Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
I was thinking about trying SR UEF Cable Risers next. I found the SR Blackbox sucked the life out of recordings by cutting off frequencies above 8Khz. The UEF Cable Riser demo may indicate a similar negative loss of highs/openess effect using a type of ECT on each riser, or they may just focus the sound better without losing the highs and openess.  I will have to try it in my listening room to see if it's a keeper or a loser.
  The audio mag writers who witnessed the demo with the Synergistic cable risers said they made a big difference sound wise with them in the system.
   Can you report back if you try them. I would be interested in your comments.
I spent an hour on a simple study. Googled RMAF and a few others to look at pictures of the rooms with equipment I will never be able to afford. Many had visible risers to get the cables off the hotel floor or had taken steps to eliminate ground contact.  I have learned that the most important thing besides actually practicing critical listening, is keeping an open mind. The third best thing is to ignore those who post multiple times in one thread to prove they are correct.  A ten dollar investment in what will surely not "hurt" anything is a fine idea.  Not taking yourself too seriously and being able to laugh is also a fine idea.  
Of course the Synergistic cable risers will work. Duh. Because 1: Synergistic and 2: ECT/HFT. Could probably just stick some ECT right on the cables. Why not? ECT works on everything else. After trying them on all kinds of things from my tone arm and motor to my laptop the surprise would be if they don't. According to SR website they tuned this particular HFT to this particular use. Which would be no surprise except for they call this red one HFT which is odd if you know ECT are all red and look exactly like this, while HFT are all gray or silver or black and none so far are red. PHT are black, blue, green and purple. Aside from color and size these are all the same thing, only they definitely are tuned, I can see this clearly under x-ray. Yeah, I have x-rayed them. That's the way I roll. Deal with it!


Have you ever tried anything from Geoff's Machina Dynamics website?

Interesting question. Makes me curious to know which of those fine products you think I might actually find worth a try? Seriously. Which one?
I haven’t followed this thread,
A wise decision David......

However nice link with a great cheap and cheerful option.
uberwaltz9,831 posts02-27-2020 2:04pm
I haven’t followed this thread,
A wise decision David......

>>>>>Unlike yourself. 🤗
There is one obvious difference with raising cables off the floor, and that's the fact that once that's done, they're off the floor.
Analog Audiophiles using Speaker Cable Risers should be paying more for Audiophile Equipment Insurance (AEI)

This is because there is a good likelihood that if these risers are left in place for a year, the owner will end up tripping on one of them when he goes to change a record every 20 minutes.

Various Insurance Tripping Scenarios

While falling he tries to balance himself.... off one of his floor standers..... knocks it over, scratching the exotic wood finish, and taking out the beryllium tweeter.

or worse.

While falling .....head first into the turntable......., he takes out his Goldfinger cartridge which was minding its own business in the run-out groove.

Just saying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In my case, it's morbid stupidity....
Dunno Carp but I thinks its a great  band name!
Cable raiser manufacturers also sell a special gas mixture in pressurized tubes which you spray in front of the speakers which increases the frequency response to from -50hz to +1 megahertz.  Especially the negative frequencies are of enormous importance to sound quality.
The frequencies above 100k are reserved specifically for the people who can hear the difference the cable raisers make.
Cable raiser manufacturers also sell a special gas mixture in pressurized tubes which you spray in front of the speakers which increases the frequency response to from -50hz to +1 megahertz. Especially the negative frequencies are of enormous importance to sound quality.
The frequencies above 100k are reserved specifically for the people who can hear the difference the cable raisers make.
Ted Denneys next big thing!

Is it akin to glue sniffing as I think I picked a hell of a week to quit......
This little echo-chamber you got going here, I know it must make you all feel normal. But you might want to stop, if only for a second, and imagine how you look to actual real normal people. As a friend told me just today, "Its like they sit alone in their room never bothering to see if anything they're saying is actually true." In other words, mental, deluded... pathetic.
Cable risers are, in general, too low.

They should be high enough for vacuum cleaner/mop to slide under. Convenience with floor hygiene is their most coveted value.
"...never bothering to see if anything they’re saying is actually true."
It is not.
But you might want to stop, if only for a second, and imagine how you look to actual real normal people.
Ah well
We do not need worry what you think then eh Miller......
I tried some purple and pink hemp rope spun together. Then today suspended from the ceiling with a 20 pound spring from a 28 ton Crosby shackle. I hung a 3’ 3/8” wire  rope sling also from the shackle. Dissimilar items so high and low frequencies can be adjusted with length of each. I wrapped the hemp around the wire rope sling at a rate of 3-1. 9 wraps for every 1 foot of length. Put the tail through the eyelet. Tied the rope to the wire suspending the wire at 1 3/64th above the hardwood... I also laid a 3” strip of carpet under the wire to prevent any resonances from the hardwood. And I have to tell you. It’s been the biggest change to my system. Made my speaker friggin sing.... Going to do the same to the interconnects next. Except I think they will need a 45 ton shackle. 
Oh gee...that's hilarious. You spent way too much time on that  considering how unfunny it was.
Yes it took me months to try this all out. And a few minutes to report back. 
I have had mine raised off the carpet floor for about a month, could not tell the difference. I moved them back to the floor with out the risers and the sound did change a little, i put them back on the risers for the better. 
Good point. Testing sometimes requires a more careful and thorough approach. People oft jump to conclusions too quickly. 
Post removed 

@millercarbon +1 0n lowerline insulators.  Lol i took a bucket in from the shop a numer of years ago ran them through the dishwasher  then tried  them a bid difference.  I made wood triangle stands before  they helpped the insulators  an even  bigger  benefit.  

Part of the problem in my situation is that power cords and speaker cables are all lying together in a small area. I don't have the floor space to separate them. 

Yes, at very least it keeps your cables clean, and makes it easier to clean the floor.

"...interacts with the photons traveling down the cable dielectric..." That statement alone tells you all you need to know. Sorry, but photons don't travel down the dielectric. Not in our universe, anyway.

it is depend what kind a speakers to use.   If you have cheap speakers like Bosh or any Tekton less them $1000, the raising cable dont make any difference, but if you have  expensive  especially more than  10 grand  , ---spend more couple hundred American dollars  for cable support ,and you will get HUGE  sound improvement  

I have the AudioQuest Fog lifters, and to me, they look pretty cool. They are relatively inexpensive (8 for-$149) and DO seem to tighten the image somewhat.
