The swiffer dry dusters are great. They definitely "trap" much more than they "spread". You just have to be really careful around a cart / cantilever - nothing new there, and better if you can dismount it before a clean (another reason to love headshell’d arms).
A nice thin microfiber cloth (like those used for cleaning optical glass) is also handy for cleaning between very tight spaces - like between the 2 halves of the bottom platter (magnetic air gap) on my Clearaudio Master Innovation, rather than tearing down the whole table to get at it (which is a pain).
And occasionally, a lint roller’s tape-paper can come in handy - like on the "groove interface mat" of a SOTA.
I guess I’ve been lucky as far as static electricity. Never been much of an issue in my systems. There was one time I THOUGHT I had a problem, but it turned out to be something else entirely. I even got a humidifier and the Hudson arm brush in hopes they would help - but they had no effect, here.
Have a friend with the DS Audio ionizer tower who likes it, and it looks cool as hell, but....nah, I kind of hit my wall with crazy audiophile tweaks, and this sort of thing no longer appeals to me.
Vacuum regularly and stay out of the room when the sun is shining on the equipment.
My VPI Classic and secondary table both have covers. Absolutely necessary item to avoid dusting damage on TTs.
Try the California (original)car dash duster for automobiles. It’s red and oval shaped. It’s what I use and it’s great. Around $12.
I don't really have much issues with dust. My wife vacuums on a regular basis (2-3 times/week), and even checks that I have the stylus guards fitted to both tonearms before she goes into the listening room with it vacuum. I have a feather duster for the turntable and gear. That works great.
How's about getting an air purifier near the equipment rack.
FWIW: I HATE dusting! It's a thankless job! However, when necessary, I use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Since the late 70s, however, I've been in the habit of using dust covers to entirely cover my TT, amp and CD transport when not in use. I had some old computer & office equipment dust covers that work perfectly for this. Aesthetics be damned! When the music is playing and the dust covers are off, of course, everything looks pretty. When not, well, dust is the enemy of any electronic equipment, and I don't give a damn about the aesthetics. When removing the dust covers, of course, even though there isn't much dust on them to speak of, I walk them gently to another room or the porch and shake them out. I'm surprised some clever audiophile marketer hasn't already devised a way to manufacture custom dust covers for this and sell them for the usual exorbitant audiophile equipment prices ... or have they?
Stereo Squares (stereosquares.com) will make acrylic dust covers to standard sizes and/or to spec. They do very nice work.
Oh boy! Another thread on dust covers seems to be emerging. I can't wait.
If you keep your room appropiately clean, a dust cover isn't at all necessary IMO. If you don't keep it clean enough - why not?
I could see a big heavy dust cover being maybe appropriate if you have a cat, but then you better hope they stay away from your speakers too (some love to claw at drivers). It could also be advisable if you had a linear tracker arm with a mile of precision bearing surface to collect dust and get gummed up over time (e.g. ET 2).
It’s a pain, but i disassemble all my gear, vacuum everything wipe down shelves after with microfiber rag, reassemble. We could dust daily and is still dusty 🙄
"My wife vacuums on a regular basis (2-3 times/week), and even checks that I have the stylus guards fitted to both tonearms before she goes into the listening room with it vacuum."
Does she have a sister?
Having destroyed a needle trying to clean my TT, got more of a hands off approach now. Also never going to buy anything Piano Black again! Impossible to keep clean.
Actually used car care products on my TT, got a ceramic spray, that I spray on a MF towel then clean all my gear with that. Wood cleaner for the rack, and wood parts.
Every once in a while, I'll just bring in my portable air compressor, use that to blow everything out. It's amazing how dust gets everywhere, even with a TT cover on, generally being in a clean room. But I got a kid and 2 dogs.
@dwette thanks for the lead. However, 400 bucks for a dust cover? Probably more for custom jobs? If you're handy and have the appropriate tools, you can buy plexiglass panels from a building supplies store, cut 'em down with a glass cutter and do the appropriate joinery yourself, thereby avoiding the labor charge. The computer & office equipment dust covers are way cheaper, overall, as long as you don't mind the aesthetics issue. Still, thanks for the lead!
P.S. Arts & Crafts stores like Michael's sometime have plexiglass cases in various sizes that you could use as a dust cover for a whole lot cheaper.
@oldaudiophile hey, you asked, so I answered.
I don't bother with a dust cover. I wouldn't be able to fit one for my turntable anyway, and it's really not a big problem.
Greetings all,
I use a vacuum cleaner micro adaptor kit that I bought at Harbor Freight along with Swiffers. The vacuum micro fittings work very well for my tube equipment.
I have a custom cloth cover for the dust cover of my old SOTA Star Sapphire. I don't recall who made it, but it's nice not to have to dust the turntable's acrylic dust cover often.
I use a combination of my vacuum and impregnated dust rags for dusting the gear racks. There are some tight spaces on the sides of the gear that is in enclosed cabinets that can be hard to reach, especially for gear that has rackmount facies, but that dust on the shelves is not all that harmful.
An important bit of occasional maintenance is to open the covers of my amps and blow out the dust inside. I've only done this once in the 35 years I've had them. I keep clear plastic covers on them when they're not on, so that reduces the dust accumulation externally and internally.
drmuso, Do you then need a cover for the custom cloth cover for the acrylic dust cover of the SOTA? (Sorry, could not resist.)
vetsc5 I am not seeing the kit on the HF website… can you help with a link from another source, or pictures?
Never use a vacuum cleaner around tubes.....
Never use a vacuum cleaner around tubes.....
Never heard this one before - why?
I'll make sure to get after my wife about more frequent vacuuming! LOL
It would be easier to hire a French maid.
My Rega P6 has a dustcover which does a pretty nice job for the TT itself. I'll grab a swiffer and some fresh micro fiber cloths and be more diligent.
Thanks for the responses
My friend who makes and sells tube amps and other delicate gear uses a paint brush to dust his gear. I am now also following suite. My RAAl VM-1a tube amp for example is almost impossible to clean with most regular methods and a breeze with the soft paint brush.
I cover my TT with a piece of silk from a 2nd-hand-store Hawaiian Shirt (about $5).
I cut-out the back panel, then my wife quickly hemmed the edges. It is cheap, works as well as the plexiglass cover that my other TT has and is very light.
Warning - learn to remove it from the rear, moving to the front, to avoid snagging the cart.
Cheap, works well and looks cool... This has worked for years. Wife optional.
OP, long ago when young and more into the concept...friends and self toyed with the idea of a deaf, dumb, and blind nymphomaniac maid....
Wouldn't be very good at cleaning much, and there's the upkeep factors.
Feather duster that lives atop our giraffe does the bulk, camel hair paint brush for the crevices....vac the fan faces....brush and destat the TT's....keep the covers on if not busy....Hit all the computers if neglected for awhile when into the process.
2 humans, 1 dog, 2 cats. All shorthaired. Cats leave the speakers alone; sudden doses of LOUD early on has kept them at bay since, even though grill-less.
My former house cleaner was so thorough she cleaned the cantilevers off two cartridges.