ask your spousal unit for their input and you'll have the answer. | |
If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers Bi-wiring makes no difference, The back EMF isolation theory is complete nonsense because the crossover already keeps those currents away from the MF and HF drivers. The larger gauge wire claim makes no sense either, because the second pair of wir... | |
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ? @jwei VPI absolutely belongs on this list. But made in Brooklyn somehow lacks the cachet of more exotic manufacturing locales like Scottish Highlands, the Black Forest or some medieval city in Eastern Europe. VPI also doesn’t adopt contrarian log... |