Responses from dwette
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading? @larryi A clamping system can further improve the transfer of energy, but whether this will improve the sound is a matter of system synergy and personal raste. I have the Clearaudio Statement clamp and outer limit ring, and it does sound bett... | |
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading? I don’t use a platter pad. Well, maybe I do. It’s a 70mm POM platter pad sitting on a 15mm stainless steel platter. Right @mulveling? | |
LYRA CARTRIDGES VIDEO @josepad FWIW: I just use the SPT at the beginning of each listening session (usually 2-4 hours). After every record I wipe the stylus with the dense carbon brush supplied with the cartridge (I have Atlas Lambda SL and Atlas Lambda Mono). I still... | |
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? Plus, I've gotten great support over the years from Musical Surroundings. I am getting both my Universal 12" arms rewired. They have to go back to Germany for that, for est. 6-8 weeks. Musical Surroundings sent me one of their demo arms, first to ... | |
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? @mulveling Thanks for answering about Clearaudio parts. I haven't ever needed to buy such parts (and I have my original boxes). When I ordered my Innovation I got an extra 30mm standard armboard for a 2nd Universal arm. That was $500. It seems ste... | |
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP @richardbrand has a good suggestion. The OP should get their own system out of the equation if they think the records have an issue (and I have already commented the DG TOS reissue doesn't have that issue here). Play them on a known good system be... | |
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? @inna I have a German turntable and tonearms (Clearaudio), Japanese cartridges (Lyra x 2, Dynavector), American phono-stage (Boulder), British electronics (Naim Audio top-of-line Classic series), Danish speakers (Dynaudio) and British subs (REL)... | |
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? @mulveling 3 table companies I like? Impossible lol. I also like my Clearaudio a lot, but they've made a lot of design missteps IMO, and their pricing (especially for parts, upgrades) sucks. What parts have you needed for a Clearaudio? ... | |
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? I had a Linn LP12 from ca. 1987 until the 2000s. I stopped using it in the 90s because the suspension failed. Around 2010 my wife wanted us to start playing records again. I sold the crippled LP12 and bought a Rega, but wasn’t really happy with it... | |
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? @inna Best turntables will always be British. And by extension - Australian. Why? | |
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? @audiorusty The last time I measured I was hitting peaks at 119 dbc at slightly under 9’ away. I don’t believe that for a sewcond. That’s ear bleed, ear damaging volume. Surely there is a problem with how you measure. 120 dB marks the limit f... | |
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? 75 db +-10, more or less. Maybe some peaks into 90-95 db when I play large scale orchestra music, but nothing louder than that. I use the NIOSH SLM iOS app to measure. | |
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP @sbsail9 The Original Source series Pastoral sounds just fine on my system. Maybe what you need is better turntable isolation. That can make a very significant difference and solve a lot of problems with vinyl playback. | |
Rumble - turntable or background noise DG LP If the DG recordings referred to are the new reissues in the DG Classics The Original Source series, I have them all. I have no issues with surface noise on any of them. These are quiet pressings. Optimal has challenges with pressing defects but e... | |
Do you spend more on your cartridge or tone arm? @markalarsen I wish I could afford one Lyra Atlas Lambda cartridge. Understand. I'm not trying to rub it in or make anyone envious, but it's a reasonable part of the discussion. I got lucky with a windfall, and I have the system to take adva... |