Hello All. I'm considering upgrading my Marantz CD5005 cd player. I have enough silver disks to warrant treating them right. The Marantz has been ok but getting longer in tooth. I was curious as to what my fellow 'Goners have heard in the above price range that represent good values (new or used is fine). Amp is a Rogue Sphinx and speakers are new Magnepan MMGi's. Listening tastes are blues, classic rock and a smattering of jazz...Input appreciated...
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I'm pleased with the over all sound. I have heard some of the newer units have reliability issues (from a Marantz dealer). I think the sound is refined. I like the Oppo one-box-solution and the sound is comparable...
how pleased are you with the marantz brand? have you looked at newer units in their line up? their latest (mid 2016) mid range piece is the 6006 which i myself own. they also have a couple units around 850 to 1200 which also feature sacd. used, you could get a proceed. built very well but kind of sharp and forward sounding--. there's probably a good number of sony es units from their heyday in the early 90s (good sound, good build quality) that fall in that range--

BDP-85 which has a top flight DAC chip set. If anything, I would say slightly more detail. The Marantz sound is easy and smooth, some say too smooth. I like the versatility of the Oppo as i have a handful of SACD's as well. I'm not a videophile but it does eliminate another box and connections....
I woud like to know what you think of the Oppo vs. your Marantz when playing CDs. Which Oppo?
Good thought but I went he universal route with an Oppo one box solution, for now anyway....
If you like your Marantz, you should give the HD-CD1 a try. I just got one about a week ago, and it sounds wonderful. It's also built solid, and it looks great. After having my previous player for over 10 years, listening to CD's now is a whole new experience. Gone is the sterile glare of old. It's hard to beat at $599, and I've had players that cost a WHOLE lot more.
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We have a modified a Onkyo NS-6170. In shootouts it outperformed the most epensive SACD players of Marantz even with 16 bit 44.1 khz recordings. Audio is all about effectness and result.
Well, I just snagged a mint Opportunity universal player for the one box solution angle. I can always add the day down the road. Thank you all for the great input!
would agree with Kalali,,,,Have two of the denafrips DACs...have never had better digital sound in my system. will blow away the stock dac chip set in your CD player. don't waste your money on another CD player....for a similar sonic experience....even the entry level Denafrips Ares is a smoking buy, nothing comes close for under 2k.

The other option is to do what a few others suggested and exact copy the CDs to a drive using a server to play the tracks....bit error rates on Hard drives are much better than on optical drives.
Also I have the same Marantz player - which sounds super clear and detailed. It holds a warm place in my heart and opened the door to hi-FI for me.  Moving up should pull a lot more “soul” from your discs. I’m continually wowed by the players I upgraded to. Let us know what you get!
+1 for Rega CD players.  I still have the original Planet spinning discs in my living room.

Also add Resolution Audio to your list.
You can probably find a used Audio Refinement CDP for less than 500usd. Easily worth the money.

Blu-Ray and DVD aren't great as transport it's better to use dedicated CD transport without build in DAC to an extrnal dedicated DAC,moreover coax digital cables are better than Toslink ones.

In your scenario you have 2 components, a digital cable (they DO NOT sound the same), an extra power cord, a separate shelf, isolation/vibration control devices AND magically you have to get lucky to find synergy with all.

Before I got my Oppo 105 I was using a hotrodded Pioneer PD 65 (Stable Platter) with outboard power supply, another power cord and a high quality 2.0 Toslink cable from WireWorld, connecting to the 24/96 dac in my Parasound P 5.

The Oppo 105 with XLR outs was also plugged plugged into the P 5, but it crushed the transport/dac.  Now that I am using the 105 direct outs to my amps, layers of noise vanished, which has allowed me to hear everything at a much lower level, but there is the rub, when the Oppo volume control is slightly lowered from wide open, apparently it looses bits. So, I just bought a used Hattor XLR passive pre in hopes of improving bit loss at lower volumes, running the 105 wide open but using the Hattor to adjust volume.

I could have it by Saturday, and it will take me a couple days to figure it out and listen to some music before reporting back .
Great information, I do appreciate the advise and will consider very carefully...

In my humble opinion gone the days that hi-res were suppirier over CDs just hook up reasonable CD transport ,quality digital cable to a good DAC and you’ll hear any difference compare to hi-res files.
The current DACs sold today are so good that you can leave in peace with your CD’s collection / CDs ripped files.
smer319 I dunno.  The ALAC RIPs I get from iTunes on my Mac sound identical to the to the FLAC RIPS I got from DBpoweramp;  they seem to contain the same audio data (compared using AccurateRIP).  With very few exceptions the files appear to be identical.  Some differences in the way metadata is handled, but I am using Roon, and their metadata solutions more than satisfies me.

I have compared some of the FLAC files and ALAC files I have stored on my hard drive to the CDs they were ripped from.  They sound the same (AB tests running both sources at the same time and over long listening sessions).  Maybe I'm just lucky I do not have the "golden ears" required to tell the difference, but I have decided this is a non-issue.  If this causes you stress, just get DBpoweramp and use AccurateRIP to check their database.

When I decide to play a CD, I just pop it into a Superdrive that is connected to a Mac mini>optical out>DAC>stereo.  I am a graphic designer, so I already had the Superdrive and several old Mac minis laying around doing nothing.  Not long ago, I needed to press the mini into back-up service for my design work, so I took it off the rack and plugged my AppleTV optical out into the DAC (limited to 16bit/44.1, but most library is CD RIPs anyhow).  If I didn't have the Mac hardware, several DACs and extra hard drives laying around, I'd buy the Vault.
The Vault idea is sensational. Great deck. Does ripping at a much higher level than a standard computer copy. The App is sensational. It makes listening to music a Joy. I own the M50.2 by NAD. The sound quality is comparable to top level products unless you get to much higher priced products. Happy listening my friend. Buy one and make playlists. I am making one for my barbeque tonight and then my Kids Gender reveal on Monday.

While I have never personally heard any Rotel equipment, the owners of their cd players are very loyal so I am sure they sound as good as others have said.  I bought a Marantz SA8005 SACD player last August and sold it in October.  I sounded ok but the controls were so small and flimsy and the sound  although ok, was not really the least bit engaging.  It was like a one note performance.  I was playing it through a McIntosh integrated and GE Triton 1 speakers.  I replaced it with a Mac CD player which sounded great from the first listen.

If you can't afford the Oppo 205 (you can register on Oppo's site to be able to purchase one) at around $1,300, then I would go with the Rotel.  Plus, Rotel is a real  good company that makes low cost  audiophile equipment.
I second the Rotel recommendation. They are as good as it gets for a very reasonable price. I have both and think the Rotel beats the Marantz even though it has less features
If you don’t want to spend the money on a Vault, their are plenty of DIY solutions that will accomplish the same thing. Currently I am RIPing my CDs on my computer, then storing my collection on a networked 2T external drive (I’m at about 150 GB, 50+ FLAC redbook CDs). I do occasional manual backups on a spare 500GB drive, which works fine for now. Use Airplay to send stream to Apple TV or Airport Express (Mac user, you can do the same stuff with PCs). AEX>DAC>output to stereo. You can go AEX>stereo too, but a better DAC may be a good idea, depending on your system.

It’s hard to figure out why anyone would want a dedicated CD player when these options are available. The only thing I can think of is that the physical act of selecting a CD, manually inserting it and looking at the printed material as you listen is essential to your experience. If that’s the case, then I would still buy a Vault instead of a new CD player, and just pretend it is a CD player.
The Vault solution has a lot going for it. I assume you can RIP your CDs as you listen to them. If not there will be a few minutes to RIP, then you can RIP next one in and start listening. From my experience, the internal DAC works fine (use a better one if you want). The BlueSound software will organize your collection, and with little work you can get most of the album art and metadata. Try Roon for an even more involving metadata experience. Plug in a hard drive to the Vault to back up your collection. Done.
Actually, the Creek Audio CD 50 is the best you can get for around your budget. It has dual Wolfson DAC, one for each channel, multiple digital inputs and great reviews. MRSP $1,400 but you can find deals for around $1000. 
Look into the Rotel RCD-1572 it has a Wolfson premium
24-bit/192kHz Digital to Analogue Converter and you can pick up one new for under $1,000.00
I’m going to agree with the idea of ripping your collection to disc.
When I upgraded my gear to pre-owned Logan/Bryston/Krell equipment, I needed a source that was equal to the rest of the system. I found that a HiFiBerry DAC+Pro XLR attached to a Pi yields outstanding results.

Yes, it is time consuming to rip and clean up tags and art but that investment yields ongoing rewards. There’s nothing like being able to search songs and explore your collection from your favorite listening position using a smart phone or tablet. And you can always re-purpose the data for use in your car or other devices.

For about a hundred bucks, why not give it a try?
105 Update:

ebaye sells aftermarket 105 parts that are pretty much plug n play. I highly recommend upgrading the IEC and replacing the oem crappy power supply with a Linear Power Module. Mine was only $118 + the iec wiring loom: total < $300

I just sold a Parasound preamp that has a 24/96 dac built it, but it does not play SCAD/DVD A, etc, I only got $~ 650 net for it; $1100 MSRP 

Now, if you need to plug other equipment into a preamp, you are stuck, but if not, you will be amazed 

I just went through the same ordeal, except budget was closer to 2k and I currently use an oppo-205.

I ended up with a Mark Levinson 37 transport and 360S DAC. it is 18 years old and still miles ahead of any digital I have had in my system.

I’m with the keeptheCDplayerand buyaDAC crowd.  Just make sure that your current player has digital outs.
Then if you do wish to start burning your CDs to a HD, you can use the DAC for that as well
If you want to try streaming look for a used Cambridge 851N. You’re going to need to figure a little extra for a good digital cable and maybe a couple nice digital power cables to get the best out of your transport and the 851N so the cost just keeps going up. If you’re not at all interested in streaming and only need a two channel player then the Cambridge 851C is pretty darn good. I am waiting for the final production run of the Oppo 205 to see if it’s what some say it is but my gut’s telling me its probably a fine Swiss Army player but for two channel my 851C will be better but I’ll hold judgment until I get mine before I say ignore used Oppo’s over the Cambridge. I can tell you the Cambridge 851C is outstanding and the better the cables the better. I’m also thinking of picking up the Bluesound Vault II for streaming and try it on its own or run it through my 851C which I’ve already picked up a Nordost Silver Shadow to do so. The Vault II might be a good option as well as others mentioned. Look for a used Cambridge 851C. If you buy used you’ll get more and if you don’t like it you will not lose much if any to resale.
As it's the disc-drive in the CD player that is likely the first thing to do, for simple longevity I don't see how keeping the current player and getting a DAC is the best option.  If you're confident in the Marantz, OK.  But I have to say this: a few years ago I got a new Cambridge transport and a new Schiit Gungnir and a Wireworld connection and put them up against my distinctly long-in-the-tooth Bryston BCD-1.  The Bryston still resides in the main system, and the combo in the secondary.  You may need to go higher up the DAC scale to get a significantly noticeable improvement in sound.
I also agree that keeping the same CD player and adding a DAC makes sense. If the current player finally starts acting up, they're mechanical - it's inevitable, you shouldn't be in that much of a bind to find another hi-end transport/CD player. Also most DACs can be tied to multiple sources.

I'd try to avoid using a universal disc player unless your plan is to integrate this into a video system. There are some good ones out  there but they remain more video than music oriented as far as operation is concerned.
I would buy a DAC and use the 5005 as a transport. Consider future possible uses when shopping for the DAC. Will add flexibility to system.
Definitely get a 105. I've seen some used ones ~ $900

If you're big ito CDs...

Then go to ebaye and get 2 DIY items (the hardest part if making sure to mark which screws go where on the damn chassis cover and the one board that mst be removed from the backplate. Not to worry, easy picture instructions are available
If I were buying from Audiogon right now, I'd look at that Creek CD-50, which is brand new and which you can get, I'm sure, for a full 33% off.
If it were me, I would keep the CD player and add a DAC. Something like a Denafrips Ares or Ayre Codex will definitely improve your CD playback. The Ares in particular is great buy for well under $1K and its R2R design is a better match for Redbook PCM format. You can use the DAC later if/when you add a streamer so a much better investment.
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consider a Rega cd player that will mate well w/ Rogue Audio gear and Magnepan speakers. As above, the Marantz 8005, is a nice option as well.

Happy Listening!

It’s not that bad.  Do a few everyday. Put your favorites in first so you can listen almost right away like on the first day.  Plus you get Radio Paradise commercial free which is great.  Then there is page after page of commercial internet stations to explore.

Sound is better than my CD players, especially the way over rated Oppo 105 D which I also own unfortunately.

 I explore more of my CD collection when I can look around on the iPad while I’m listening to another track.  Best value in Audio in my opinion.

After you get over all that, add a Tidal subscription and your library just got huge. That’s next on my list. For the price of one cd per month you get an incredible selection of new music to explore.
Do you have a dac that would allow the use of a transport or do you need a CD player with built in dac?
The Vault sounds interesting but the idea of "ripping" 900+ cd's sounds daunting to me...