Hello All. I'm considering upgrading my Marantz CD5005 cd player. I have enough silver disks to warrant treating them right. The Marantz has been ok but getting longer in tooth. I was curious as to what my fellow 'Goners have heard in the above price range that represent good values (new or used is fine). Amp is a Rogue Sphinx and speakers are new Magnepan MMGi's. Listening tastes are blues, classic rock and a smattering of jazz...Input appreciated...

Showing 9 responses by beernut

The Vault sounds interesting but the idea of "ripping" 900+ cd's sounds daunting to me...
Great information, I do appreciate the advise and will consider very carefully...

Well, I just snagged a mint Opportunity universal player for the one box solution angle. I can always add the day down the road. Thank you all for the great input!
Good thought but I went he universal route with an Oppo one box solution, for now anyway....
BDP-85 which has a top flight DAC chip set. If anything, I would say slightly more detail. The Marantz sound is easy and smooth, some say too smooth. I like the versatility of the Oppo as i have a handful of SACD's as well. I'm not a videophile but it does eliminate another box and connections....
I'm pleased with the over all sound. I have heard some of the newer units have reliability issues (from a Marantz dealer). I think the sound is refined. I like the Oppo one-box-solution and the sound is comparable...