Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?

I am certainly biased by my lifetime final amp being a Class D. But I know that after 30+ years of development, Class D seems to be on a high plain. I know there are now many, many companies focusing on Class D and, maybe, a good handful already as good as it gets. My Class D amp is as smooth and beautifully musical as a great tube amp and as punchy and detailed as a great SS amp. I am satisfied and done with my search. A class D amp has effectively taken me off the amp merry-go-round. It’s about time after 50 years. And, for me, this Class D is a milestone. Will all other classes of amps fade away?
It comes down to finding that great amplifier regardless of class. There are just ok class a, a/b and d amps just as there are great class a, a/b and d amps.

Those making claims that there are no great class d amps have not experienced the best that is out there. And i'm not talking about bargain amps or the most watts for the least amount of money. Most look at class d and are willing to give something up for the convience and money saving of class d. The class d i own allows me to have my cake and eat it too. I sold my Wavac 300b tube amp and Pass XA25 because they were collecting dust as my class d was superior to both to MY ears.
I sold my Wavac 300b tube amp and Pass XA25 because they were collecting dust as my class d was superior to both to MY ears.

You used an SE 300b or a XA25 to drive a pair of Wilson WP 5.1’s!!!!
No wonder you think the Class-D AGD is the be all and end all to those 2 amps, which btw had no hope of driving the 5.1’s correctly, look at the combined impedance and -phase angle, the EPDR is around 1 to 1.5ohm in the bass very hard to drive. And like I say now also even for the AGD, but it’s better than what you had.
A demanding load, its impedance (fig.2) reaching a current-hungry 2.4 ohms in the upper bass, although this will be moderated by the relatively innocuous phase angle in the same region. The rise in impedance above 100Hz is due to the low-pass crossover; the low port tuning is revealed by the magnitude saddle between 20Hz and 40Hz.
If you wish to learn a little about EPDR load of speakers on amps go here.
Once again you know zero of what you say. I also do not desire to read your links. You fail to realize that at one time i owned a company that built speakers and have several US patents still in effect. Your one of those that wants to be a big fish in a small pond, it's somewhat sad that you feel the need for the attention.

Regarding speakers  Wilson's are not the only speakers that i own. I own Devore nines and super nines, Audio Note, Raidho, Magico, and Tekton. I also have Boulder amps that i'm keeping simply because i can only get half of what i paid new.

I come on here to provide to others my experience. Your combative with people and feel the need to be right. Your real world knowledge seems to be limited and comes from what you read or some review and not first hand experience. Some of your posts are quite comical and i detect the lack of knowledge.

And please no more paste and copy or boring links.
your posts are quite comical and i detect the lack of knowledge. Once again you know zero of what you say.
Everything has been proved, it is you that is the unknowledgeable one with no idea, and no will to learn, and with a fixation with what the AGD amp is cable doing and not doing.

And please no more paste and copy or boring links.
Only because you know nothing of EPDR speaker loading, and are not even willing to try to understand what it is🤦‍♂️, I’ve tried, but you have 😉

I come on here to provide to others my experience.
But which tell them false stories of what the AGD is capable of doing into low EPDR bass loads of around 1 to 1.5ohms. That is why I post measurement proof to correct your falsehoods.
Every class of amplification and every amplifier itself, has advantages and disadvantages. Class A, AB, D, tube amps, single ended triode, etc. There are things that my current class D amplifier excels in that my previous First Watt F7, Almarro a318b, E.A.R. 890 and others did not and vice versa.

In the end, amplifiers are like women:
Which one do you want to live with on a day-to-day basis without annoying you to the point where you have to move on to something else?
Which one has so many positives that you are willing to put up with the negatives?

It’s the same thing.
Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?
 Skynet will take over and we will all be servants to the robot kingdom. Forced to listen to Industrial Tranzsedentic Music for the rest of our existence.

John Conner let us all down.

Happy Independence Day.

like what you like who cares what others think. 
My current Class D amp is the AGD Audion.
There are about a half dozen+ Forum members all saying the same thing… they are uniquely superb.

A brand new result of the unique performance of the AGDs is that every record in my collection is now highly listenable, to say the least. Regardless of recording quality, the AGDs bring out the essential beauty. Quite a bargain for a whole new LP collection!
AGD is that every record in my collection is now highly listenable Regardless of recording quality

That’s great, I’m not saying/never it’s not with the right speaker loading.

I’m correcting someone who has attempted to misinform the members here, about what speakers they can’t drive to their best, either through total lack of EPDR load understanding or outright just wishful thinking because they own one, and think they are the answer to everything🙏

Cheers George

 Skynet will take over and we will all be servants to the robot kingdom. Forced to listen to Industrial Tranzsedentic Music for the rest of our existence.
I hope not, that tranzsedentic music is the worst....
@mglik Thank you for the information. I am going to try and demo them and see if I can audition in my system.
I like to try things and see for my self. If they don't work out I sell them here...
Can only formulate an opinion based on first hand information and I never base it on a spec sheet alone.
If I did I would have never purchased the greatest sounding non up-scaling DAC on the planet. BP SE-i
Sad really sad. george is the type of member that keeps most manufactures from taking part on forums. There is always one bad apple and it's unfortunate.

I stand by my experience that the AGD's drive Wilson 5.1 and XLF's superbly. I have close to 5 decades with Wilson speakers and i have never heard them sound better. Many members here and else where that have tried the AGD's agree with me 100%. This coming from those with hands on experience and not speculation or misinformation.

For those wanting to explore class D there are a handful of class D amps that are upper class and superb, i came across AGD almost by accident and my musical enjoyment has increased tenfold. If you can get a trial at home to some good class D amps you could be in for a musical revelation, this coming from personal experience.
@rh67 thank you. I find being narrow minded very limiting and will not throw the baby out with the proverbial bath water, due to failures by other manufacturers.

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Different flavors for different tastes. If you prefer an amp that is accurate to the source, class d may be what you are looking for. If you like a lot of extra sauce, then maybe look elsewhere.
In the end, amplifiers are like women:
Which one do you want to live with on a day-to-day basis without annoying you to the point where you have to move on to something else?
Which one has so many positives that you are willing to put up with the negatives?

It’s the same thing.                                                                                                        Well said devilboy.                         
Unfortunately Class D amps are not even as good as Midfi Class A/B. They are not taking over anything, they're just wowing some people with their extended highs, full midrange, fine details, black  background and tight bass. Once you get over that, you can regain your composure and resume your affair with Class A, Class A/B.
Some pretty misinformed posts here that frankly surprise me. It seems like common sense to understand not all amps, of any class,  can be given a broad brush assessment of being lacking. Oh my. 
There are officially two types of people on Audiogon.

Those listeners who trust their own ears, and can tell what they like to listen to versus what they do not like, and then there’s the audience which needs George to tell them they are wrong.

I wish I had as much grit in finishing a college level course as George has in pushing baseless opinions which are quickly disproven by anyone with two ears and half an hour to kill.



Just look at their independently measured 2ohm wattage figures (if you can find them) then compare to their 4ohm wattage figure, and see if the 2ohm even tries to come close to doubling the 4 ohm wattage figure, and post it up **** **** and if you don’t you full ** ****
What georgie should do is stop ****** ******* *** ***** ** **** *** **** *** ***.
Just look at their independently measured 2ohm wattage figures (if you can find them) then compare to their 4ohm wattage figure, and see if the 2ohm even tries to come close to doubling the 4 ohm wattage figure, and post it up **** **** and if you don’t you full ** ****
“Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.” -Aristophances

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It reminds me of an ad I posted on US Audio mart one time. A buyer asked me what a JC Penny ad has to do with me selling a tuner. Most people understand that US Audio Mart routinely puts ads on their sellers ads. Alternatively you should of figured out that it was tongue and cheek.
“Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.” -Aristophances
You must be describing yourself there, because all your shilling here, is "making out" that the Class-D you’ve got coming will be able to drive these hard to drive speakers to sound their best, a little secrete for you, it won’t! -Georgehifi

??? How do know this? My AGD's drive my Wilson's perfectly, my Wilson's never sounded better and i have had more than four decades with Wilson's. You seem to be an expert on what you have never heard or owned. Why post anything when you do not have a leg to stand on, your so far in left field it's not funny.
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As mentioned earlier all amps have their pro's and cons.  I've had my share of tube and ss amps over the past 35 years.  Currently using Bel Canto Ref600M's with Rogue RP7 Pre.  I'm not missing my PrimaLuna HP integrated at all.  The kids maybe a little "lighter" but the layers of music are really nice.  I find myself listening to music more rather than listening to equipment.  I'll probably go back to class a at some point but right now I don't miss the weight, heat or sound.  All is good.
@b_limo  I'm not sure that class D is going to "take over", as you say, but it's definitely getting better and better.
@thecarpathian  Yes! Meant to type that while class D may not take over, it's getting better and better. Sorry, I misspoke.
I jumped back into audio after sitting out for years. I bought a new wadia 315/321 amp/pre-amp along with totem acoustic forest speakers. I was so disappointed with the sound as the speakers sounded great at the store but the bass response was really lacking at home. I considered new speakers but eventually settled on a new Cary Audio SLP 98 pre and 120S MKII amp same speakers. Boy what a difference! So much sound and the speakers I was going to get rid now sound great. Glad I got rid of my wadia 315 class D.
Class D today is no different than another Class, There is the good the bad and the ugly in any class of amplifier.

People wanting a lot of watts on the cheap are going to get the same in SQ regardless of class of amp. Design is key regardless of class.
You know... I can enjoy music in a bunch of ways.  Hell, I’ve beat the steering wheel of a rental car when listening to a great song.

yes, a great system, whatever the make-up, is going to sound better than a rental car stereo; however, come on folks....  enjoy what you have and when the itch comes, make a change to a part of your system.

BTW, there isn’t a perfect way to get sound...  it’s all subjective...  coloration is a preference, kind of like ice cream.  What flavor or class is soothing to the taste buds or ears?  Anyone can decide!!

probably over half the people commenting don’t play an instrument. If you did (drums for me) you will realize that a sound system is probably not going to recreate the live instrument...

Go and enjoy the music...
 What flavor or class is soothing to the taste buds or ears?
Its not the class of operation- its the distortion signature. If you've got that right the class of operation is irrelevant.
Atmosphere... perhaps we are saying the same thing. My point was: people like the sound the way they like it. Class type, distortion signature, or whatever really doesn’t make a difference if someone likes the sound they have.

I’ve never listened to a Class D amp, so, I could care less. That being said, I have heard systems that sound really nice using a receiver. People can get good sound (stated differently: sound they enjoy) in a bunch of different ways.
No, of course not.

There is a still going to be a market for class A-B, Class A, Class T, and even Class C!
Lower-end amps from Chinese companies can have class T or some kind of Class D.
The Class type is only important if the implementation is right. It seems like your final amp got it right. Under the right circumstances, it could outperform a Class A amp.