Help, which preamp to buy from my shortlist?

Looking to buy a "near vintage" preamplifier. Between these, which of these do you recommend based on experience (sound quality and build quality)? Or which of these wouldn't you buy based on previous experience? I like all of these based on price, condition and compatibility (input & output impedance, etc.) but can't decide on one (or even two). My source is strictly line level (computer based with DAC).

Nakamichi CA5

Kenwood L-07 CII

Bryston 0.5

Forte F44

PS Audio 5.7

PS Audio 7.0

Meitner PA-6i

B&K MC-101

B&K Pro 10 MC

Quicksilver Remote Preamp (latest 6DJ8 version)

Cary AE-3 (standard, not signature model)

Audible Illusions Modulus L1

Sonic Frontiers SLF-1


I have the Bryston .5 in my collection of preamps. It is an easy recommendation!

Easy peasy.

Buy the one you like the most.

Make sure to remove the Devo lid or they will all sound the same.

Why?  Why???  Sure you can buy vintage, but WHY???  when there are SO MANY exceptional preamps on the market today that take advantage of more modern and better technologies?  Dude, dump your money into the past or maybe look to the future.  

I bought B&W 803 D3 and payed , so I didn’t receive for it . I try contact to seller but  he didn’t answer . How can I do now . So I need some help? Please.

The seller kwlam99 , Buckinghamshire, Buckinghamshire, HP13 7AY. I couldn’t contact to him some one can help me out? Please.👏👏👏👏

One thing I discovered about BRYSTON products; - - -  they are built to last, and continue to perform well through the years, plus they hold their resale value better than many other previously owned audio products.

The Bryston .5 is the clearest, most transparent of all on your list! Second-best would be PS Audio - I have the earlier PS IV with the outboard HCP supply.

Best bang-for-the-buck is vintage gear! I paid $350 for the Bryston .5 from a friend! Can't beat that - along with a Bryston 3B amp for $500!

I have the Quicksilver (non remote 12AT7 version) and like it. I haven't had anything else to compare it to save for a Schiit SYS (passive). Mike at Quicksilver rewired the tape (fixed) outs to make them variable to run subs for me. Its my first piece of tube gear so I really have no reference. I can say its clean and clear and does respond to tube rolling. If you want that "tubey and syruppy" sound you won't get that with this.

Not Vintage, Little known company in Upstate NY    Benchmark LA-4 pre amp. Totally Analog and Balanced, will need a DAC for Digital.  5 Yr warranty, and 30 day free Trial, GREAT Customer service.

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Pass 350.8 better than anything on your not so short list.

The 350.8 is an AMPLIFIER, not a preamp. And the XA series is better...

Sticking to the list, I have personal experience with

Bryston 0.5 - very good, unflappable, quiet. I wonder about buying it again, based upon some positive comments above.

Nakamichi CA5 first version - longest running preamp for me over the last 7 years, but now sold. I don't need to buy one back. I think of it with respect.

B&K Pro 10 MC - A useful bypass mode. Outboard power supply. Warmish.


All were well made, and offered flawless service, especially the last two after modern updates to return them to spec. All would likely hold close in value to whatever purchase price was agreed upon.

Despite my experience with these, I might like to try the Quicksilver from your list of preamps. I like tubed preamps for two of the three systems in the house. Would the quicksilver best either of them?

I may have to know this. I am also curious about the Audible Illusions. Let us know which direction you take!


I bought the Sonic Frontiers SLF1 last year and have greatly enjoyed it, fun rolling tubes and as every review says, the world's greatest remote!  I don't have experience with SQ with any other preamps on your list, but the SLF1 in my room doesn't sound too different than using my DAC's preamp capability, DAC being bel canto 3.7.   I really wanted multiple balanced inputs to easily A/B DACs and needed balanced output as this was the main reason for buying a pre, to move all gear except amp to a side wall, which meant a 15'+ run from rack to amp.

Best of luck, let us know what you pick!

Even though its not on your list, I recomend you seriously look at the PS Audio BHK Signature Preamplifier. Provides a lot of features and great sound.

As Joey54 said above, it's hard to make a recommendation without knowing what amp you're using.  Also what speakers you are using is worthwhile information as well.

For SS, I'd take the Meitner.  I recently had the Museatex AVC1 and it was truly amazing!  I auditioned a Meitner PA-6 many years back and loved it as well.

You can't go wrong with a tube preamp either, but knowing the rest of your gear is imperative as this hobby is all about system synergy and matching.  So let us know what else you have please.

+1 on the PS Audio BHK Sig Pre. The tube input stage makes all the difference. 

Roll in the right NOS vintage tubes and this pre, at least in my system, punches well above its weight. 

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I'd add that the B&K aren't easy service as schematics aren't available and the company is no more. 

Check out Aric Audio. Also threads regarding same here on AG. He produces tube pres at different price points. Will customise to your needs. 

1. Evaluate how well you can hear.  %IMD, %THD etc.  No sense in getting equipment excessively better than that.

2. You will go further powering your pre with a power regenerator. Not a filter.  A $1500 regeterator is like a $10 preamp upgrade.  See for yourself

I have a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 I bought as a back up / maybe for another room.... When they came out I was newly married, kid, house, and all the bills that went fast forward 25 years and I bought one for a good price.  Great preamp for sure, still supported by Parts Connexion.     

I just bought a Zesto Leto preamp and am actually going to keep the SFL-1 for another room and sell the CJ Classic 2SE that I'm replacing.   

Avoid the Meitner PA-6. 

a friend's Meitner PA-6 failed, unrepairable RC circuitry rendered it a $$$$ paper weight!  He loved the SQ but...


"What?  No ARC SP-6B?"

Not on the OP's list.


"Where's conrad-johnson?"

Not on the OP's list.


The question is "Why aren't these on the OP's list?"  Maybe they should be since, particularly with the SP-6B, these manufacturers typically built pre-amps that outperformed those that are ON the OP's list.  




Avoid the Meitner PA-6.

a friend’s Meitner PA-6 failed, unrepairable RC circuitry rendered it a $$$$ paper weight! He loved the SQ but...”


Surprised to hear this as John Wright does repairs on the Meitner/Museatex gear and was easily reachable when I had questions about my Museatex. The PA6 to my knowledge was Meitner’s first preamp

For the price EAR 864 is a versatile pre-amp with very good phono stage, tape capable, ample inputs.  Tube rolling is preferred with NOS 12AX7s (1 12AU7) tubes (but only 5 total) easily obtainable.  It's my back-up pre-amp I purchased in 2005.  Phono section loves many cartridges including Dynavector (not Benz) as it has a pre-set low output phono impedance.  Great for MMs.  

About 5 years ago a woman I bought some albums from like 80s Rock they were her uncles and they were moving .She then called me back and wanted to know if I wanted her uncles stereo equipment  Free...I went back and it was all Nakamichi equipment. It was like filthy one piece was that Nakamichi Ca5...I wanted it ,but she said you had to take it all.There were big speakers and other Nakamichi equipment, but i passed it was really dusty and filthy...and I passed ...oh,well.

Try a good passive preamp… IME, it will embarrass most active units. A TVC or autoformer is best sounding. Transformer based preamps will matchup well with most components, impedance wise. 
passive not for everyone.. but when matched properly, they simply get out of the way of the music..  subjective of course, but they also measure quite well. 

Many great choices out there.. enjoy !