Hello All. I'm considering upgrading my Marantz CD5005 cd player. I have enough silver disks to warrant treating them right. The Marantz has been ok but getting longer in tooth. I was curious as to what my fellow 'Goners have heard in the above price range that represent good values (new or used is fine). Amp is a Rogue Sphinx and speakers are new Magnepan MMGi's. Listening tastes are blues, classic rock and a smattering of jazz...Input appreciated...

Showing 2 responses by twoleftears

If I were buying from Audiogon right now, I'd look at that Creek CD-50, which is brand new and which you can get, I'm sure, for a full 33% off.
As it's the disc-drive in the CD player that is likely the first thing to do, for simple longevity I don't see how keeping the current player and getting a DAC is the best option.  If you're confident in the Marantz, OK.  But I have to say this: a few years ago I got a new Cambridge transport and a new Schiit Gungnir and a Wireworld connection and put them up against my distinctly long-in-the-tooth Bryston BCD-1.  The Bryston still resides in the main system, and the combo in the secondary.  You may need to go higher up the DAC scale to get a significantly noticeable improvement in sound.