
Responses from dwette

Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading?
@larryi  A clamping system can further improve the transfer of energy, but whether this will improve the sound is a matter of system synergy and personal raste. I have the Clearaudio Statement clamp and outer limit ring, and it does sound bett... 
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading?
I don’t use a platter pad. Well, maybe I do. It’s a 70mm POM platter pad sitting on a 15mm stainless steel platter. Right @mulveling?   
@josepad FWIW: I just use the SPT at the beginning of each listening session (usually 2-4 hours). After every record I wipe the stylus with the dense carbon brush supplied with the cartridge (I have Atlas Lambda SL and Atlas Lambda Mono). I still... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
Plus, I've gotten great support over the years from Musical Surroundings. I am getting both my Universal 12" arms rewired. They have to go back to Germany for that, for est. 6-8 weeks. Musical Surroundings sent me one of their demo arms, first to ... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
@mulveling Thanks for answering about Clearaudio parts. I haven't ever needed to buy such parts (and I have my original boxes). When I ordered my Innovation I got an extra 30mm standard armboard for a 2nd Universal arm. That was $500. It seems ste... 
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP
@richardbrand has a good suggestion. The OP should get their own system out of the equation if they think the records have an issue (and I have already commented the DG TOS reissue doesn't have that issue here). Play them on a known good system be... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
@inna I have a German turntable and tonearms (Clearaudio), Japanese cartridges (Lyra x 2, Dynavector), American phono-stage (Boulder), British electronics (Naim Audio top-of-line Classic series), Danish speakers (Dynaudio) and British subs (REL)... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
@mulveling    3 table companies I like? Impossible lol. I also like my Clearaudio a lot, but they've made a lot of design missteps IMO, and their pricing (especially for parts, upgrades) sucks.  What parts have you needed for a Clearaudio? ... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
I had a Linn LP12 from ca. 1987 until the 2000s. I stopped using it in the 90s because the suspension failed. Around 2010 my wife wanted us to start playing records again. I sold the crippled LP12 and bought a Rega, but wasn’t really happy with it... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
@inna  Best turntables will always be British. And by extension - Australian. Why?  
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
@audiorusty The last time I measured I was hitting peaks at 119 dbc at slightly under 9’ away. I don’t believe that for a sewcond. That’s ear bleed, ear damaging volume. Surely there is a problem with how you measure. 120 dB marks the limit f... 
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
75 db +-10, more or less. Maybe some peaks into 90-95 db when I play large scale orchestra music, but nothing louder than that. I use the NIOSH SLM iOS app to measure.  
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP
@sbsail9 The Original Source series Pastoral sounds just fine on my system. Maybe what you need is better turntable isolation. That can make a very significant  difference and solve a lot of problems with vinyl playback.  
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP
If the DG recordings referred to are the new reissues in the DG Classics The Original Source series, I have them all. I have no issues with surface noise on any of them. These are quiet pressings. Optimal has challenges with pressing defects but e... 
Do you spend more on your cartridge or tone arm?
@markalarsen  I wish I could afford one Lyra Atlas Lambda cartridge.  Understand. I'm not trying to rub it in or make anyone envious, but it's a reasonable part of the discussion. I got lucky with a windfall, and I have the system to take adva...