
Responses from gp4jesus

A cable too perfect?
My penny & 1/2: Re-seat* ALL connections @ both ends  1. shut down system***; wait at least 30 seconds 2. disconnect speakers @ the amp  3. re-seat any/all power & ICs 4. re-seat @ the speakers**  5. reconnect** @ the amp.  6. power ... 
Dedicated circuits
I’m very sorry for my lousy proof-reading of two replies before. OTOH how spell check got “bracket” from “breaker” is beyond me. regardless the take-away is KNOW your panel’s brand or, like me, bring a picture w/you and ask a CSA for confirmatio... 
Dedicated circuits
@immatthewj  ”make sure that [breaker & box brands match.]” Yes. In my limited experience in my previous & current domiciles, I think the wrong brand bracket won’t fit/work. I’ve always brought a picture of the box to avoid that mistake.... 
More Questions about Dedicated Circuits
When I added the three 20As dedicated for my HT system over 5 years ago, I WANTED the amplifier circuits on one side and the “TV, pre/pro, CD, etc” circuit (fed/filtered by power conditioner) on the other.    Later, I had friend & “family*” m... 
Dedicated circuits
@Audiencllc where to buy magnetic breakers - Lowe’s or Home Depot? This thread is has a few people that know a thing or two about power demands. Getting ready to swap in a Sunfire True Sub Signature to handle LFE duty and the CC’s heavy lifting.... 
What does a subwoofer solve?
Your question is “What does a subwoofer solve?” Answer: your midrange. If you can still borrow those subs, set the XO frequency between 100 & 110.  Yes, depending upon its F3 it can extend your system’s low end and [should] improve your low e... 
Power Conditioning on the Cheap
I’ll add APC (H15) to your list for consideration.   I got mine used. It’s a long story, suffices to say it save my previous pre/pro at a rental w/“ISSUEs” even a dedicated 20A wasn’t enough.    
Why don't upgrade the wires and components inside our units?
Seems to be almost as many opinions as listeners… To name a few tweaks: I’ve rewired speakers to include adding banana jacks to one pair. I’ve replaced DIN jacks -> gold plated RCAs on a mid 80s Meridian. A little later upgraded the wiring for... 
Is Outlaw Audio going to make a new low cost surround sound processor?
@auxinput: I’d love to learn the details about your 976 “…massive modification and recap.” I “graduated” from from a Rotel RSP 1068 pre/pro dying a slow death, one channel at a time to the 975. Later, from the 975 to the 976. Each change was an u... 
Is Outlaw Audio going to make a new low cost surround sound processor?
Important differences/improvements I forgot to mention… the 976 is 4K ready - it’s far more than a 975 w/ balanced outputs. Comes w/two sub outs both XLR & SE though they really just save the user from having to buy/use a splitter More HDMI ... 
Is Outlaw Audio going to make a new low cost surround sound processor?
I’ve had and still have a 975 for sale @ $300 shipped east of the Mississippi. West of, slightly higher.    I have prospective buyer haggling. I stumbled across your Post while surfing to learn what other 975s were priced at.      let me know i... 
Do speaker wires have to be the same length for each speaker?
New pre-amp purchase advice
Ok. I’m sorry I did not know about having to subscribe to my own thread IME when one “starts” a thread, one is automatically subscribed - a new experience compared to the 4 other forums to which I frequent.   
Help, which preamp to buy from my shortlist?
Avoid the Meitner PA-6.  a friend's Meitner PA-6 failed, unrepairable RC circuitry rendered it a $$$$ paper weight!  He loved the SQ but...  
Who Tried Power Conditioners Over The Years and No Longer Use Them Today, Any Why?
High end power cords? I wholeheartedly agree, heavier is better. Beyond that; maybe, but... Read my "compromised hearing" explanation from my previous reply.    I recall from another forum a member having "ah hah moment" from, he claimed,  bass r...