

Cary/Triad magic system

Cary/Triad magic system

This is my reference system because it sounds fantastic and I never change it. The Cary was purchased in 1996 and replaced a Pioneer receiver which sounded very Ho Hum. It was instant magic and any...

ESP & BAT or N802 & W4S

ESP & BAT or N802 & W4S

The ESP & VAC system has given way to a wonderful hot running BAT VK55 amplifier which is a better match to the speakers. I have supplemented the low frequencies with a pair of Gallo TR1D subs ...

rhljazz's Mountain home system

rhljazz's Mountain home system

System assembled from mostly not currently used or backup components other than the Vault 2 and BDI console.  Cabling is Monster for speakers, Nordost and Linn for IC’s.  All PC’s are stock with no...